K-Max's various services

Discussion in 'Services' started by KMax, Oct 21, 2011.

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  1. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    I will try hunting for you, that would be fun! Also, if you want a website for yourself and your service let me know. It makes advertising and letting users know you will supply items and pay them to play and skill basically a lot easier. I know I would have signed up sooner if I heard as would anyone I can think of really.
  2. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ya my hunting services is really nice opportunity for new players that look for a break from the sweat :D I currently am not hiring hunters at the moment I am still burning up the mats from the 2 week event I held earlier last month.

    I do have positions open in my space adventures still. Can never have enough people advertising for me while I am online or supporting the ship I pilot against pirates and other dangers in space :D If you are interested in trying that out some evening let me know. I currently employ 5 others but as all my employment it is optional to participate, I never require you to be available at specific times, it is good to have a larger set of employees to fall back on. I try to maintain a schedule and post it in my private group so employees have at least a few days notice of when I'll be flying.

    If interested please let me know via PM on the forum here or talk to me in game for further details on this opportunity. My other employee's have been having fun up there in space with me so would be hard to think you would not find it a blast also.
  3. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Space adventures :O what are U up to now Kmax :D.
    This sounds fun thou give me a beep if ya need a hand :).
  4. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Oh you know me always changing it up doing something new and inviting everyone along to have some fun :D
  5. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Looking for a few good men and women to help these next couple weekends with WoF hunts on Calypso. Post here if interested so I can get you on the team.

    Date and Time of hunt still to be determined but will update first post in this thread with all details on the Job.
  6. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Added alternate payment option to the job descriptions and added a few more materials I'll purchase at full daily mu's.

    Also the other teams I would want to help are Rocktropia for this weekend and either Rocktropia and/or Canada the following weekend (depending on time scheduled)
  7. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    If i have the time and you provide transport i might be intrested to help out and skill hunting a bit.
    u paying amp decay or only provide items?

  8. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Awesome, I pay for warps before and after the events, still waiting on when USA will be going against Poland, I would like to help both USA and Rocktropia if we could. So Warp to Caly 1hr before first sessions time at least, we will see what the times are and XXIV schedule is and return after the last sessions time is done again based on XXIV schedule so I only pay single warps.

    I either pay 10PED per session or the two items per session (and fully repair items after each session). I cover no decay but am willing to buy listed loots at full daily mu's. This team will be mainly on Cornucauda's until they global and then if Combibo is still needed they will move to Combibo's else stay on Cornucauda's. If team is above 4 people you should not need amps or armor just a small herbox and opallo gun and plenty of ammo to last 3 hours for each session.
  9. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    BUMPING on hiring hunters offer to help with WoF these next 2 weekends.

    I also am still looking for a few people to hire that can work on MS's for me between 2300-0600 for at least one 4 hr block at a time.
  10. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ok warps canceled for WoF support this weekend from lack of participation.

    Next weekend still same offer open. If you have never been in WoF you have no idea now crazy fun it can be and with a sponsor even better :D I mean you get free warp to and back from calypso that day all loots protected, you get some small compensation for your time hunting, and most of all you get to participate in about the hugest organized team effort event in EU.

    Just get in touch with me for next weekends run on these cornaucuada's. Seriously it is crazy messed up...........
  11. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Still looking for participants to help team USA with WoF this Saturday 1900MA. We meet at Wolverine Hope TP @1830MA.

    Last week only 1 person showed up and I gave him the entire 200 PED allotment and then purchased his mats as promised. I will do that again this weekend, divide 200PED by number of participants that show and they can use their own weapons armor etc that seems to be a more perferred method and I purchase the listed mats at full daily after the 3 hour event.

    I may have only 3 interested so far but still looking for more to hunt Cornuacauda's this weekend. If team is big enough and Corn's are globaled on you could move to Combibo if still needed then move to Maffoid's it is up to the team.

    So if your looking for a way to skill up your hunting skills for free and sell you loot for more then tt prices this is a great opportunity for you.
  12. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    As to services you provide, Mr K-max, you have led me to these forums because of the training you offer, or have knowledge of, for space pilots. Like to hear more to that effect.

  13. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    awesome I will invite you to my private space crew group where you can read up on how I handle things there for my crew. You then can decide to be a member of my crew and I get you trained in and having some fun in space :D I will send invite asap.
  14. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hello and hope everyone had a great time over the holidays, I spent my time doing RL working :( and spare time in Merry Mayhem, I really enjoyed MM this year over prior years they really did to a good job this time, team keys in MM are just a blast.

    With Merry Mayhem almost over I will be coming back to Arkadia for a couple weeks to grind on Riptors. Still need to get a couple globals so I can register for the random drawing in each Block.

    I managed to squeeze out an entry on Block 1 while I was there for an hour or so one night but still need Block 2 and Block 3 enteries.

    I once again am looking for anyone that wants to do some skilling as healers and support hunters. I will be using the High DPS gun while everyone else uses smaller DPS guns and would like to have at least 1 healer with on each run, multiple healers will be great also.

    Decay will be compensated for armor, faps, guns and ammo that you personally use to help, weapon must be much lower DPS then the main gun is only rule.
    Once all Decay is compensated for everyone in the team I will determine profit share of each hunt based on my normal model in OP.
    I can also supply some Armor, FAPs, guns and ammo if needed, decay from these will also be calculated before I determine profit share.

    NOTE: The highest DPS gun will be the person doing the looting because we can't form an official team. So if you participate you must trust me, I have done nothing in the past to suggest otherwise, but just so everyone knows.

    Items that drop that I do not want, will be available for purchase for under daily mu prices to people that helped me.

    Once I get my entries in all 3 blocks, I will help others that helped, no matter what skill level, try to get an entry in Block 1, if they do not have an entry already. So if you think Riptors are to hard for you and can't get an entry without help, this is a good way to get that help to get at least one entry into the random drawing.

    Meeting place: Moonshine Bar Celeste Harbour
    Times: 0000MA-0400MA Daily 1/7/13-1/11/13 and to be determined times 1/12/13-1/13/13.

    Note: I will also be busy handing out prizes when out hunting, from the Rookie Terramaster Competition I ran, so at times we may pause for a few minutes while I settle up some trades.

    Hope to see a few of the hunters I hired in the past join me out in the field, it will be a fun time and great psuedo team style fun. Psuedo Team because we can't actually form a team because of the rules but there are no rules against having an organized army of support individuals tag along and help out :D
  15. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Bump to let people interested in Riptor hunt know I am on Arkadia and will be at Moonshine Bar at 0000MA tonight and hopefully every night this week, just waiting to get out there and grind on some Riptors :)
  16. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Services suspended until further notice.

    When/If I start them up again I will be sure to start them in a new thread.

    Thanks for all the help, for those that participated it has been a lot of fun.

    See you all in the future.

    Moderators can you please close this thread.
  17. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    *Thread Closed*
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