Hi Guys, I just want some feedback on what shared BP books you would like to see in the Tech terminal on Arkadia. There is quite a lot of books and some of them might not be needed. I will add the shared books to the Terminal with the patch after the upcoming update. Regards, Chris
the limited one off course. Getting those blueprints with whatever i craft but have to travel to other planets to get the books.
I know this isn't what you asked for, but is there a way to put every bp in one book? That would solve alot of problems. The book could have sections in it just like having multiple books but it would condense down to one book. Hmm maybe even one book where you could put other books inside of it. Even other planet's. A storage book. otherwise what harmony said..
textures, components, weapons, tailoring, furniture,armour,tools. But really MA need to rethijnk how BPs are handled. There are far too many different books. One per planet and one shared for UNL bps, and one L bp book is all that shoukd be needed.
Hi Kikkijikki Does that include I and II books? For example Armor book II might not drop any bps on Arkadia and placing it in will just fill up the terminal further.
From memory, I appear to get bp drops for both I and II for weapons, cloths, armour, components while crafting on Arkadia. But MA could provide a definitive answer as to which bps are actually shared.
There are too many BP books for each planet, condensing all BPs into one book would save valuable storage space! Give players the option of having one book, with different sections for each type. Eg the book would have section 1: Weapons UL and L, Section 2: Textures UL and L etcetera
I realise that this is beyond your power, but the best option would be for MA to allow planet partners to choose which shared BPs do or do not drop on their planet.
Pokedex ftw. The possibility to put every damn BP in the same book. Dont get how hard it can be for MA to get this going. ATM I have over 1k Bps and I havent visited NI yet and we have TWO NEW PLANETS inbound. This has to be reworked somehow its old school it worked for caly only but now its gone to far poss even fix so U could stack BPs in a book? Just needed to get that out there But as a temp fix I guess (L) is most needed in a rush. Fix so that we can get AL (L) bps in one book and make it bigger?
AFAIk all books are needed vol 1 & 2 as have shared bps, not sure abaut weapons vol III, in roctropia for exmaple they use two different tabs of blueprint books in the technician to separate planet and shared, and i specially need the L books as some days i can fill one or more
And while we are talking about fixing stuff instead of answering OP question, wouldnt it be nice to combine two L bps for the same item as if they were stackable. ie 5click + 3 click = 8 click bp. And maybe you could split also. Some L bps I TT because the low number of clicks means the MU imposed by trying to auction is heaps higher than will sell. But if you could adjust the number of clicks then you could fine tune the MU.
Yea you gotta put all shared in. I don't know what happened there was talk on Cyrene's Forum about One book per planet and one shared would have made a whole lot of sense especially when we get to like 20 planets.
Unfortunately all the shared bp books are needed My suggestion is a new terminal called "Shared Items" that sells non arkadia specific TT / tech items" And a limited III book that holds a hundered bp's would rooooooooooocks O.O
Ok seems clear we need all shared BP books. Ill forward some of the suggestions on to MA to see what can be done. For the Unlimited BP books the Ark version can take 100BPS but unfortunately I can not create a book that can take shared bps on my side. The BPs get coded to the book not the book to the BPS so another one that needs to be forwarded to MA. Regards, Chris
I'm keen to see the new crafting interface that MA is talking about. Maybe the ideas in this thread, and answers to Chris' question, will change after we see how it works. I for one don't need to see BPs stacking (if that's too hard for MA to implement), but if the crafting interface just moved to your next one automatically when the one you're using runs out of clicks, that'd be handy. Can't wait to see how it works!!!