Arkadian events and facebook

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Danton, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Danton

    Danton Active Member Pro Users

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    I could read today that a facebook account is needed to take part in a announced Arkadia event to win some nice toys.
    I have supported Planet Arkadia since startup and love the place. But if there is a f***** Facebook account needed to take part in events there, I am done. Will make a last flight to empty my storage and then say farewell.

    Sad to see that players are forced to use facebook in this way :(

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  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    One of the 9 competitions includes FB. Reality is EU and Arkadia both use FB in their marketing effort. You don't have to participate in that one if you have a problem with FB. Do the others instead.
  3. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Bye Bye :D
    8 events only 1 acquired a facebook account. You can still participate other 7 events. I can't see the problem.
    So again Bye Bye :D
  4. Mel_bosshart

    Mel_bosshart Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Ron its only one bit of the whole event can also like there U-tube page with a chance to win ... so i don't understand your post here
  5. siremi

    siremi Member

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    Yeah, there are several competitions, only one is is to like the Arkadian facebook page, you don't need to quit over it lol.

    Personally, if you like Arkadia, I think you should take the time and create a facebook & youtube account and like the pages, even without the competitions. This will show your support for Arkadia and that you want the planet to grow, and it's just 5 minutes. That way, Arkadia becomes more popular and everyone benefits, players and dev team.
  6. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Removed my original reply because it was kinda mean towards Danton, and i remembered a bit too late that this is a mature and positive forum, and i shouldn't write stuff like that.

    I think you're a bit fast with your decision and i find it kinda foolish. There are 8 competitions and there is one you don't like. There are still 7 left you can participate in.

    I find it very odd that when there would be nothing new and positive for other players you would stay at arkadia and now they do something additional and nice for the players you run off offended.

    In the end there are people who like it, and i'm sure it's positive for arkadia if they get more likes on facebook, in a multiplayer game not everything can be about what a single individual likes. (unless you go to RT ofc :))
  7. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I agree that that's just one competition, and I won't quit Arkadia over it. But I can see his point. I realize that 90% of the world's population is on Facebook, and that's a great way to drum up marketing. Offering a prize to random player who's "liked" the page is great way to get more people to "Like" the page. My question would be.. Why just Facebook? Why not Twitter? Or Google+ (technically same system as YouTube, so I understand that)? For those of us who are 100% anti-Facebook. I suppose that's why YouTube, and I've already subscribed to that channel, but it does still seem a little lopsided.

    Again, I don't think it's a big enough issue to quit, it's just one small part of the event.. Not the whole event.
  8. Danton

    Danton Active Member Pro Users

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    Well, it was clear to me that starting this post will not make me candidate for "man of the year", but I can life with that :)

    My point is: No event that is related to participants of Entropia Universe should require an account somewhere else. No matter if it is 1 of 10 or 1 of 100. Players of Entropia Universe are paying much to take part in this great Virtual World and that should be enough to free taking part in *all* events without any other requirement. Starting events with other requirements outside the virtual world of EU is the wrong way.
    Maybe it is an overreaction, but I can't tell you at this place what I am thinking about networks like facebook or others. I don't want to use the words I normaly talking about this sites in this forum. And be sure I am not the only person playing this game thinking this way about such sites. I also know that nearly no one will agree to me in this case, but I always say what I am thinking - no matter if it is popular or not.
    It was not my intension to start a flamewar with my thread, so if it starts to go that way at some point, please close it Snape.

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  9. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    It's an intresting viewpoint Danton. It also raises many other issues (seems to me most are oblivious to them here)...

    Anyway it's a shame I think when a player cannot voice there opinion. Consider this, What would happen if no one ever voiced any opinion that can be seen as negative? We all only said that which was positive and left out anything that was negative?

    What would happen is an imbalance from what I would consider as normal. Essentially we'd have an extreme situation and any extreme is likely to be bad.

    In the final analysis such a situation would lead to a bad situation for players and indeed for Arkadia development team as well because Ark would become oblivious to the reality on the ground. It's similar to when someone is too "nice". It's one of the elements in the demise of Next Isdland imho. Not many voiced where they were going wrong, which left them onto a path of "doom".

    Personally I would not enter most of the events because they conflict with a principle of mine. I won't say which one's they are or indeed why I won't be participating in them. The dilemma is if I say those things then I'm being negative :) I'm probably a minority opinion but if I don't say then doesn't that leave Ark team worse of? As they don't have info on what may be upsetting some players?

    At the other extreme is ofc too much criticism which can also be bad. Striking a balance between the two may be desirable...
  10. AlexSolo

    AlexSolo Member

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    I don't find the facebook and youtube event so bad.

    There was a time I also thought that a small minority sees the social networks in a critical way I still do that today but looking at statistics it seems to be a mayority which has a critical view on it at least at the moment.

    e.g. Germany (classified as Internet country number one in europe):
    over 81 million people live here
    about 65 million are classified as internet users
    ~24 million have a facebook account (not counting if they are active or inactive)

    24 million is quite alot but still a minority. (36,9%)

    I think like everything the events have their advantages and disadvantages.

    From Arkadia Studios view the marketing is here in the focus with a donation of pcs from the manufacturer which can be used to go public to a target group of Entropia Users = Internet Users.

    Social Network users are Internet Users and a big number in there play online games inside the plattforms with their friends together. So an possibility to win a up to date pc just by sharing the arcticle and create a free account at EU can indeed attract persons and the "spread the word"-effect comes into place.

    For us players and from our view of course we would like to have a winner from inside the playerbase or at least a person which gets attracted by the event and in the best case redeems his price and stays (maybe even calls his friends over).

    If a person wins who just grabs the price ok that would be sad for every entropian but at least we can say that a step into advert was done with low cost (shipping of the pc and time of ark studios to handle the logistics and event) For me better than paying like 5-10k dollar to some gaming magazine to advert in and nothing happens after. (EU got no good rep in the pure gaming scene you see that with the 1m account in 10 years)

    When it comes to data and self determination what happens with your data and if to take part in events which require an external account that must ofc everyone self estimate but thats another topic. As long there are always alternative events which dont force someone to take part in registering anywhere thats ok for me and some will always have to bite the saur apple.

    Its a good thing you can deposit without installing the emissary app or taking part in a sometrics survey when you like to depo from your credit card.

    Overall the EU community will always deal with new things in its own way.

  11. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    You play a game that logs everything you do and say in it. And your scared of using facebook where all your required to do is make an account and click like and not input ANY information what so ever into it?

    Are you serious? Look I hate Apple probably more then anyone and refuse to buy there products but when my daughter got given one for free in installed bloody itunes so she could use it.

    You can't have every company severing YOUR SELFISH WANTS AND NEEDS!

    The best chance i have at winning this is facebook or youtube. Because i dont have tons of cash IRL to hunt 24/7 to get tons of global. So should they change the rules for that too?

    There are plenty of other ways to win get off your stupid soap box. Your post is nothing but idiotic and selfish and i do not feel sorry for you at all for the flaming you are getting.
  12. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Some people are being a bit harsh here. People should be able to say when they are unhappy without being flamed.

    Having said that, I don't think dissatisfaction with the competition is a good reason to leave Arkadia altogether.
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  13. Mel_bosshart

    Mel_bosshart Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi Everyone

    David did touch on this today in his interview with Isclay about the different ways you could win ...and his reasons why.... so it may be worth a listen when i have it uploaded .. and to be honest it will help the player base of arkadia in the long run ...Imo

    Im not saying everyone has to go and make a face book account but it is a way for members and players to be able to enter who perhaps cant afford to do crafting mining and hunting runs

    i take my hat off to the A-Team for the ways they came up with to enter.

    some will like it some will not but that's the choice they have given us so which ever we take has to be a good thing ..

    i wouldn't flame anyone for not entering via facebook or u-tube as that's there choice
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  14. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    And a valid point it is. I will agree that your first post did seem a little bit of an overreaction but you explained your point well in the second. +rep

    Don't worry, if it continues to get out of hand (which i don't think it will now) then I have my finger on the button.

    Indeed, the problem is that we are all human and we all let emotion colour our opinions which in turn sets the tone of our posts and in turn that influences other peoples reaction when they post in return thus the easy progression to a flamewar where the original point is lost.

    Constructive Feedback is always welcome and is never positive or negative, it is just feedback. Problem is, people generally don't understand this and take offence to the perceived tone of feedback and thus view it as a personal attack. I would encourage everyone to stop, take a breath and then go back and re-read the post that enraged you very slowly and read behind the tone to find the real point of what the person is trying to say.

    An extremely good point here Alex. We have all bashed MA over the years about its lack of Marketing and now we have the A-Team making serious inroads into exactly that by using the most popular vectors of the current internet.

    Agreed. People need to tone down the overreaction both ways and allow the feedback to come through.

    Yes, I for one will need to listen to it again as I fell asleep during the interview.....What can I say, Isclay's voice sends me to sleep ;) lol

    All in All, I think the A-Team did a fantastic job with these events, trying to cater to all types and tastes. Other social networks could have also been used too (as mentioned above) but I think that in the end it might have come down to the number of prizes available. Otherwise I dare say we would have seen Google+ and Twitter feature...Maybe next time, you never know.

    Feedback is good folks so keep it coming, I'm sure the A-Team is taking note.
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  15. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    Np - one less competitor :)

    As a side note I truly understand that the A-team want som publicity about this and in that matter fb and u-tube is a way to send this info out to ppl outside Entropedia
  16. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    exactly! and that´s why i probably will hit the like button.
    i was kinda forced :D into a facebook account and now rarely visit the site but
    most of my so-called friends or acquaintances are not of the mmo type(i think:shrug:) and maybe they see that i liked Planet A and get curious about it. and ofc they see u can win alienware gear and get rich in the game. ;)
    and thats what it is about, advertisement.
    let our universe grow.
  17. fredzepp

    fredzepp Active Member

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    Good posts by Danton and I'm glad someone said it. I hate Facebook but am considering setting up a spoof account for this. If not, my loss if I can't enter one of the competitions but I will still be spending time on Arkadia.

    Despite my feelings towards FB, I tip my hat to Ark for trying to spread the word.

    In his interview David was quite specific about the funding for these events:


    Sorry for the caps but this is important stuff :)
  18. slither

    slither Active Member

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    This is not even an ingame event, it's just a bit of marketing - do u guys object to arkadia advertising?
  19. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    4. They ned to take the number( likes on Facebook and subsriber on Youtube) to Alienware to ask for more laptops in the future. So just take some time so do it, it would benefits us in the long run.
  20. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Exactly, with the addition of a nice reward to one lucky individual for helping spread the word....