Interplanetary Trading

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by David | Arkadia, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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    I think the idea of interplanetary trade is great.
    I have been doing it on Rocktropia since last July and even though the player-base hasn't been great, the 'idea' behind it is fun for me.
    It really adds a new dimension to the entire game when you have a reason to travel etc...

    Something that I think would help a lot even though I probably dont know all the affects it would have would be to have seperate auction history's between the planets.
    Don't remove the current 'universal' history, but add a drop down to view the individual planet historys as well, much like when viewing auction.

    This would allow players to understand the markets much better and it would encourage interplanetary trading.

    Like everyone else has said, filling the gaps in the current SIB charts with Arkadia specific items would be the best way to go about this.

    looking forward to seeing what you have to offer :)


    ps. Jod: i know its been a while since you posted that, but Polaris is a great low markup (L) armor with high cold protection.
  2. red

    red Member

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    hello david,

    I use to move a considerable amount of resources, goods, and even money between calypso, crystal palace, and the asteriod. being a pilot, I was in all those places frequently, so it wasn't difficult to help people out. they'd save the transport fees, avoid low-ball buyers, and premium sellers. I always kept collateral to ensure people would feel secure with the transfer.

    so, yes, I think there is an opporuntiy for interplanetary trade and I believe planets will develop their own balance between imports and exports. however, that balance will favour one to the other and which way it will go will have much to do with the planetary designers' attention.
  3. Bolivar

    Bolivar Member

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    I think this would become interesting if certain items could only be manufactured with looted items from one planet and ores/enmatters from another planet. I think for the whole of the universe, it would be best if planets are not too much alike, but have to offer unique and valuable things, not found on other planets.
  4. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    I am selling guns and mindforce chips from Rocktropia in my shops on Calypso and I'm sure other traders do it too.
    But it is hard to be on profit. You can go to Rocktropia and byu guns that usualy sell for 180% for 140% and start seling them for 170% on Calypso. You make some profit. But soon the price goes down to 120-130% and you are loosing peds even without the fee of 80 PEDs.
    Even if Arkadia offers good guns and armor and faps that everybody want on the other planets. Trader cannot just come to Arkadia and byu them for 101%. He will byu them for price litle lower to market price and to sell in shop you must sell lower than auction price. So he will make very litle profit (if any). And it will not be enought to cover the travel fee of 80 PEDS.
    But if we see change in interplanetary travel and auction system we can talk again. :surrender:
  5. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    I think it would be interesting if certain resources are not refinable or useable on other planets without a planet specific software or craft terminal such that you would have to upload software on to your off-planet refiner in order to properly process certain planet specific materials without buying a new refiner.

    Or make it to were crafting terminal have a certain range of product that they can make..that way crafters can't just export all there materials to one planet; they would have to specialize in specific planet or item ranges.

    Interplanetary Trade would work better with more variations in items, resources, blue prints, planet specific limitations and abundances.
    -The ability to collect or categorize blueprint books that are corporation specific or planet specific.
    Several different weapon corporations. Offering differing variations of the same weapon.
    Not all basic resources should be readily available on all planets.
    Create planet specific food and drink. (Tradeable via secondary market; Sweat, Rocks, Fruit trading; EU's Minimum wage job)
    Ability to lose space freight mid-flight.
    Ability to research new (variations) item creation through crafting mysterious blueprints
    New rocks and fruit.
    Add fishing.. and make different planets have different fish ;p
    Invasive species; Hybrids mobs; New species; Extinction of mobs.
    Ability to trade (sell) maps (Locations and the like)

    Trade cost for interplanetary trade should be equivalent of Energy cost for moving an item of a specific size through a TP or the cost of occupying a space freighter's inventory rather than the standard auction fees for interplanetary trade.

    I'm sure it will get more interesting as time goes on.
  6. boost

    boost Member

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    I like your post :)
  7. TigerSkin

    TigerSkin Member

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    finally the topic of my interest ... and carefully read the topic ... too many good ideas ... but also too many just "theoretical" ideas ...


    I TRADE!
    You may say its boring, takes time, etc ...
    BUT, serous players clearly understand the positive role of the trader in EU ...
    and I am quite passionate about this activity ...
    Yes, I have to sometimes witness freak shows and noob bitchings about "why I did not give decent mu on brown paint can" and etc ... but overall it can be rewarding if you have patience, brains [money too] and what the most important is - SYSTEM!

    As for me, I may not have the best rates atm but I have the best system with 100% transparency that I am developing further. All what I do is described here on my personal trading website - which is the best trading website in EU. And I trade quite a long time already. My current plan is to furnish the system a bit more and start increasing rates step-by-step and of course to engage in interplanetary activities.

    The opportunities for interplanetary trade exists and I clearly see/feel the opportunity. But I also see/feel that more systematic approach is MORE VITAL for traders IF they want to succeed here

    To contributors [that should not change I think]:
    1. TP-ing cost
    2. Item transportation cost when u buy it on auction [from another zone]
    3. Challenging space [opportunity for pirates]
    I think that only those, who overcome these challenges deserve the right to trade on a large scale and there may not be many traders there

    Challenges that might limit me and all traders:
    1. Mostly players who have money can make trips to other planets. They can stack big volume, bring it themselves and sell it themselves. If I come there they might sell only trash stuff to me, that I may not be happy to buy ... therefore I need "firm agreements"
    2. If I create and announce a system, other traders might undermine my activities ... This is competition ... and I might not be happy to share my bloody knowledge publicly ... I already loose when I have all my rates publicly listed ...

    We talked with narfi couple days ago and he really found a good niche outa there, but the potential is much higher I believe ...

    my question is and let me shape the conversation:

    Is there a real need for the trader right now on Arkadia?
  8. Foxypilot Cuddlebottom

    Foxypilot Cuddlebottom New Member

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    After being on Arkadia and thinking ahead, this Idea is a MUST be done for Interplanetary trade for traders or travelers to be able to make important purchases of materials before they travel and will make it incredibly easier to the point where Interplanetary Commerce is a Big and Naturally occurring thing if you will. When it is too complicated of a thing to keep track of which items are rarer on what planet then only a few with those expertise or patience will take the time for it, but if a simple tool like this that separates markups per planets so everyone has an easy look at what is in demand on what planet then a lot more people will become involved.

    I plan on doing Interplanetary trading as I can save some costs as pilot, so maybe the above Idea would cut down on some profit I would have easier time accessing by others being involved cuz of ease of markup viewing :p I would rather see people have more fun and be more involved in the Universe, with Ideas like this than worry about an extra ped i might make on markup cuz I can move products for trade easier than others. :)
  9. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    Yes trading can be a lengthy and yes your rates aren't the best and sometime seem like an attempt at communisticly artificially decreasing prices. The idea is that the world should be dynamic enough to break any system created by players.. becuase if a system can be made then so can a cartel, so can monopolies, and so can cornering entire markets.

    1.Yes, Tp-ing cost should not change but with the advent of space..cargo transfer would be wise to also evolve.
    2.Item transportation cost should vary depending on size (mass) or quantity. Flat rates should not exist.
    3. (PVP / PVE) (space pirates / shipwrecking mobs) would be awesome.

    1."firm agreement"? Good rates will have miners flocking to you giving you everything they have rather than there "trash stuff".
    2. You win some. You lose some.

    Yes there is a need for traders.. The planet is currently going toe-to-toe with Calypso.

    My previous post still trumps. There is a need for development before true development of interplanetary trade can exist even if space is implemented.
  10. strategist2

    strategist2 Member

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