Project: Arkadia Interplanetary Museum - Looking for Pledges

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by sinkillerj, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    As a pilot I get around to all the different worlds, one day while flying I got a idea, a interplanetary museum on the planet I consider home, Arkadia. The museum would display interesting items from Arkadia, and around the galaxy, I have a pretty good collection waiting in my storage right now, but would also accept item donations. The musuem would also display player created artwork.

    How you can help:
    Deeds are not cheap, as such I am currently looking for pledges. Once the pledges reach a high enough amount they will be collected and a deed purchased. You pay nothing until the pledges reach a high enough amount. Any ped leftover would go towards exhibit expenses. Better yet, if you have a deed to donate it would greatly speed up the project.

    What do you get:
    Everyone who pledges will have their name, and or company name, on the official museum topic, and likely in game on a PC sign. I will try to make those who pledge more stand out more.

    If you donate a deed, I will make sure you have a sign all to your own that is very noticeable stating that you, and or your company name donated it.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I would love to hear your ideas for rotating exhibits, as well as what type of estate to purchase.

    Current pledges:
    KMax - 100 PED and furniture.
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  2. Nobleone

    Nobleone Member

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    Nice idea... But asking other players to finance your idea with RL cash... Not gonna happen.
  3. Ms princess

    Ms princess New Member

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    Is a really good idea but I have to agree with Nobleone it will never happen.
  4. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    One day while hunting I got an idea as well: To use a mod merc.

    I'm looking for pledges on that as well.
    So far I have been pledged 1 pec.

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  5. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Lets try to keep the replys constructive.
  6. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    That's a little different.. :p

    Good luck, sinkillerj. Wish I could help, but I have a cash flow problem of my own I have to worry about. I would otherwise. :)

    On that note: Fishface has done pretty well in donations for the Weapon Museum, so I don't see this as much different, other than being for stuff other than weapons.. I think you'll do fine if you can get the right people seeing it. :)
  7. Morgan Gekko

    Morgan Gekko Member

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    AJ, I'll donate all the poop I pick up in the next month to go toward your mod merc. Anything I can do to help, dude (babe:huh:)! :cowboy:

    Seriously, I think its a good idea. It certainly would be cool. But.....asking for cash donations is another matter. The funds most certainly won't come pouring in. Any individual donations will probably be small. It'll take a while to get enough to get whatever kind of deed you're thinking about. If the project never goes anywhere, you've got the deed and the leftover funds. Worst case senario, you've got the funds but not enough to buy the deed. I'm not saying, or even trying to hint, that this is a shady deal, but, with all the less-than-honest people we read about in-game, I would think twice about donating to this cause. I'm sure others would, too.

    A better approach, I think, would be to contact David or Cyrus and find out if they would be willing to furnish space to display the articles that are donated, if and when enough has been accumulated to warrant the space. If they're willing to do that, then you could make some suggestions as to the sort of things you're looking for. I'm sure the community would be more than willing to get involved in getting items for display.

    I don't want to discourage you. I think its a great idea. I'm just suggesting a different path. Good luck!

  8. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Which is another reason i chose Arkadia, it has a much better community then most planets, and I think it has the potintial to become what New Oxford was supposed to be.

    Not discouragement at all, in fact I welcome constructive feedback and ideas.

    I may end up having to just open the museum with my own funds at first, and hope for donations to offset the cost later, but it will be some time before thats possible. I've been thinking one path to take could be allowing sponsers once its open, for a set time they would have their name on the museum, and be allowed to have a shopkeeper somewhere there. In a game with a real cash economy everything is about trust, and I understand that I have to earn it.
  9. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    sinkillerj, i would certainly recommend, as Morgan Gekko has, that you contact Cyrus or David and explain your idea to them...You never know, they might have something similar in the planning already.
  10. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    I've dropped them a line, thank you, and Morgan, for the suggestion.
  11. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    The project has recieved its first pledge, the main topic has been updated with a list of current pledges. I have also been talking to David about the possibility of a space for this project.
  12. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Sorry but this just will not work in a game like this dealing with real money. This has been tried many times and in that time many have failed and I think MA even has a rule for people not to ask for money like this.

    The last great idea like this I was with a soc to get together and buy a mothership...that MS is still in space dead called the Ark Royal due to the deed owners kicking everyone off and trying to sale out.

    Also I noted you just joined the people I would watch out here.

    But yes, it's a great idea. It could only work if you can get the CEO of Arkadia to back it and hold the donations. If such a museum was setup, I would be willing to give up a lot of my items to put in it..but sorry, I can't see giving it over to another player who could at anytime sale the items and leave the game.

    BTW, MA is VERY fast in locking accounts. If they find anything going wrong here, they can and will lock it. I think they locked the owner of the Ark Royal in less than 2 hours.

    But please, contact David. Hope all goes well.
  13. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    If you dont want to support the project, good for you, go about your day.
  14. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Oh, I do very much, please contact David CEO of Arkadia and he should be able to get this going for you.

    It's a great idea. Just again, needs to be managed by higher up people who will stay in the game a bit longer and have better control over all involved which as well should cost a lot less since we would only need to be giving over our items and not cash.
  15. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    You should read the rest of the thread...

    He already contacted David, at the suggestion of others:
  16. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Yes, I read that and again it's a great idea, but the money and the value involved with the items just can't be done at the user level. If we could get Arkadia to build us a museum and some way to have them put our items on display witch at anytime we could easily take back then this would be something great.
  17. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Go take a look at the weapon museum on Calypso. Everything is donated, and Fishface accepts cash donations. Think they were trying to get something going on Arkadia, but haven't heard anything about it recently.

    The whole point of donating is that you're giving it for a cause. If you're not comfortable with giving something valuable, give it low TT instead. So yeah, I completely disagree. Asking donations to actually buy an estate wouldn't work as well, but if you'd been paying attention, he's already asked David about something for that. At that point the considerations are, IMO, moot. If I'm going to donate something to that kind of project I'm going to donate. Not lend. So I fully understand and hand over all responsibility. If he decides to sell it, oh well. That's life. If you have a problem with it, donate items of low TT.

    Granted, Fishface is a very well-known player, but still.
  18. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Yes, he why I was kind of being weary here with a new person making his first post here asking for money. Now yes, I'm probably wrong here..but still. He does have a great idea and I do hope it works out well.