Mob maturity diversity

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Oleg, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    Having spent more time hunting on Arkadia over the last few weeks than I ever have previously, I want to share my thoughts on the mob spawns. In particular I have a suggestion that would improve the hunting experience.

    At the moment there is not enough diversity when looking for mobs of a particular maturity. For example, if I want to hunt Riptor, I can go to the spawn NE of Implacable Firebase, which is all Young-Old, or I can go west of Taipan Digsite where it's all Prowlers and Stalkers. As far as I can tell, there is nothing in between.

    The small ones are a fairly easy mob (for me anyway), while the big ones are way too hard. I can do them, but they're very hard work and the armour and fap costs are very high. Give that I have level 49 Evader, 220+ HP, and PoE armour, I'm sure most people would have no chance at all against Riptor Stalkers.

    I would have loved to try hunting something like Provider-Alpha but there is no option for me to do so.

    This pattern is repeated on other mobs. There are places to hunt small ones, and usually there are places to hunt the biggest ones, but in most cases the medium-sized ones either can't be found at all, or can only be found as part of a very wide-ranging mix that typically goes from Mature-Old Alpha or similar. Such a mix usually doesn't make for a good hunting experience.

    Even on the land area mobs which are divided into 3 distinct areas (e.g. Teladon, Huon), the medium spawn generally covers almost the whole range of maturities.

    I remember Dave saying in a radio interview recently that he'd observed that people tended to hunt only the small maturities of a particular mob, and then move to a different mob rather than doing higher maturities. The IFN missions are obviously a major reason for this, but the poor choice of different maturities must also be a factor. In many cases it's just not possible, or only possible with much higher expenditure, to move up to higher maturities.

    So please give us some better spawns of middle-maturity mobs instead of this one-extreme-to-another situation we have at the moment.
  2. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Also make IFN challenge as kill points(like levi, traekron mission in calypso) rather than certain amount, it would definitely encourage people to hunt higher maturity mobs. :cool:
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    With some of the harder hitting mobs, I find it difficult to pick the right armour, owing to the spread of maturties in the one spawn location. The toughest in the spawn just kill me, the weakest do min damage nearly every hit. So I find myself running around a lot to avoid the big guys a lot or spending too much time combat fapping. And the little ones are more expesive to kill than they should be owing to the min armour decay issue. Being ninja'd by a high mat mob when u are halfway through a kill is also very annoying. I dont mind several maturities being together but perhaps it would be better to have 2 or 3 maturities in one spot rather than 5-6. An example of where it is done well is the Huon spawns at Sanctuary Cove.

  4. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    The Huon are better than some but I still think there is too wide a maturity spread in the Thunder Plains area. I saw Young-Alpha when I did a hunt there, and didn't go back.

    The armour choice problem you mention is definitely one of the main problems with this type of spawn, I completely agree.