Ark instances - suggestions

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Lucky_A, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. Lucky_A

    Lucky_A Member

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    Haven't seen a similar thread to post in - if I overlooked, apologies :p

    So, after many lvl 1-3 instances in the last days, these would be the improvement sugestions I'd have in mind for the A-Team :

    - move Service Center and TP to the doors location inside, the run from SC to the gates is fun 1st time, 2nd ... but gets boring after a while

    - add checkpoints at various stages (like killing x% of the mobs in that room will open the door to continue), otherwise the run-through thing some are doing cannot be seen as an exploit as long as the system allows it (that's if you wish such behaviour)

    - increasing the number of mobs between levels without increasing their strength only increases frustration, killing a thousand worms and obos at level 3 does not make it more challenging imho. Looking forward to see how the rest of the instances are but do hope to see new and thougher mobs, not a million obos at level 10 ;)

    - have a slight feeling an instance takes a bit too long ... counted 15min run through, 30-50 min killing all mobs. Maybe shortening a bit while increasing the challenge would be better ? :huh:

    - same maze for all instances is also a bit boring ... even if first 3 do have the same, hope that won't be the case for all 10 :D

    - get rid of the robo junk loot - makes no sense :soangry:If bps will exist in the future to use it then enable it at that time (as I understood u can disable specific loot types at planet level). Do try to make loot a bit more interesting (maybe add L armor parts, L weaps, BPs even, ores, low value keys ...) cause as of now I only see robo junk and a discovery once in a blue moon (even arkcoins stopped dropping or reduced drastically)

    - I don't know if is possible, but adding some loot chests along the way might be interesting. As of now we cannot loot killed mobs (platform limitation) and waiting 30-50mins to open a chest and be dissapointed by the result makes u think twice before doing another run imho

    - a level 0 instance for newbies would be nice. The 20 ped key value for lvl 1 is a lot for many of them so maybe something like the free instance on caly (just heard, never tried it) might be nice - even with a key worth 1 ped or so and boss mobs they can kill with tt weaps in under 3 min shooting :D

    - the penultimate room, where several types of mobs spawn in sequence, is a very nice touch but requires a checkpoint, otherwise many will miss most of the mobs by simply moving forward thinking they cleared the room

    Those are my thoughts regarding instances ... all-in-all a big GZ for the effort and artwork A-Team put into these and hope instances on Ark will thrive in the near future.
    Feel free to post your sugestions or comment to the above if u wish ;)
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    At first I thought it would be good to have a source of robot loot on Ark, but this is just 100x too much, unless we're going to have BPs that use it.

    I'd also like to mention that a lot of Lucky A's suggestions above seem to be assuming that these are meant to be worked solo... A team of 4 newbies, I believe, should have not much trouble with instance 1. I and my newbie disciple did level 1 without any problems. He died a few times, but we used TT weapons, and didn't have too much trouble with the big mobs. The boss mobs can be easily killed without taking damage if in team (or alone, for that matter), they just take a long time (a few minutes).

    I would also like to see things along the way, something to break up the endless running. Treasure chests, puzzles, piles of arkoins randomly spawning...
  3. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    I just hope all the instances aren't full of 10hp mobs. Ark doesn't even have any good guns for something that small, unless they want to stick the beginner mission guns in the TT.
  4. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi Guys, Thanks for the suggestions they are always welcome.

    We will look into your suggestions.


  5. Lucky_A

    Lucky_A Member

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    TY :)

    Yep, that would give/enhance the treasure hunting feeling ;)

    Was wondering ... I don't know if that's possible, but randomizing the mob spawns a bit would be nice ... something like keeping overall HP but different spawn density/locations on each instance would help make it a more unique experience ;)
  6. slither

    slither Active Member

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    I'd like to see some loot like the imp v3 and ASG boar, very low decay adn fairly low tt. These weaps are great as they can be sold for very high markup
  7. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    I see Chris spotted and answered here already, but in the process of tidying our house, have moved this over to the Dev Feedback section :)
  8. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    one thing i loved as a newbie adventure on Cally was the Sabakumba Pit i'd rather just see something of that nature of a wave spawn somewhere on the planet maybe close to quarry instead.
  9. Lucky_A

    Lucky_A Member

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    Some more feedback on upper lvl keys

    - TOO MANY MOBS ! I don't mind the HP but is insane how many mobs can be in a lvl 9 instance for example

    - Increase timer for lvl 9 & 10 to 4h. I was well geared (X1+Dante, Boar+5B) and lvl 9 was un-doable in given time ... had to skip 2 rooms to finish solo

    - There's a "feature" where dying or T-ing after the 1st boss will take u to a revival further ahead, from which u only have 2 more rooms to fight through. Discovered it by accident while dying unintentionally during a lvl 9 - that allowed me to finish within the given time :)

    - Add Repair and TT at ground floor before the last room or at the revival I mentioned earlier 2 rooms before the end. Level 9 (and I assume 10 also) have so much HP to kill that is finishin my amp before last room - beeing able to repair and re-arm before last room would be a welcomed addition ;)

    I know my comments are regarding solo play but honestly has been quite hard lately to find team partners - none of my friends is interested in Ark instances considering returns and TT food loot :(
  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I had the same thing happen in a level 6 I did. My A104 amp died part of the way through. Repair terminals and TT's part way through would be good.
  11. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi Lucky_A

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I have added in a repair and TT on every level @ the central chamber.

    I will also adjust the timer for lvl 9 and 10 to 4 hours to give a bit more time.

    On the part of the revives, It is quite tricky to get them all to function correctly as some parts of the instance is built right next to each other or below. I have managed to get them far more reliable but not yet 100% by adding in a lot more revive zones along the way on the test server. It should be sorted out by next update.


  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Another suggestion has to do with RL situations. Some of these instances have significant risk, $150 maybe even $200. If you don't complete it in time, you lose everything. Someone running an instance might be faced with the choice of losing $200 or neglecting a RL situation that needs attention, such as a child, or something on the stove or some other hazardous situation. Anyway, I don't think it's a good idea to create situations where people feel extreme pressure to sit at their computer uninterrupted for up to 3 (or 4) hours at a time.

    There are a few solutions I can think of. The first (probably easiest from the user's perspective) would be a pause button that would allow the instance creator to freeze the instance for up to an hour. Personally, I'd like to be able to save a solo instance so that I could log out and return to it later (why not?).

    Whether a pause feature is possible or not, I think we need a clearer and more comprehensive refund policy. From my experience yesterday, ammo is returned if you lose your connection and are unable to log back in before the instance disappears (timeout appears to be less than 6 minutes). Melee users are out of luck, btw, since decay is not returned. So we've got a partial solution already. It would also be nice if the key and decay would be returned too.

    I realize this would be MA's job, but maybe you could pass it on to them if you think it's a good idea.
  13. AlexSolo

    AlexSolo Member

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    after playing around more instances I took the time to make some more notes regardless of the current system allows for such or not.
    Because of the bold text it will make no sense that other players answer to them with "performance will go down" or "mindark servers cant handle that" or "mindarks systems cant do that." "the engine cant" or other rational excuses to justify anything or to snipe these points down to defend arkadia. The following notes describe how i see the instances and what i think about instances when someone would tell me the word "instance" and would like to hear ideas to it. I can imagine myself that some things cant be done now or are unsure if ever so spare your energy to fight mobs :)

    The first instance I played was great. Entering a closed room with a timelimit countdown on the screen made me get into a rush to get through. I like that scenario. Specially the closed rooms and ways getting through piled with mobs where good. I was in a hurry. "was it good to enter alone? or do i pay for that now?" "What? a room with a bridge system? hope i wont run false now im alone time runs up... i run the bridges at least i will end somewhere... gogogo"

    I fought my way through and down the stairs further and further. "How deep will this get? time runs gogogo"
    After some time fighting i arrived at a bigger room.
    What is that orange glowing brood mother there? Got bashed by it and revived in some room i havent seen before. I went on and saw a chest... "hm this cant be the right way i must have been revived at the endroom or something" "oh oh time runs up... touching the chest and rescue what i can or try to find that orange thing again?" "i run back somewhere i will end".

    i ran back trying to find the orange mother. ran through the ways, tunnels , stairs and rooms. the bridges system got me sweating. "all the bridges and rooms connected to it i probably never find that thing again." "time runs up ah what somewhere i will end i head this way" i ran and ran. and i saw it glowing that orange mother. "good i carry a herman asi with more firepower with me." i finished it off. "ok thats done now all the way back. time runs up gogogo".

    i fought my way back through mobs and rooms with spawned more mobs as others died. "an statue attacker good i carry a herman asi with more firepower" i took him out and looted the chests. i made it in time what i never thought off. i even had enough time to make me think "all that hurry wasnt necessary. but it was great"

    the intances after became rather routine already. i knew i wasnt in a time hurry and could concentrate on other things from that on.

    the mobs have a nice design. glowing beatles and all that. i never had a problem to shoot at the snakes. cause the hitbox around the snakes seems to be big enough. you can aim above them into the air and still hit them like you hit other mobs. so you dont need to hit the creature itself. cant miss a shot that way.

    atmosphere. i would prefer to have it more darker theme. like i wrote in another thread already. more digsite feeling. scientists around and such. aakas TP area also. i would think of a large discovered riptor head with an entrance would cause more interests by local military and scientists or archaeologists. npcs and their mobile tents and equiptment bring atmoshpere in so it feels like an important area.

    interactivity and sudden happenings.
    i personally compare the instances with a movie dvd i can buy. the differece would be the interactivity and possibility to loot something.
    i would like to have the area more interactive inside. I am in a fight on time. i shoot mobs and i want to see the area go with it. a ubo dead shall splatter his yellow inners to the walls or in the sight of my armor ( i shoot with an weapon at it), an yarrijak shall fall dead against a urn placed at a table, the urn falls of and crashes into peaces around. i come into a room and see some weird thing hanging at the ceiling and something glittering in it. brave like i am i shot at it to get swarmed by 25 small creatures comming out of that thing i need to pull a launcher to get them off best and retrieve a key for a wall inside of that nest. a fallen door i cant get through but i discover a hidden entrance behing a shelf i shoot the shelf down (it got hp and contributes to the chest therefore) the area gets crushes in fight by movement and such.

    i am in a instance oratan raid and shoot at a oratan. it dies and while it falls it fires a last shot which ends inside a standing around oiltank which catches fire. i get a white message flying in "fire be quick" the instance catches fire and i need to hurry cause the oratan triggered a time penalty. another time the same oratan gets shot by me and it falls different. no fire i can get through without haste.

    that creates unique experience storys. imagine soc chats "damn we did an instance 06 today and it catched fire" "what? dont fool us there is no fire in instance 06" "man i swear it catched fire dude" "wtf??? i get along"

    the soc does the instance again and it catches no fire this time cause the fire scenario is seldom :D "what did we tell you there is no fire man. take a break" "LOL there was fire i saw it and had to hurry" "listen if you want to play with us just tell it" lol

    if all instances are created different and each got several seldom scenarios :D that creates diversity pure.
    that can create a complete state of the art gaming. if you lose on the chests you lose but the experience is awesome.

    these things turn reputation. "activity costs most the time but what you see and get there is just awesome".

    "your first time in an instance?" "yes" "ok dont shoot that ubo there cause it will... man where you going?" "damn he did it" leeeerooooyy the ubo caused the instance to activate a different way through. decisions have influence on a instances developement. shot at the ubo boss or sneak around it to walk a different way.

    the possibility of an future Vu adding these mission NPC inside of it which lead to missions outside or send players to other instances etc. also nice out of the sudden missions. random appearing story related diaries or quest items and purpose unknown always are an matter of investigation and curiosity.

    real team instances seperated from solo ones needed to cut them to the type of play.
    its normal that a solo player will complain that he cant get through in time alone with a gun he insists to use. highering the timelimit cause the solo player will take out the challenge for teams.

    until someone loots an rare item from a chest he saw alot this way and cant really not complain about losses doing them.

    yeah thats what i had in mind running through the aakas dungeons. will do more of them. i seek a longblade ;) also the supply depot is one of my favourite spots on the planet. the medical center is probably the building number one when it comes to atmosphere in EU. lightning, shading, furniture and such just awesome. not plastically glued together that just fits. the other buildings there follow that pretty closely.
