I am really looking forward to the next content update. We could sure use it here on Arkadia. Are the crafters focusing on Cyrene right now? Perhaps this is just a temporary dip in production. :surrender:
I'm super excited for the next content update as well. I hear it's a big one I wouldn't worry too much about the auction and how many pages there are. As you said Cyrene is still new. Once the update hits, I'm sure more people will be on Arkadia than ever!
I do worry .. I can't stay afloat anymore selling resources. A problem that is quite "deadly" for the cashflow.. it was very hard before (70% unsold auction offers at normal MU makes me weep lol). It will pitch up again when mob spawns are restored / cyrene is "less new" But still: 150-160 pages max at auction before the current drop? We need more influx of players Looking forwrd to update tho! Hang in there, BBB
There is nearly always a dip in EU economy around this time every year. add that to a new Planet being released, the robot and special mob events on Calypso and the problems with the mob spawns and everything looks a little bleak. Arkadia is a growing planet and avatar numbers are increaseing all the time. Dont be disheartened by the current slump it will pick up again soon. Regards Tesh.
I think the biggest problem is the mob spawns at the moment. Well that and cyrene and robot event on calypso, and a continually improving Next island off course. I think we'll be at over 150 after the next content update on arkadia again.
It think all planet partners must start to increase their promotion efforts, because we have so many planets in EU that we urgently need a bigger playerbase to feed all the planets. Cyrene will be a very hard competion for Arkadia and Calypso, because i believe they have really good graphic support from their owner company,i really like their mobs. The good thing is that Cyrene and Arkadia is next to each other, so it's not so hard to go between the planets, they can help each other with to attract players.
Well after having one auction run for 7 days and not get a single bid I'm not going to waste my ped on auction fees until I see a pickup. Also the very low mob spawn isn't helping as it's reducing the amount people can collect and increasing the time it takes for them to get enough together to make it worth while to auction. I took a few days off in the hope the spawns would be fixed by the weekend but sadly just ran out and found they haven't so I'm :surrender: again for a few more days.