Limited and unlimited gear question

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by wmtyrance, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. wmtyrance

    wmtyrance Member

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    So as a new player this area is a mystery to me. So far from what I've been told is, Limited is good for a certain amount of repairs but as a newbie you gain skills faster in it. Unlimited is repairable always but as a newbies you gain skills slower in it. Also i noticed that on caly. you can buy both version at the trade terminal but here you can only get limited items. Why have tags on this stuff in the first place? I just wonder what is the point to all this.
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Limited weapons can never be repaired. You buy one, use it till it breaks, buy another. Unlimited weapons can be repaired. That's the basic difference between the two.

    I have never seen any evidence for skilling differences. (But see discussion of SIB below)

    Limited weapons are generally designed to be more eco than their unlimited counterpart in terms of damage per pec. However that depends on the MU you pay for one. You basically need to multiply the decay by MU when calculating dpp. Thats why limited melee items are often uneco after MU. Entropedia weapons table has a field where you can enter MU and a check box to tell it to take MU into account when calculating decay.

    So you need to thoughtful about how much MU you pay on limited weapons. Weapons bought from TT have no MU so chances are L TT weapons are very eco.

    For unlimited weapons, MU paid does not really impact calculations of dpp. You expect to one day resell that weapon. So if you pay a high MU there are two key questions:
    - am I willing to lock up those peds in one weapon
    - whats the risk that the weapon will decrease significantly in value when I decided to sell. How would I feel if I made a signifcant loss on the sale.

    And then there is SIB (skill increase bonus). This is a misleading term becuase it's not really about a bonus to skills. There may well be a bonus but I have not seen any test data showing this. The big advantage of using a SIB weapon is that you can use it at maximum efficiency at a lower level. You may have seen the recent note from the MA developers about the importance of using a weapon where your hit stat is 10/10, ur damage is at maxiumum, etc. We call that using a weapon that is maxed. A nonSIB weapon is maxed at level 100 in the relevent profession. A SIB weapon is maxed at a much lower level. For example a LAW-101 from the TT is maxed at level 5.

    I strongly recommend that you aim to only use weapons you have maxed or nearly maxed. Otherwise you will miss more often, do less damage and increase your cost to kill.

    Most if not all L weapons have SIB, many UNL weapons do not.

  3. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Also one of the main factors you have to take intoconsideration is that a limited item keeps its full protection until it is broken,unlike the unlimited items there protection is dependent upon their tt value. Hereis an example because I craft both limited and unlimited armors of this particularset the caly bodyguard set has 4.5 total points of protection, which means itis split up in this fashion (4.5=1.5 impact, 3 penetration). So for this particularset at 50% tt value you would get the whole 4.5 total points of protection on a(L) set until it broke(meaning no repair bills). But on an (UL) set at 50% tt value you wouldonly get 2.25 total points of protection at that point, and the protection goesdown the more you use it until it breaks(0 tt). So say the (UL) set is at 75%tt your points of protection at that time would be only 1.129, but it wouldstill be 4.5 on the (L) set. The main difference you might want to look at isthis and remember this is just for hunting not pvping,

    1. Do you want to repair your armor after every huntto keep it at 100% points of protection for the next hunt?

    2. Would you rather hunt and not worry about theamount of protection you have knowing that you will always have the fullprotection of the suit at all times?

    The durability is a factor as well while the (UL) set has600 the (L) set has 10600 which means it will last longer until it is broken. Asa side note all (L) armors have an increase of 10,000 durability so if you havea set of Ghost (UL) the durability is 2000 but the (L) version has 12,000 allthe stats are the same. Whether it be a limited (L) set or unlimited (UL) thestates are the same it just comes down to your style of hunting or game play. Asa crafter of armors set I have many (L) and (UL) bps for all levels of gameplay. I also have a shop in celeste harbor and there are many shops there tohelp you with your game play as well. So feel free to stop by and see my shopin celeste harbor north building 2 shop 2 and I have lvl6 & 7 in the samebuilding with items for sell as well. But in whatever you choose to do in theEU remember it is just a game, and have as much fun as you can and shop around forthe best prices you will find great deals in some of the shops.
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hi Anthony,

    totally agree that L armour is generally more eco because of the increased durability, depending on the MU you pay. Each additional 1k in durability reduces decay by approximately 1%. So in your examples above you are seeing a difference or around 10% between L and unl versions of the same armour.

    Very good point about reduced protection for reduced TT unl armour. However, I don't know about you but I keep my unlimited armour fully repaired so I dont need to worry about the reduced protection. There is usually not enough decay in a single hunt to significantly reduce the level of protection during that hunt.

    Lol at the advertisment.
  5. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    hi kikkijikki,

    true but i try to make it as simple as possible for the new guy to understnad lol and like you i also repair my armor after every hunt but some new players might not remember that. But in some instances it is better to run a limited set (says the person with 22 different sets of armor lol) I guess it all runs down to the player in what they are looking to do.

    lol you noticed my plug for my shop huh? well i gave a shout out to the other shops as well lol
  6. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Great question Wmtyrance, and ty for the answers folks. Even as an older player I appreciate reading some of these answers. I am very 'math challenged' so trying to use wiki etc to figure out a lot of this stuff to be more eco is usually beyond me, I have to rely on opinions and advice from others, and I'm still looking for a clear answer of which Ark L armour is closet to my UL Boar, as I'd like to switch if it is going to save me ped in the long run ;)
  7. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Hello LEE
    And today is your lucky day seeing how you UL boar has a counterparti.e. (L) set then I would suggest you to try the Ursa (L) here are the statsyou can compare but the one thing ursa has that boar does not is ele protectionof 15 but ursa also has no acd protection so if you were really needing that 4points for acd then I would stay with the boar otherwise it seems ursa has whatyou are looking for both:

    ----- std cut imp penn brn cld acd ele close firearm total/durability
    Boar 16 16 19 12 16 12 4 0 51 28 95/13100
    Ursa 15 21 18 10 12 10 0 15 54 22 101/13000

    the cost is relitively the same the boar (L) is 550.50 and the ursa (L) is 600 but that is my 2 pecs worth lol.
  8. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I can really recommend the Armour vs Mobs advisor

    You can choose the mobs u most often hunt with Boar and then do a side by side comparison showing the protection and decay offered by boar compared to other armours (eg ursa). It will also allow u to take into account combinatinos with plates and enhancers.

    The only math you need to do is, for L armour, multiply the displayed decay by the MU% you think you will pay for the armour.

  9. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    If you want a simple recommendation I would recommend:
    -UL pixie armour
    -UL Herb Box (first aid kit) after you get some more first aid skills get what i call an "Oh Crap" fap like a EK2600. Just for when you get a critical hit. to catch up quick.
    -then use a L weapon as KJ said almost maxed or maxed. Maxed will be more eco. UL weapon amps can sometimes be good for a maxed out gun also.

    speaking of weapons and faps i'll tell you what i tell everyone RELOAD IS KING! faster reload means faster switching from weapon to gun to weapon and will add to your efficency. LESS COST PER KILL is always what you want to achieve, not some stupid dmg/pec ratio.
  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Anthony, could you use a different color font? That yellow made me go a little bit insane. I recommend removing all formatting and just going with the default font, 99% of the time, it's the best choice.
  11. wmtyrance

    wmtyrance Member

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    Wow guys thanks for really clearing things up for me. I got a set of the newbie Limited armor from the TT and it really is great. Anthony i will look for your shops when i have enough ped. I never knew the life of that limited armor was like that. As a newbie this will save me a lot of repair cost.
  12. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Thanks from me too Anthony and Kikki, will get some more Ursa and start collecting the next two sets after, see how it goes :)
  13. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    no worries thats what we are here for to help in any way that we can remember if you need to see which set you need next you can got to lvl 6 over my shop to see all the armors i have the bps for or have on hand. thats celeste harbor tp building 2 lvl6 apartment
  14. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  15. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    lol thats was like 6 -7 post ago funny to bring that back up after the issue was resolved. instead of commenting on the orginal post?
  16. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    It's only partly resolved... it no longer drives me insane, but it's still very hard on the eyes. I haven't actually read the yellow posts yet, so I don't know what i'm missing.
  17. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    lol i would change the brightness of your sellings or wear sunglasses and you are missing a great deal so done the :cool: and get your read on lol.
  18. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Yes its very difficult to read depending on the forum skin used.

    Anthony, please refrain from needlessly changing the font colours on your posts. Your posts are of a high quality generally and it does make reading them difficult for people who like to use some of the lighter forum skins. Its best to generally just leave it as standard format so that it displays properly in all skins.
  19. warz

    warz New Member

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    What ever works better for you :)