ASU revealed!!!

Discussion in 'Services' started by SirMixaLot, Sep 13, 2012.

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  1. Ognap

    Ognap Member

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    Fish, as I said in my previous post, I don't care of their "war". I see they buy at 3peds/K. And i don't belong to any "cult" or group, even not to my soc I mute half of the day, or even to my mentor or anything/anybody else. If i sell my sweat saying ASU, i'll do, whatever the leaders of this group i don't belong to can say in game or on forums. I'm an independant like all newcomers, I adapt myself to the situation like any opportunist, and if tomorrow a guy buys at 4peds/k if I say Hot Water, i'll say Hot Water instead of ASU. Why should I care of these politics ? That's just fun and part of the background for me. In fact, it has importance only if you decide to give it to them. That's not my case.
  2. Albi Gens

    Albi Gens New Member

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    Greetings fellow Entropians,

    I do not post much if at all as I tend to try and stay out of these kinds of discussions. Seeing as I am named as one of the VPs of ASU in the OP I should add my perspective on this matter.

    My involvement with the ASU is solely for the purpose of helping new and old players alike. I run sweat hunting teams, and heal/sync when able. For those of you that know of me I have been doing this for many years even since back in the 'Anok' days of old on Calypso. I have no enemies (that I am aware of) and have always been driven to be open, honest, and helpful to everyone that I have come across. I do not believe in the ideas of strong arm tactics or abusive behavior toward anyone for anything as it is not in my nature in RL or ingame. My most valued possessions within Entropia are not any items I carry or the PEDs on my card. It is my personal reputation, integrity and that of my Soc. I would leave my Soc mates of many years and become a 'Freelancer' again before I would do anything by choice that would reflect badly upon them.

    On the issue of Sweat v ASU. To be honest I must admit the guilty pleasure of amusement over the passion, anger, and price that has always revolved around something as trivial as sweat. I do understand the thoughts behind a new player being confused as many have pointed out already about which is which. I do feel 3 PED per/k as a fair starting price as we ALL have the rights to haggle for sweat/ASU or anything else for that matter. Market manipulation? That is funny.

    So with that said. The ASU is nothing more than an idea and so much so is my title as VP. Therefore I have ZERO control over the ASU or the actions of those associated within that idea. There is no power to demote or remove anyone from that idea. So with that I can only offer you all this. If the actions of the ASU become a threat to myself, my Soc, or Gods forbid MA's Rath. I shall remove myself of the position (that I was bestowed and rather surprised at that) of ASU VP. I will continue to do what I have always done under 'MY' own flag. Help others.

    For your consideration

    Albi 'Night' Elf' Gens ')
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  3. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    I was gonna stay out of all this, as I didnt want to get into trouble, but I feel like I have to reply.. I wont be citing as there's too much to cite, but first of all:

    I know Sweat isnt how you're supposed to get by, but saying you would only buy from new players is BS.. ofc new players should have highest priority, but I wanna tell you a story..

    I started 3½ years ago.. Didnt sweat much in the beginning - I hated it.. For more than a year I depoed at least 500 USD a month..

    Then one day I moved in with my BF.. my economical situation changed drastically, so I could no longer depo, other than the odd 10-20 USD every 2-3 months -

    My only way to keep playing the game is sweating and generous friends who help out.. Its been 1½ years now.. I do not know when my situation changes - should I just quit the game untill then?! Just because im an old and rather higher lvl'ed player, doesnt mean that RL cant interfere with my playing style..

    ATM im fortunate to be able to get by by kicking Halix ass - but I might run into a bad period soon. If that happens i'll have to go sweat again.. I do believe that new players' needs should come before mine - ofc I do, they are the future of the game - but it doesnt mean that someone should refuse buying sweat from me, just because im "old"..

    My view on ASU is: in general I dont mind ppl trying to up the price - I'd love a higher price myself, but the way things are being done, and the way certain ppl talk when it comes to ASU - I HATE IT!!

    Mix - you are anti-foreigner.. remember you are one yourself.. and your language is heavily critisisable, both in this thread and ingame - I HAVE seen you go crazy on ppl..

    well TBH I wish ASU would die and let supply and demand work its case.

    If my true statement makes you Mix want your so-called ASU-clothes back - say so..

    ASU confuses new players who doesnt understand it, and it ruins their true image of the game.. The language and attitude from the ASU-ppl towards "foreigners" and older players is disgusting.. STOP SCARING PPL AWAY!!!

    Elf: you and I have met often at CO.. You do a wonderful job, and I love hanging around you.. You're the kind of person "we" can be proud of.. You are ALWAYS nice to both young and old, and you do a hell of a job keeping us sweaters alive down there.. <3

    Bite me if you (you as in anyone) hate me now..
  4. Mel_bosshart

    Mel_bosshart Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi Everyone

    I Have to agree with zume about it shouldn't matter if its a new or old player who is sweating... i buy from both if im looking for sweat for crafting.. and i always go to celeste outpost first to buy sweat..

    this is how i look on sweat / asu call it what you want its still the same thing ...1 k of sweat will take you X amount of hours to sweat so at 3 ped per K i think is a bargain put in to real money 30 cents for X amount of hours spent getting it .. Now heres the question ??

    would the people saying its only worth 2 - 2.5 ped per k go and sweat for X amount of hours to get this sort of return on there time ??

    the above said price has moved over from calypso as there are alot more people sweating there so therefore there all trying to sell there sweat as fast as they can so will take what they can for it .. this sometimes being taken advantage of sweat re-sellers... ive seen players on calypso sell as low as 1.5 ped per k just to get it off there hands....

    now i think the concept of what the asu is trying to do is a good thing i.e get a uniformed price for sweat for new and old player's who perhaps cant afford to depo.. for one reason or another... as i dont mind paying 3 ped per k for sweat be it a new or old player..

    i dont agree with some of the things that have been said i.e you will sell for x amount or you wont be allowed to be in the asu or being abusive to other players.. as this is bad for arkadia.. people in game will sell for what they can get for it.. also there will be people like me that buy at 3 ped per k and them that will try and screw the players down to 2- 2.5 ped per k thats the nature of the game...

    i have also bought sweat at 3 ped per k from people selling in quarry for 2.5 just because thats what i think its worth..

    i dont tend to buy from resellers of sweat if possable as i think its not on that they take advantage of players trying to get what they can for sweat ... but thats just my point of view..

    as with all games with multi national players i also think there can be a language barrier and perhaps some misunderstanding of what they are trying to say or do.. and how it comes across to the rest of us reading it ..

    the concept of the ASU is good ...but perhaps how its come across or been handled perhaps needs looking in to

    if they said for example :- as a member of asu try to sell your sweat for 3 ped per k.... everyone is welcome to be part of asu no matter which planet you were born on .... and so on and so on ... it would come across alot better

  5. Brown1e

    Brown1e Member

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    I think the concept behind what Mixa and some others are trying to do is a good one, they are trying to help new players get some experience of the game and earn a few peds along the way before they make a decision to continue playing and/ or depo'ing. IMHO 3ped per k (equivalent to 30 cents US) is a reasonable price to pay for what could take several hours to procure, and I for one would gladly pay that price for sweat if it meant I didnt have to do the tedious task myself. Ask yourself this...would you work in the real world for less than 30 cents an hour? I sure as hell wouldnt! I have not personally seen any attacks on other ava's from anyone I know to be associated with ASU or anyone being told they cannot sell for less than 3ped per k, equally I cannot say hand on heart that it hasnt happened as I am not in game 24/7 but what I will tell you is this...Mixa is my soc leader and a friend but if I heard anything of this nature being said I would be the first to tell him that this is unacceptable and I want no part of it!!

    Maybe the way things have been done could have been done better, but it is easy to sit and rip someones efforts apart when you are sat on the fence, yet not so easy to be the person out there trying to make a difference. At least he is out there trying...he doesnt have to do so, he could quite happily be doing his own thing but he loves Arkadia and wants to help it grow bigger and better. For those who seem to think it is a scam of some sort tell me this...what is he personally gaining from it....NOTHING! He spends his own peds healing sweaters, he crafts clothing which he gives away freely, items he refers to as the ASU uniform or dress code, he holds mini competitions giving away items such as guns, vehicles etc all of which he crafts AND he then buys the sweat at 3ped per K to use again to craft more items.

    I am not interested in drama/personal conflict/ them and us is too short and this game is meant to be fun.....but instead of ripping someones ideas apart why dont more people put their efforts into helping improve the game...surely we would all benefit
  6. shinosaru

    shinosaru Member

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    I just started to played the game almost a month here and thanks to my mentor n event organize they allow me to enjoy the game.
    as you can see i dont depo here due to finance problem i having. ok i will state what mine point of view.

    I don't see why should we form the ASU here. it would be better every planet also follow the same price. I don't think there different where the player start on. who don't hope that payment is high, but item value cannot be fix since there are so many player having the same item and there will be competition to sell the item.
    i read an old article about sweat when i begin to ply the game. it wrote the price for sweat are around 2~4 ped. so my average sell is around 3ped.
    and i think that everyone have the right to choose the amount they wanted to sell/buy.
    So i will continue to sell it as sweat not ASU.
  7. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    brown1e the issues here is the way mixa is acting and you said
    Evidence #1
    This Promotes hate towards other players form other planets. So in essence he would rather separate and segregate people buy what planet they come from. And the second part is funny because why are people coming to play the game????? The real cash economy and for the chance to withdraw that big ATH. And to think any differently is not only delusional but funny, how long has mixa been playing? Because most seasoned players 1 loves the game and 2 is always in the hunt for that ATH lol.

    Evidence #2
    This was unprovoked and uncalled for I have never cused or done mixa any harm.

    Evidence #3

    This was written by mixa himself stating he was going to try to start an embargo and the definition of embargo means: a governmentorder restricting or prohibiting commerce, especially trade in a given commodity or with a particular nation.

    Last time I checked Arkadian Studios would be the so called government and mixa would be…….just a player that does not have the right or ability to institute or insinuate such a thing. to portray himself as the leader of a planetary movement is not only wrong but a false hood, a planetary movement takes more than one person of a planet it takes several working together. Even if it was a joke he him self has said several times that this is the way he believes, there is no room for that kind of humor because some not all noobs can be lead in the wrong direction with very little effort.

    simple solution for this ASK FOR HELP or advice instead of cusing people out. Most all arkadians advisors and non advisors alike help out the new players when asked. We never said it was a scam we just do not agree with his tatics.

    And giving free cloths and vehicles and such does not make a person any better than the rest why? Because at some point in time we all have given noobs things to help them out. I personall craft choppers/slepinirs/valks/armors and give them to my
    disciples as a graduation gifts. And have on several occasions given random noobs vehicles for free w/fuel to help them get around.

    Is 2-2.5 ped a k much no, but sweating is not ment to supplement your game play but to help you skill and give you an idea of how the ststem works.
  8. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    The issue of ASU is not the uniformity of it but the way itis being presented and by what means it is being presented. Such as the listing that was posted on calypso, and remember back in the day when sweat was in much higher demand because we did not have vehicles and the TP/MF chips was the fastest form of transportation.

    While sweat is a good way subsidize your game play it was not meant to replace depositing. Hence is why I think MA changed things, see they noticed that the deposits were slowing/falling so they made changes. You really must think of it this way; this is a game where you can actually pull real cash out, what if people only sweated and did not deposit and when they hit a claim pulled the money out. Then the system would go broke that’s why they claim an average 80-90% return rate because if they had a 100+ return rate all the time then they would not be in business.

    So in effect the game is meant to be a “pay to play” at some point. Alot will argue that there are alot of free MMO games out there and I would say yes there is but none with a real cash return where you can pull money out. And yes I know there might be a few out there but if they were as epic, exciting, adventurous, and great to playas Entropia then why have we not heard about them?

    Simply put this is kinda like a casino you pay to try to reap the big rewards, I live by a casino and not one time have they ever told me I could come and play the slots/races for free. But do they offer me a teaser, “get 50 dollars in chips and we will give you 50 dollars in chips”sure they do. The reason is just to let me have a chance to see how much fun I could have and to tempt me to dip in my pocket because on the next puul it could be the one.

    But after that 50 is gone do they supply me with more? No. and why is that, because they would go bankrupted in a matter of weeks because they would in affect be paying you to play when you should be paying them to play. Remember not everyone can be a winner there has to be some who don’t win (like me) to help finance the business and the winners.

    Here it is in a nut shell:
    we need more players to help increase the overall “revenue” which means they have to become depositors at some point and time. If we teach them that they can essentially make a living from sweating without depositing then that would derail the whole system this is why I think MA did what they did to force a deposit. (yes it starts with sweating because it is the only thing you can do in game without depositing thats offers you some sort or return on...... nothing invested but time)

    Without any depositors Arkadia would just be shelling out money and no business can just spend without any return (LOOK @ NI).
    :shrug:Example: you have a player base of 100 of which 70 are depositors and 30 are not so the 70 are in affect supporting the 30 who do not deposit. Then Arkadia does advertisements and Their player base grows from 100 to 200 and none deposit because the 30 told them they could stand in a cicrle and sweat and this would help supplement their game play to where they don’t have to deposit.

    So in affect the 70 that are depositing are paying for the others to play….. But wait Arkadia has a loot pool that is funded by the deposits it gets hence your 70 players. So your 70 players are funding the loot pool,and the other 130 players are enjoying the loot pool for free. Not too bad for the 130 but for the 70 who go out and play the game and narf all the time or get a return of 20% because the loot is drying up because we have a greater player base and still the same depositors as when we had a lower player base.

    So over a period of time the depositor will say, “hey I’m spending more to play then I actually get back in the long run”hence your depositors start to leave the game due to not being able to play unless they deposit more. Over time the only ones left are the nondepositors and with no one feeding the loot pool what loot will there be? Unless Arkadia supplies the loot there will be none. This would not be a problem if the loot was to stay in the game and have not real cash value, but with this game you can pull the funds out.

    Have a nondepositor hit an ATH of 100k+ see what they do “withdraw”. I’m a depositor and if I hit an ATH like that I would be hard pressed to withdraw it. Why? Major game play lol and I look at this as an investment I could craft alot of stuff to put in my shop and try to keep the prices low.
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  9. SirMixaLot

    SirMixaLot Member

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    yes Anthony I did all of these things!
    i warned sweaters not to come from caly
    to oversaturate my tiny market
    i can tell a difference!!
    like the others crafting elysia

    which u should' ve helped to form but u didnt!!!!
    instead u called me stupid to try

    i asked u to and told u all About ASU and though
    the Adviser's should'a helped; to start this Union,
    as Arkadian, u should care for Arkadians! Not calypsians
  10. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Very sorry to read this. This anti-Calypso attitude helps no one. It's generating a significant backlash.
  11. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Sirmixalot, I have a few questions;
    First, who are you to warn anyone not to come to arkadia for any reason what so ever?
    Secondly, this is not just your market as you so stated this market belongs to the people of arkadia and whoever decides to come to arkadia to do whatever business they so choose to do.

    I was never asked to help form anything so how can I help when I was never asked? And I have never called you stupid for trying anything. Plus you have never told me anything about the ASU. And as an advisor my responsibility is to the people of arkadia. And I think you got the definition of union wrong because a union is the act of joining together people or things to form a whole. What you propose is not a union but segregation this is the separating of one person,group, or thing from others.

    What you are doing is just that trying to segregate Arkadia from other planets and detouring new players from coming to arkadia for a fair trade/gaming experience.
    As an advisor if I joined or ever agreed with your methods it would go against ever thing the advisors stands for, we are ambassadors and Shepherds that are here to spread goodwill and the true spirit of Arkadia. And as being an ambassador to Arkadia I could not in good faith support you for the reasons of how you have chosen to promote the ASU.

    You have chosen to promote the ASU with an anti-Socialist belief stating "this has nothing to do with calypso sweater, you are imposing an embargo" (as if you really could). also telling traders form other planets they are not welcome here. You my friend are a product of your own demise, meaning what you worked so hard to build you are destroying. Just by your own actions and words. So call me what you will, and try to make me look like the bad guy,but WORDS shows the kind of anti-Arkadian you really are.

    If you had Arkadia’s best interest in mind you would welcome all new comers to the planet regardless of where they come from. And with words like this
    who do you think will support your efforts? Not many who want to keep a good name, because what you promote is not ASU or an idea of ASU but a separation of planets and people.

    Simply put it’s a form of “decimation” and we do not need to support nor condone this kind of behavior. I for one will not endorse nor will I associate myself to what you are trying to achieve. That being separation and segregation of people and planets. So I will light the torch of knowledge :dark:to hopefully show you the way because i think you have gotten lost somewhere between the conception of this idea and your execution of it.
  12. Leona

    Leona Member

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    When i saw you at the Quarry TP, talking to yourself (but in public chat), randomly weaving the 3 letters "ASU" in every sentence i was assuming you are just roleplaying, kinda. I always do this if someone acts odd ingame, it helps.

    So i still rather assume your attitude is part of your roleplay, else i would need to be disgusted. Not because you are trying to protect your market, thats just fine.

    But due to the way you mistaken your own interests with whats best for the whole or the planet you are on. Very much like real world xenophobes do.
  13. imoyaro

    imoyaro New Member

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    Well Brocko, (or Mixalot, or Sofi, or whatever you are calling yourself these days,) you were specifically abusive to low level NBK folks who you saw, telling them they were not welcome here. Not only that it was reported to me that you had advisers backing you in your abuse, standing idly by while you threatened people, giving your actions the color of authority. I speak specifically of Isclay and mel, your obvious supporters and fellow soc members. I was then informed that a number of low level NBK folks moved to another planet after the abuse, since it was clear to them that management backs what you are doing. Neither I nor their general had anything to do with their decision, but NBK people are entirely capable of making up their own minds and voting with their feet, and at this point I can only applaud their decision. Indeed after I finish listing your associates inside and out of your society, I'll be leaving and won't be coming back, nor will I encourage any NBK to do so as long as you and your would be Mazorca are in the game on Arkadia. You want to block people from Arkadia? Count me in.
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  14. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Imoyaro what management are you refering too? not the advisors I hope. please explain
  15. Mel_bosshart

    Mel_bosshart Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Just to make this point clear i will never be part of hurling abuse and never have been know this Imo ...Sirmixalot may be my soc leader but he does not speak for me under any form ..

    i said i like the concept of the idea i didnt say i like hurling of abuse at any player .. and if i have to i will remove myself from the Soc i am in ....
    i will also say if anyone can provide chat logs to snape where i have been abusive to anyone in game i will hand in my advisors vest to cyrus ...

    i dont in anyway condone what mixa has said to anyone ......but i also cant stop him from saying what he says ...

    i help out the guys of asu with heals and i buy sweat from them over there ..... and that is all i do

    Im quite surprised Imo that you think i support this type of behavior after spending many a friday night dealing with another problem in EU.
  16. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Patently FALSE...I've never supported abuse by ANYONE at ANYTIME. Your accusation is unfounded and unwarranted. I have supported ASU in concept only. I hold radio parties at CO and sometimes heal the sweaters there, ASU as well as NON ASU. I am otherwise uninvolved.

    Sir, Your statement with regard to me (and Mel) is rejected out of hand. Please leave my name out of further discussions in this matter.

    Thank You,

  17. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree with mel and isclay I find it hard to believe they would condone this sort of behavior or for that matter participate in it. That’s why I asked for more clarification isclay and mel are valued members of the advisors team and have to my knowledge never done such things. I would like to see a chat log of this as well just to verify the claim basically the Proof is in the pudding, and if there is no pudding then it would be hard to prove such an accusation.

    As I know they are supporters of the ASU concept, I find it hard to believe they are condoners of that sort of action. I know both to have impeccable morals and hold the vision and concept of arkadia to heart. And as far as being in mixa’s soc we cannot judge a group or person on the actions of just one individual they happen to be associated with.
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  18. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ya know. I see a problem with this post dude.. you jumped on the bandwagon here as many do in these situations. Spewed alot off topic BS in previous posts attatching peoples names to perpetuate this crap and now your sucking up because no one has any proof of the crap you posted.
    I do my show from the quarry and hang out there for our other DJ's shows and see you there alot. You were in the quarry on many ocassions when Mixa was doing this stuff and you know exactly what he was saying. If your gonna jump on a topic stay on topic and if your gonna talk shit on someone man up and follow thru. Dont half assed pussy out with a fake appology when someone stands up to what you thought was truth.
  19. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    i guess it is 5 o'clock some where? what are you talking about?
  20. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    It seems to me the crux of the matter is not whether they verbally backed Mix and his crew, but rather that they did not condemn the behaviour. To stand by in silence when people are behaving as bigots and xenophobes is not in my opinion, satisfactory behaviour from an advisor.

    If Ark is to thrive it must be an inclusive not an exclusive planet community. Take a look at the history of the real world.. isolationism has been shown, many times over, to harm an economy and stunt the development of a community or nation.

    Come on people.. wake up
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