Miner moving from Caly

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Matho, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Matho

    Matho New Member

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    Hi all,
    after almost 5 yrs spent on Calypso I completely lost the will to live there. Horrible terrain to walk on, ninja mobs, overall bad mood there, poor tt return, neverending events and finally, removing vehicles from pvp, are forcing me to quit that place.

    The only logical way, where should I move to and start again is Arkadia.

    I´ve heard a lot about friendly community, caring developers, also there are a "myths" about slightly higher tt return and about overall better markup on Arkadia.

    So I´d like to ask few(maybe not easy to answer) questions:
    - is it hard to achieve 120% overal mu while doing enmat?
    - is it hard to achieve 120% overal mu while doing ore?
    - is it hard to achieve 110% -115% overal mu while hunting low lvl mobs?
    - whats the price of low lvl amps on ark? Are these amps easy to buy?

    and finally:
    - which place should I give a try as a new miner?
    - which place should I give a try as a new low lvl mobs hunter, mu-wise?

    I´m looking forward for you answers and meanwhile I will try to search some answers here on the forum

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  2. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Its kind of hard for someone to answer most of what you ask there my friend. If you have mined for 5 years you should know that what you are able to find consistantly will vary from what the next guy can do. Not everyone has or can use the same gear and not everyone has same skill.

    I can tell you this. Mining works the same here as anywhere else. You need to find where stuff is and match your skills and gear to the area you work and adjust your habits from there to produce the desired result you need. I find it preety stable mining on Ark. More so then Caly but as you say on Caly you have all the little crap mobs swarming dame near every square meter of land there and the added ninja spawns. That is not such an issue just yet here on Ark. There are plenty of open spaces to mine here in peace and one with nature.

    The hardest thing you will face here is the ability to sell in a timely manor. Poor buisness precedence have been set here in regards to how things work and that hinders the flow of materials. Sadly I have to say you will find yourself at odds between loving the planet but hating that aspect of the game. Set your thoughts on having to travel on ocassion to sell off some things that are not so popular here early and you will do well if you have half a clue how to mine in EU.

    Hopefully in time real traders will make Ark a stop in their practices as it grows or even make it home so we can break that " I will only buy certain things and dont wanna pay much for it mentality". There are people who will treat you OK but there are far more that live by the greed creed still.

    In any case Arkadia IS the best planet by far to be on no matter how you compare things in the rest of the EU. I am sure you will, like most of us, be amazed at what Ark is becoming.
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yes, and yes. It's difficult in this summer's market. Resource prices are depressed atm. A more typical return is 115%, that's fairly easy to do if you know where to mine. There are certain places where you can target chalmon or other high MU materials, but I generally prefer to carpet bomb good areas, so my average MU is between 113% and 116%, which is plenty for bringing long term profit.

    Carabok, Halix, Jori, Feran, Ostelok, Tiarak all have fairly high returns because of their hides, which make up about 15-20% of your loot. Nusul is bigger (stalkers 660hp) but can be hunted easily without any armor because of their low attack rate. Their hides also sell for MU, but not as high as the smaller mobs already mentioned. These are noob mobs, if you're looking for "low lvl mobs" bigger than this, you'll have a hard time finding MUs even 110%. MUs on oils are usually 3-4% higher than on Caly, so that adds to your return.

    Terra Amp 1 really costs too much to use unless you derive the materials yourself and craft it. It usually goes for around 115%. You can often find level 2 amps in auction for 106-107%.

    Really any place. 8 Coins is popular. Sanc cove is popular right now because of lidacon. Both of those areas are taxed, but I don't notice a lower return. The planet is not nearly as big as Caly... so I recommend testing out some random spots and seeing what you find.
    I should add that the auction house behaves a little differently from Caly. There are a lot fewer offerings than on Caly, which means that you should price your ores to sell via buyout rather than bid. Most ores do not sell well in quantities over 200 ped. For a full time miner, you'll find a Normandie subscription very useful. There are some ores (some universal ones) that don't sell well on Ark.

    GL, welcome to Arkadia, and don't be a stranger on the forums!
  4. Fallen

    Fallen Member

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    i understand how you feel and have been spending quite a bit of time mining arkadia myself, the slightly higher tt return is a myth though, what i think people experience is slightly more stable return due to a feature of arkadia mining that many people have mixed feelings about, resource fields on arkadia contain a large mix of ores and enmatters compared to other planets.

    many arkadia specific enmatters have decent markup and some areas also contain shared enmatters with good markup.
    it is a little harder to achieve 120% average with ore but there are some decent areas/ark specific ores too.
    someone else mentioned the arkadia auction, it is a little slow, this and the large mix of resources means you need a decent bankroll and some patience to mine on arkadia, not everyone has this so you see some people without a budget dumping resources on auction at stupid prices, sometimes lower than resellers would pay, i also notice there is a little more player to player trading on arkadia compared to calypso. because you ask about 120% markup and amps i presume you are going be turning over a decent amount of peds, i mine amped and sell all my shared resources and some of the arkadia specific ones on the caly auction, amp prices are higher on ark than on caly so i pick up new amps when i go to sell my resources. there are two services doing warps to caly almost every day, the normandie and efa, so it is easy to find a flight that suits you. i notice you dont mention treasure mining, at the moment the markup on most treasures is so low it is not worth doing unless you intend to get lucky. :)
  5. Kosh

    Kosh Member

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    Most of the time it is possible to get over 120% in both ore and enmatter. Where? it changes. You need to map out the planet (it is not big) and pay attention to the market.

    Note that the market is much slower here, you have to wait for your stuff to sell at decent prices or make frequent journey's back to Caly.

    Good luck out there ;)
  6. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    Well I hate to say it but the ninja mobs are a factor of the engine. I've had it on Ark while driving near the land areas, nothing on radar - look away for a second and then it's a see of red dots when I look back.

    It's been a while but we can only blame MA for that.
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    This is not actually true right now. The materials that are used in keys are selling well at high MU. It's not luck... it's knowing where to mine :)
  8. rastamannen

    rastamannen Member

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    I would say 115-120% is doable...Just stay away from areas that have both enmat and ores with low MU. I personally enjoy it here, i wont move back to caly for sure :) Market is slow but in time it will get better I hope.
  9. Fallen

    Fallen Member

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    its really nice that everyone suddenly starts crafting keys again, just to make me look foolish, nothing to do with the update that was delayed :p
    i knew i should of mentioned my hope that things will change with that once the update brings instances :)
    of course it has to do with where you mine, but i only knew of one area with a semi-decent mix of treasure, and even then im not sure it would of supported amped treasure mining, as the op seemed to be wanting to do.
    now that some markup has changed it might make more areas viable, but then again more miners will start selling their treasure now that it has markup so who knows what prices will do in the near future. :)