Announcing Normandie Radio "Bangin with the Borg" Radio show

Discussion in 'Normandie Radio' started by Cyborg Bill, May 23, 2012.

  1. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    This is DJ Cyborg Bill here to announce the start of a new show on Normandie Radio. I just got done a test show a short while ago and have gotten the go ahead for a regular show on Normandie Radio. I am going to do the show under the name "Bangin with the Borg". The format is 80's Heavy Metal mainly but I will get into various versions of the genre from the Hair bands to Glam bands and even into the bubble gum MTV early era music when it first started in August 1981.

    I plan on several themed shows with history, evolution and highlights of specific bands from time to time. I also have a few ideas for non musical entertainment during my shows to be discussed as the are ready to be aired. I also will do some shows from the various planets not just Arkadia as I am sure all of the entropia universe has its rockers and headbangers wanting to particpate.

    I also once I am established offer to do my show at events or places if there is enough listeners and players interested in having me at their functions.

    Normandie Radio does advertising for different events and buisnesses within the EU community so I will be more then glad to run your adds from time to time once they are approved by Normandie Radio managers and they give me the go ahead to run them. I will also send the ocassional shout outs to socities and friends if requested.

    Currently I have a limited set of music to work from since I lost a good portion of mine to a hard drive crash that suicided the entire drive and an ex who snaked my cd collection years ago so I cant rebuild what I had on digital orginally. I will do requests as much as possible as I rebuild and grow as best I can so feel free to go to the Normandieradio web site and send them in. I dont mind playing anytype of music as a request as after all we are here for you guys but I will ask that you try to keep within the show theme if possible.

    Anyway the first full show is tomorrow night before DJ Rose's show. Mine will be at 1800 MA time and Rose goes live at 2100.

    Hope to see ya tomorrow for "Bangin with the Borg" and if thats not yer thing try to catch one of our other DJ shows to find something you do like.

    Good Luck and many Hof's

    Edit: BTW the first show will be from my apartment in Celeste Harbor. Bldg1 south apt 5. hope to see a buncha people there for a pic to eneter the party pad contest with 8+}}
  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Awesome news Bill.

    *Thread Moved to Normandie Radio section*
  3. KillerDawg

    KillerDawg Active Member Pro Users

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    Yay, a new DJ, looking forward to your show man. :cool: I'll still be at work when you go live but I will listen in on my trusty phone. Good luck DJ Cyborg and break a leg.
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  4. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Will be there for sure Bill ....
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  5. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Thank you sir. I was going to post it there but there was no start new topic button on the section main page so I did it in gen pop.
  6. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    This is going to be AWESOME!!!!
  7. New York Rose

    New York Rose Active Member

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    LIVE NOW!!..Whoo Hoo..heading over to your party pad!!
  8. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    WEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! what a first show!!!

    That was an awesome rush to do. Specially seeing 30 listeners avg for first show with 38 max at times. I thionk someone was listing countries where some were from and I was really surprised where. Thanx for all the support from Mel and all the DJ's gettin me lined out for this. Also for everyone who was spammin tp's for me. An added thanx to DJ Rose for lettin me play over scheduled time.

    I specially thank people for takin time out of their play time to hang out at my apartment the entire show. That was crazy seein that done for me and not someone else. Felt really good.

    See you all again next week I hope. maybe try to get that 50 listener mark. 8=}}

    Dont forget to check out our other DJ shows and support them as well as you did me tonight. 8=}}

    GL and many hof's all
  9. KillerDawg

    KillerDawg Active Member Pro Users

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    :cool: Hell of a show :hail:, sadly I could only listen from work as is was a tad early. But you did one fine job sir and I will be listening in for sure to the future shows as well.

    Keep up the great work and and great big thank you to NR for getting you on board.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Thanx lot KD glad we kept ya entertained 8=}}.....gah must spread least now I can thank ya with the new system
  11. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    K guys New news from the Borg show.

    With Arkadias 1st Birthday celebration kicking off this week end all of the DJ's are going to take extra shifts this weekend and do our best to keep Live DJ's on as much as possible. Im gonna pull the sunday 1800-2100 spot for sure and try to do an earlier spot saturday morning / Early afternoon.

    Be sure to have your winamps and media players on and crankin the tunes from or hang out on the website where there are bios of the DJ's a link to request tunes, a forum to check out and maybe get involved in so Show these DJ's some Love cause they are taking time from their lives to bring you the incredible shows they have been crankin out for all of EU.

    We wanna see some listener records broken so tell your families and friends about your favorite show and get them all listening. Pm the DJ and who knows ya may get to embarass uncle Ernie at work when he gets a shout out from a video game radio station in the real world.

    Remember above all else Keep on rockin in the freeworld
  12. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hope everyone had a good time this weekend. The Normandie Radio staff and DJ's put a lot of extra effort out taking extra shifts, doin longer shows, spamming each other and all the events going on for Arkadia's birthday bash. ill admit I must be gettin old as I am STILL whooped after all that. I will also say I had a blast doin it.

    All the prep work and help from all who were letting people know I was on air really really helped out. I wanna send special thanks out to whom ever did that last minute push to get me 6 more listeners online to set the record of 53 listeners that was freakin AWSOME!!!

    I am getting strong listener base for the shows but I am getting little feed back about what you guys want to hear and the entire reason for the show is for you bangers out there so get back to me here in this thread, in a pm, catch me in game, what ever it takes I will do my best to respond and incorporate suggestions into the show.

    Moving on how bout that interview with Jim (Ewok /Snape) our beloved overseer of digital life here on the forum.(ohhh I just gave him his name within the show!!!) What a great guy he is not only here and in game but in real life as well. After an attempt to amuse people with to many onlin for a confrence call Mel quickly regrouped and set up the more personal session and it was again AWESOME to do an interview like that. It was my first live interview so another cherry got broken and spilled all over Jim this time hehe. I do appologise to our other DJ's that were on the call as I kinda stepped up and took over with all the questions. I will also say though that it felt right and was comfrtable and relaxed thing to do so who knows maybe a few interviews of my own will pop up down the line.

    Over all it has been a really cool thing to be hangin out on air with you guys and I appreciate all the support form listeners like Milenea even though she cant be on for all shows she has put a tremendous effort out to help us. Things like paying for advertisers of our shows on other planets from her own ped card BIG BIG rep for her!!! besides we all Love Milena she is sucha sweatheart to all of us. I also have to give a shout out to Liosha and Jul who have been at every one of my shows banigin with me. Great job guys and again thanks for being there. Cant forget my soc mates who log in and listen as well when they know I have a show. Special thanks to Rick for tp hoping on Caly spammin for me. Last but least to Mel and Rick for gangin up on me to do this in the first place.

    So to everyone who was celebrating, working within the Normandie radio structure, Dj's and of course all the listenrs who support us I hope you all had a great weekend celebrating with us Planet Arkdadias first birthday. Remember though thatthe celebration does continue with more events and happenings so its not by any means over so continue celebrating and hang out with Normandie Radio for the music and informartion regarding all the happenings to come.

    Remember when the Borg start to bang the metal starts to fly.
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  13. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    K all nother update on the Borg show. Due to a little drama this past week there will be a little shuffling of times and show lengths so I will be posting my part of that change up.

    Instead of doing a 3 hour show from 1800 to 2100 I will be doing 1900-2400 on Wednesdays to stress your little head banging necks all that much more. Hope you all have been stretching to avoid injuries. and that it that no further discussion necessary.

    On to the big news I announced on Sundays show.
    DJ Isclay and I have been shooting ideas back and forth and we think there might be some musical talant hanging around out there clickin time away when they could be showcasing their stuff for us and all you listeners out there. Sooo that being said we are working out the details to be more refined as we know how picky and particular some of us (myself included) can be.

    The basic gist is that we want to put you guys head to head against each other in a competition to see who is Entropias biggest talant hangin out in the real world. I wanted to do a battle of the bands at first then it was brought up that there might be a few vocalists hangin out there behind the curtains. With that added into the mix we decided to add Karaoke singers, solo vocalist, church vocalist and even the few shower artists we may have. So far what we have planned is to split up the entries between the two of us and (depending on total number of entries) put two random selections head to head each week for the voting. So not only is it a competition for you but one between the DJ's as well. Who knows if we get too many entries we may have to force other DJ's in on the gig.

    So far the plan is to gather information from you all to see if you are even interested in something like this. I think once we work out all the kinks an official thread for this will be started and we can proceed. Before you all hang your head over all the leagal stuff like copy rights and intelectal property it is already under investigation how to do this so no one loses anything in regards to their music except maybe losing to the competition within the contest. We have no plans to keep hold or use this stuff after the contest except maybe the winner and one or two entries that get top votes. BUT that use will be left up to those who fall into that catagory by winning.

    I think we will have weighted voting with the community having 1/3 weight NR radio staff with 1/3 weight and if possible the A-teams staff as the final 1/3. (Note this is just an initial train of thought and no one has even been approached to do this yet) So Keep an eye out for either DJ Isclay or myself posting a thread to get the ball rolling once we refine the system to use for the competition.

    With all that info I think I will stop there and hope to see you tomorrow with the new hours for the Bangin with the Borg show.

    Remember when the Borg start to bang the metal starts to fly.
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  14. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Alright time for sundays show update.

    I think I may try to get on an hour early Sunday. I have to run it by the Boss but Its a big possibility so peek in around 1700 on Sunday to see. If not will for sure be live at 1800.

    This show I think Im going to split time with the normal stuff and maybe do an hour or so way back segment and peek into the 70's. This was a time I was in grade school and musical influences were starting to take hold. all you head bangers and rocks do not fear I will NOT repaet NOT be steeping into the realm of disco. (all pause for a quick shiver and shake in remembrance) Ill be hittin up tunes from bands like Rush who was a HUGE influence for me when I was taking drum lessons. All bow in homage to the professor Neil Pert. Going from there we will hit a little southern rock from bands like Lynard Skynard, Molly Hatchet, and maybe some Alman brothers. Then we will shift over to some bands like Journey and Styx for a ballad or two. Cant leave out the woman of our listeners now can we. I also think I may hit earlier 70's with bands such as Blue Oyster Cult, and performers like Jim Croce and even some Cat Stevens.

    Hopefully that will keep you guys interested and entertained. Ill be looking for some more comedy bits as well so stay tuned and prepare to laugh. Anyway hope to see you all at the show and remember we do have a request line on the site so if there are any bands or songs you want specificly to hear hit that and I will for sure do my best to get it to you.

    Finally i would like to say we had a few non Entropia liseners on wednesday that were active with requests so spread the word to family and friends this is not just for gamers but for all rockers and head bangers.

    Remember when the Borg start to Bang the metal starts to fly.
  15. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    New Orders in from the Cube!!!

    Wednesdays transmission will be moved out a bit from now on. The human John Oxborough has suceeded in high jacking the signal for the 1800-2100 slot on wednesday. Welcome him and tune in for his show so all your tubes and transisters will be well warmed up for the Borg show to draw power from. the new slot for the show will be 2100-2400.

    The nice thing is currently there is no DJ to follow me so if the show is rolling well we can carry over as long as there is good feed back.

    Hope everyone got into Sundays throw back section and I didnt bore you with old stuff you may not have been interested in. Anyway this show will be a full on Bangin with the Borg show so stretch your neck musxcles and wiggle them fingers for the \m/ \m/ times that will be sure to come during the show. I found one of my favorite comedy skits from Bill Cosby so there will be 2 clips from him in the show.

    Im still not gettin as much input for the show as I would like so I can make it better for you guys but I am very happy with the support from listeners I am getting specially the loyal ones who have been there for every show. I also again cant thank the other DJ's enough for workin with each other to support everyones shows. Also wanna give a shout to all the people hangin on the Normandie Radio skype chat you guys make for excellent entertainment and friendship. Make sure you guys hit the request line for anything you want to hear and Ill get it out to you soon as possible.

    Last but certainly not least by any means I wanna give a shout out to MS9 and Syer over at Cyrene and Mindstar radio for an awesome time with the skype chat this weekend and I hope there will be more to follow.

    Remember when the Borg start to bang the metal starts to fly!
  16. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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  17. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  18. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Excellent poster Rick TY very much. I laughed when I saw you used Steve Bushemi the ultimate "Nut case" actor. I loved him in Armageddon.

    Ty for the spam for the show Milena. now that construction in my area is all done and I have steady internet again I will get back to my posting for the shows schedule regularly again.
  19. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  20. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    The Borg is banging
