Watch This Planet Arkadia Update 2012.5 Release Notes (28th Aug 2012)

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Cyrus, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Cyrus

    Cyrus Well-Known Member

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    First three instances under the ancient city of Aakas!


    Do you call yourself a Treasure Hunter? Then join Arkadia Gold Rush 2012!

    Read all about the new annual event, the Arkadia Gold Rush 2012, in the main even thread here.

    There are ELEVEN new instances. 3 of them are ready to explore immediately, and the remainder will be available with the next patch (scheduled for next week). Remember to bring your Arkadian Keys, your team mates and your society!

    New Annual Event!
    Arkadia Gold Rush 2012
    There are plenty of activities to take part in, with eight Alienware X51 Desktop machines to win!

    • Gold Rush Millionaire 2012 - find the Arkadian Golden Key, use it or trade it for 1,000,000 Arkoins!
    • Gold Rush Cinephile 2012 - win an Alienware X51 Desktop!
    • Gold Rush Socialite 2012 - win an Alienware X51 Desktop!
    • Gold Rush Industrialist 2012 - win an Alienware X51 Desktop! 1 crafting global = 1 entry!
    • Gold Rush Prospector 2012 - win an Alienware X51 Desktop! 1 mining global = 1 entry!
    • Gold Rush Warrior 2012 - win an Alienware X51 Desktop! 1 hunting global = 1 entry!
    • Gold Rush Arkoin Baron 2012 - win an Alienware X51 Desktop! Three to be won!
    • Gold Rush Evangelist 2012 - win an Arkadia Forum Gold Membership!

    New Content!

    • New Teleporter at the ruins of the ancient city of Aakas, 11180, 9788.
    • Instances under the ruins of Aakas, entrance near the new Aakas Teleporter. First three are open immediately, remaining instances to be opening with the next patch (scheduled for next week).
    • A range of new items have been added, including:
      • Arkoin - a newly discovered stackable item which seems to mainly be found in the Aakas instances
      • Arkadian Golden Key Blueprint
      • Arkadian Golden Key Blueprint (L)
    • A Viewing Gallery has been added next to the starting area of the racetrack northwest of Formidable Firebase Academy.
    • A Media Centre has been added to the IFN Supply Depot at 30897, 13314
    • Four new tracks have been added to the generic music list
    • Ambience sound has been added to the Celeste Harbour server
    • Particle effects have been added to some mobs


    • General bug fixes
    • Adjustments have been made to Riptor Spawns
    • Hoverpods have been adjusted for greater stability

    Known Issues

    • Instances currently play generic music, but will have their own music soon.
    • Most new creatures in the Aakas instances currently have no sound effects. This will be rectified in the next patch, scheduled for next week.
    • Currently only three of the ten instance levels are operational. The remaining instances will become operational in the coming patch.
    • The media centre's event terminal has a life of its own, and believes it is a trade terminal. Its AI will be dialled down in the next patch, where it will be operating as required.
  2. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    I could not find a slot for the Arkadian Golden Key Blueprint in the tools BP book. If there is no slot for it in the book how can it be crafted? Could you please double check it is in the game?
  3. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    I wish my quad can do warp flight too. Bought too much stuff so have to go to Calypso to sell yesterday. Now i'm Flying back to my home while others having fun in instances and discovering new stuff :surrender:
  4. Max EJ

    Max EJ Member

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  5. Cyrus

    Cyrus Well-Known Member

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    Hi George, thanks for the feedback. We are investigating the issue and will get back to you.
  6. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Cyrus: after a couple month of treasure hunting with very low numbers of treasure drops, these instance come and drop 3 armour parts (that i know of) within an hour or two which had previously been found while treasure hunting.

    Is there any point to treasure hunting now? is it a dead system already? or can u give us some good news about it?
  7. Cyrus

    Cyrus Well-Known Member

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    Hi again guys.

    It appears the Arkadian Golden Key Blueprint has not been included in the release. We apologise for any inconvenience, and are assured it will be available in the patch next week.

    On the contrary, Treasure Hunting (which as you know is more than mining!) has just been enhanced. The mined "Treasure" resources will now be in greater demand. Treasure drops will continue from mining. We have simply added another way to hunt for treasure. Basically, it is the opposite of dead. For Arkadia, this is another step in coming to life!
  8. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Cut the spin Cyrus and answer the question.

    Treasure 'hunters' are finding treasure at an insane level more than treasure 'miners'. As for the resources, you may aswell have just added those to the regular ore/energy finds and forgotten about the 'treasure hunting' beacuse u get a 'something out of the ordinary' so rarely that's it's almost pointless.

    Since treasure hunting started there's been 5 liakon parts found mining and in the past couple of hours there's been 4 found hunting. Mah'kette seems not so bad at 11 v 4, but considering the time scale involved it's still crazy.

    I like the idea of the instances but u really need to put a LOT of thought into the mining side of things because treasure 'mining' is pointless if u want to find treasure.
  9. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Actualy, at the rate those armour parts are been found in the instances i'd be surprised if there isn't a problem with the loot system.
  10. Fallen

    Fallen Member

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    well, i am going to add my voice to slither's, with the treasure dropping at the rate it is from hunting in instances compared to the rate this stuff was dropping with mining i really dont see the point in treasure mining and i really dont know what you guys were thinking, treasure mining looked to be something special but now it seems pretty pointless.
    im just glad i waited for the main part and that my storage isnt full of junk resources only good to feed the TT with :p
  11. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Guys for petes sake, its only been a couple of hours since the servers came back up and every man and his dog is going through the instances...give the system time to catch its breath and even out. With the number of people I saw there and the number I helped get there I'd say a half dozen parts is really not all that much considering.

    Give it time, and the team a chance to check and adjust things before you start hammering away at them. Remember, always suspect a cock-up before a conspiracy.
  12. slither

    slither Active Member

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    A few hours heavy hunting is the same as a few months mining? I don't care how many are going thru that place the system is imbalanced.

    I'm not saying conspiracy, I'm just accepting it as miners getting screwed over in favour of hunters - just like it's always been.

    Such a shame, when ark started and promised us the treasure hunting system I though maybe on this planet miners were going to be on an equal level to hunters.
  13. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    True, I can't accept treasure hunting armors add into instances too, and the drop rate is crazy. How crazy? let me tell you, we just did a level 3 key, guess how much armor parts we looted? 3 Mah'ketta and 1 Liakon. It is like a slap in the face to those miners who mined treasure hunting for months. I rarely question Arkadia and Arkadia team, but I really disappointed in this happen.
  14. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Award for quickest (and most dramatic) knee-jerk reaction to post-update imbalances goes to...
    Hang tight sport, things will be ironed out soon enough.
  15. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi guys,

    Regarding the drop rate of the armors, the loot pools for the instance have been boosted with armor sets to give out some bonus goodies for the gold rush event and will eventually be swapped out for other items. Our plan with the instances is not to have a static loot list for treasure chests but to actively change it so there is always something different after every update.

    The current treasure hunting SOOTO drops will not be affected and we are in negotiations to improve the SOOTO drop rate on treasure hunting. The treasure hunting system is also still in its infant stages and the introduction of the instances is only stage 2 of the treasure hunting system. You can expect the treasure hunting system to get a lot more to it with the next few updates including interesting new features that will set it further apart from regular mining.
  16. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Thanks for a bit more clarity Chris.
  17. Mayana

    Mayana Member

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    This may sound dumb but where is the start point to the instances?? I can't find any info on a place to use the key..A coordinate would be useful
  18. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    • New Teleporter at the ruins of the ancient city of Aakas, 11180, 9788.
    south west desert
  19. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    A quick way to find the entrance is to equip the key and use it, it will then make a way point on your minimap at the location of the door. you do not have to have the key equipped in order to access the instance
  20. rejman

    rejman New Member

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    Ive been collecting most of the ONLY existing mah'ketta parts for male that existend to be the first with a full set and now you can looken half a set in 1 noobinsatance that ive been working MONTH'S to get my hands on...... Really fair