I believe this is true but I am so new I need to verify this. I have a character on Calypso; he can come to Arkadia by hitching a ride via space travel, yes?
Yes, this is true. Space travel, however, can be dangerous. Good Luck, and I hope to see you on Arkadia soon.
Hey Veliki, As Bluebard say's, it is possible. I travel between Arkadia and Calypso frequently, feel free to send me a PM. I can fly you around. Regards, Ion
Thank you for the replies and I will take you up on that, Ion, and thank you for that. Ion, do you mean PM you here on the forums or ingame? I would think here since I don't have your character name. I "do" want to stay on Calypso for a few more days (to get a feel for the mechanics) since yesterday and today were my first 2 days (plus much time spent reading).
You can pm me here. No hurry and take your time, just let me know when you want to go to Ark and we meet in game. Like I say, I am on Calypso on a regular basis. Regards, Ion
Hi Veliki, welcome to Arkadia Forum, and welcome to Entropia Universe! Hope you enjoy your time on Arkadia when you arrive
Perhaps pilot say you yet, you need download Space and Arkadia. In prelogin screen click tools and then dynamic content. Welcome Arkadia.
Yes, it is a good idea to check to see if you've downloaded Space and Arkadia before you come. + rep Milesio!
Several pilots are asking this info to passengers weeks ago, or since space start. But thank you for +rep :-D
If your still stuck on Caly and you see my running around twins don't be afraid to PM me for a FREE lift. Might be bumpy as I will take the opportunity to kill Pirates on the way! I love showing the the light :dark: Edit: Be sure to reference my offer here.
If you'd like to move to Arkadia (not just visit) and don't have the peds for a regular space flight (~25 ped), I can frequently be found in Twin Peaks and will gladly take new colonists to Arkadia for whatever you can pay or trade. Discounts are only for players who scan less than 30 agility. If you can't find me in game, PM me here on the forum and I'll meet up.
Hello Ark.... Hello Pilots, I am a returning player from around 07, I am looking to move to Ark from Caly. I play most nights 9:00pm CST to early morning hours, In game is Tredo Orbit, and I am currently around Port Atlantis. Any help getting to Ark would be greatly appreciated.
I'm probably going to head over to Ark sometime this weekend, so i'd be happy to give you a lift if you like. PM me if you want and we'll try and work something out. Failing that, I can recommend the Normandie for a fast and safe trip You find their schedule here on the forum.