Spartoline! Freeing the sweat slaves!

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Sparticas, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Perhaps part of the problem with this thread is that sweaters are being referred to as slaves, and maybe like me, that rubs people the wrong way. I don't mean to sound too much like a crotchety old moralist, but real slavery does exist in this world in various places and forms, and it's not an appropriate analogy to make. Real slavery is not even remotely comparable to the situation new player/sweaters find themselves in.

    New players who are unable to deposit:

    1) are never forced to sweat
    2) can do MANY other free activities in the game, including chatting, making friends, doing free missions, exploring, working for other players, walking for stones and fruit
    3) can put their brain to work, do some trading and make all the peds they need to play at just about any level, given time and dedication (and if anyone in this game has time and patience to burn, sweaters certainly do!)
  2. Sparticas

    Sparticas Member

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    Your missing the point. The Market is the real issue and Advertising or PR. Is it GOOD or BAD PR? Chatting making friends is all ways a good thing. Thats what makes this System/Idea/Formula Work. But instead of the new chatting with the exp players. you want the new chatting with the prospective players. Sweat and the market makes that happen. Cheepest form of PR/Advertisment known to man/woman so freeing the market at little or no cost to MA for adding code onto a existing system seems to me plyable moreso than hiring them to start code to try something from scratch. or paying a advertisment company to do it for them. SO lets stop nit picking and look at it.. not at what we call the widget a doomahicky or a thingamabob.
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I guess I don't get the PR thing... are you saying that Mindark advertises sweating as a good way to make money in the game?
  4. Sparticas

    Sparticas Member

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    OK I'm going to musicaly reply to this so hope you get the gist.
    then there is this one.:dribble:
  5. Sparticas

    Sparticas Member

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    then the last one:cowboy:
  6. Sparticas

    Sparticas Member

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  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Sorry, not getting the point of that.
  8. Sparticas

    Sparticas Member

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    could be the title. Lyrics, But the thing is don't matter much as long as it works. PR=Word of mouth,Advertising ect. It could be good or bad.Bad could be alot of things if people are not coming into the game thats bad. Word of mouth could be like that. I bet they have a list of Avitars that you would not believe that come in sweat and leave never to come back. Those people have had a bad experiance and will not reccomend the game maybe even bad mouth it. BAD PR. If sweating and selling it just about anytime of day or night you can find buyers. Even at .0000000000001 pec is going to push what is known as a grape vine effect in people. They will talk about it.This Grape vine effect has been worked by humans since begining of there existance. Also Known as the town Gossip, I call it a form of Drama. Drama is a Human Condition if you deal with other people you will have to deal with DRAMA, Women are experts at this as well as some men. Ever wonder why Soap Opra's exist? Well it ends up like a pyramid scheme for advertising/PR/Word of mouth. ect ect. It starts at one at the top then grows as it gets deeper at the bottom you have a alot of people all talking either good or bad.
    Ok hope that clears it up some. This is Known as Exponential Growth. Because the numbers start to explode when it gets deeper in the pyramid of the Grape vine everyone is talking to 1-3 people and they keep going and going and going. There is a Company in America that is Totaly Debt Free known as AMWAY, One of very few companys that carrys no Debt. that use this same techniqe.
    Since i'm starting shyt on the forums about it. that makes me the leader.. I AM IT! Now onto something else I was told by someone this Idea came out in 2007 and belongs to someone before i was having a fit about.. I'm not trying to take anyones Idea if it was thought up before me.. I was unknowing about it, I'm not going to take credit for someone else's IDEA. However it is a great IDEA, And i will Continue to Champion and push it.
  9. AlexSolo

    AlexSolo Member

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    can't really follow here. Why should someone be disappointed by sweating and spread negativity cause of that?

    As far as I studied I never saw any announcement or advertising by Mindark in which Mindark guarantess success by sweating.

    If they would do that I would be disappointed but if I get nothing guaranteed I can't be disappointed when my own idea doesn't work out.

    People who start sweating and leave cause they think it leads to nothing I suppose aren't really Mindarks target group of Entropia Players. Entropia Universe delivers content you can participate in and in dependency of your own input of resources, knowledge, efforts in time plus decisions on your own actions you can proceed and gain access to different and more content. But it's nowhere guaranteed that anything will definately work out for you and your bank account.

    Some people use their resources and time more efficient than others. Some people have more money than time, some more time than money and some neither nor. Like it is in the real world. People who wan't to just have fun got to bring the amount of money to get the fun they wan't.

    I can though understand that it's the desire of many players to have Entropia Universe as online world with alot people active. But the game does not deliver that. Lowering the overall cost to play will bring some more activity but that can't be compared to other games. And in that term people who wan't to spend their free time with some pc gaming which enables them to play on endgame level sooner than later will find their joy elsewhere as long as there is no planet partner who designes a planet in a way which delivers the usual gaming experience "high entertainment" which feels like endgame on low cost input basis.

    "100-150 ped per month will ensure you a great planet gaming story to play with all a usual gamers heart desires but when you have seen all there is and you played the last instance or mission you will realise that your avatar skills havent been growing much and therefore you still use the same gun which you got at the start."

    See that system must be designed to not have an big impact on other planets economies with devaluation of skills for instance. And the casual online gamer wants to see his avatar proceeding while achieving through the story ingame plus have an increasing challenge all the time.

    You could build a planet which enables a complete own "gaming mode" when you enter it which doesn't have impact on economy of EU like gaming mode skillgain or weapons, tools and so which just give gaming skills which are tied to your avatar and you loot always more than you have spend to kill to proceed in the gaming mode gear to face new challenges. The planet would also need his own currency which is worthless elsewhere in the universe.

    It's just a matter then for the Planet Partner how to finance that. Planet Entry fee might be 400-600 ped then for existing players or the usual 2 ped but you have to deposit 100-150 ped every single story part you want to start and all new players can pay that upon registry or before they start the next story part. "Pay what you like to see". The PP will be in a situation then to always keep the content updated cause otherwise he will drown as soon everyone has played everything and no new players arrive.

    You can spend then all day long shooting arround there with your friends but the amount of people who settle over to other planets will be low cause the complete different system outside the planet.

    But sweating will always lead back to alot more sweating when you don't open up to manage to jump away from that to other business inside after you saved your sweat money to a amount you can jump with.

  10. Sparticas

    Sparticas Member

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    Real easy they could and it be real short and sweet as well. Friend 1 in game A is there because couldn't participate in so called almost none existent sweat economy. Runs into or meets another friend 2. Now they game together for some time and friends says I seen this advert on face book or on google ads about this game. Friend 1 that has experiance with game says Oh thats is one of the most boring games I ever tried. sweated for the whole day got 1000+ sweat couldn't find anyone to buy it.. Nice free to try game. Sa'la vi.

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  11. AlexSolo

    AlexSolo Member

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    well I would consider that a person who leaves cause sweating don't has the intention to play on a seriously basis.

    30 Dollars give you access to lots activity already. Less than a PC game which got like 10 hours content costs.

    40-60 Dollars can last forever but that is up to you then if you are ready to make some risk. The price of a game in a store. So I would not focus on sweating as a beginners experience to judge about the game at all. Who does that is for me too short sighted for the game cause you need to look left, right, straight, behind, use friendlist etc. A person who needs security at all times but wants more than social chat is better positioned in one of the games which I described with the gaming PP system.

    Still there is the new sometrics system. The opinions about that may vary alot but you can grab startup money there if you really want to spend nothing at start. Still there will be alot persons who don't want to fill out surveys or give their mobile nr. Thats a matter of security again. Up to everyone to decide there.

    If you don't want to bring anything but have the goal to get everything you need to face the hard way and better have a big skin.
    And always be friendly on the way to the top. You will meet everyone again on your way down. :)

    To get back to the vehicle thing:
    Looking forward to some designs now for a vehicle suggestion. (not only the looks but what stats and functions should a vehicle have?)

  12. Sparticas

    Sparticas Member

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    "well I would consider that a person who leaves cause sweating don't has the intention to play on a seriously basis."
    Kind of a assumed preconception of people. I did it many yrs ago.. had to be about time sweat came out. I ran into a long time player in another game that dragged me back in for another look or I wouldn't be here now. Yeah I was stubborn about it. Boring ass game not interested..But hey i'm here now may not put time and money into it like I would like to but hey cut a guy a break. Now as far Sometrics it is what it is to people.. To me it is a spam system.. no thanks. Would rather not play. I get enough e-mail and adverts way it is now. Oh and Just because I stand up for what I believe. Don't take crap from anyone don't mean i'm un friendly. My friendship is something earned like respect.. I'm a luvable equal opprotinity hater what my family call me. Not easy to get to know but worth it.

    Look I just want a Official Harley in game.. let the Artists,Company, and who ever do that kind of thing do it. I'm not here to do anyone else's Job. Mine is being the lovable ass that I am.. maybe even a loveable goat. Really not sure..I know it is Love.. maybe mutated.
    A Indian would be better. but hey i'll settle for the offical trycle if that is what comes.
    Horse captured by Spart.