RSS Feed Entropia Universe 12.5.4 Release Notes

Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Entropia Universe 12.5.4 Release Notes
    HoF / Global Messages
    First discovery in dungeons / instances (Hall of Fame)
    Loot boxes in dungeons / instances (Hall of Fame or Global)
    Unwanted non-tradable items can now be disposed of by selling them to the Trade Terminal for zero PED.
    New Space Creatures
    Several new entities have been detected in local space sectors. Pilots are strongly advised to use caution when travelling between planets.

    • Locusta
    • Skyflail
    • Dymlek
    • Hermit
    • Dropship
    Initial deposit limit for all new accounts has been increased to 50 USD.
    Users who make their first deposit via 3Dsecure have their deposit limit increased to 3000 USD.
    Arrival Areas & Mentors
    Mentors with at least one graduated disciple can now teleport directly to the new player arrival areas from any teleporter, with the following conditions and limitations:

    • The mentor will be able to choose from either the Genesis new arrival area or an arrival area connected to the planet where the mentor is currently located (if applicable).
    • The mentor will be placed in the new arrivals instance with the highest population.
    • The mentor will not be able to bring any items into new arrivals area; the new arrivals default inventory will be loaded instead.
    • The mentor will have the ability to recruit new disciples while in the new arrivals area.
    • To exit the new arrivals area the mentor should use the teleporter in the new arrivals area, which will return the mentor to the same teleporter that was used to enter the new arrivals area.
    • When exiting the new arrivals area, the original avatar inventory will be reloaded.
    Creature Upgrades
    The following creatures have been upgraded with new models, textures and animations:

    • Osseocollum
    • Kerberos
    Voice Chat
    When joining a team, the private team channel is now activated by default, in place of the proximity voice channel. Users still have the ability to use the proximity channel by making use of the proximity chat button.
    Team voice and proximity voice channels no longer interfere with one another, and it is no longer possible to transmit to both channels simultaneously.
    Account Security
    An excessive number of failed logins to the Entropia Universe account website will cause an IP to become blocked for 30 minutes.
    Fixed Issues

    • Previous target and Next Target actions now work properly with Sweating tools.
    • Motherships no longer become invulnerable for 5 minutes after aborting warp sequence.
    • It is no longer possible for two avatars to enter the Feffoid cave simultaneously.
    • An issue that caused avatars piloting vehicles to take damage when the vehicle was fired upon has been corrected.
    • An issue causing flickering animations when firing weapons in certain situations has been corrected.
    • An issue causing inadvertent teleportation to incorrect locations when using mindforce teleport chips has been corrected.
    • Coordinates in the radar HUD now display correctly.
    • An issue related to searches made within the Achievements interface which prevented the opening of other tabs has been corrected.
    • The sound effect heard when an avatar takes damage from a creature has been adjusted.
    • When coloring a vehicle, attached turrets are now also colored.
    • An issue making it possible to equip two armors to a shopkeeper simultaneously has been corrected.
    • The color of the Ninja Hood Jacket Black (M) & (F) items has been corrected.
    • The loading time of the Friend List has been reduced for participants with many friends.
    • Several instability issues causing client crashes in certain situations have been corrected.
    Known issues

    • The Previous Target and Next Target actions are sometimes slow and may freeze the UI in certain situations, especially when many possible targets are present.
    • Camera view can become jerky when using a tool while walking on inclines.
    • The teleport submit button can result in unexpected landings if pressed near the edges.
    • Torso view when in first person view in vehicles can display incorrectly in certain situations.
    • Fort Event - Some terminals in the fort do not give event points.
    • Fort Event - Owner of the fort event cannot see the score in the scoreboard in certain situations.
    • Fort Event - Repair and Trade terminals in the fort event area do not function.
    • Feffoid Cave - The cave can turn very dark in certain situations.
    • Teleporter from Crystal Palace to Calypso not functioning.
    • Teleporter from Rocktropia to Arctic not functioning.
    • Teleporter from Next Island to Ancient Greece not functioning.

    Originally posted here...
  2. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Entropia Universe 12.5.4 Release Notes

    Entropia Universe 12.5.4 Release Notes
    HoF / Global Messages
    First discovery in dungeons / instances (Hall of Fame)
    Loot boxes in dungeons / instances (Hall of Fame or Global)
    Unwanted non-tradable items can now be disposed of by selling them to the Trade Terminal for zero PED.
    New Space Creatures
    Several new entities have been detected in local space sectors. Pilots are strongly advised to use caution when travelling between planets.


    Initial deposit limit for all new accounts has been increased to 50 USD.
    Users who make their first deposit via 3Dsecure have their deposit limit increased to 3000 USD.
    Arrival Areas & Mentors
    Mentors with at least one graduated disciple can now teleport directly to the new player arrival areas from any teleporter, with the following conditions and limitations:

    •The mentor will be able to choose from either the Genesis new arrival area or an arrival area connected to the planet where the mentor is currently located (if applicable).
    •The mentor will be placed in the new arrivals instance with the highest population.
    •The mentor will not be able to bring any items into new arrivals area; the new arrivals default inventory will be loaded instead.
    •The mentor will have the ability to recruit new disciples while in the new arrivals area.
    •To exit the new arrivals area the mentor should use the teleporter in the new arrivals area, which will return the mentor to the same teleporter that was used to enter the new arrivals area.
    •When exiting the new arrivals area, the original avatar inventory will be reloaded.

    Creature Upgrades
    The following creatures have been upgraded with new models, textures and animations:


    Voice Chat
    When joining a team, the private team channel is now activated by default, in place of the proximity voice channel. Users still have the ability to use the proximity channel by making use of the proximity chat button.
    Team voice and proximity voice channels no longer interfere with one another, and it is no longer possible to transmit to both channels simultaneously.
    Account Security
    An excessive number of failed logins to the Entropia Universe account website will cause an IP to become blocked for 30 minutes.
    Fixed Issues

    •Previous target and Next Target actions now work properly with Sweating tools.
    •Motherships no longer become invulnerable for 5 minutes after aborting warp sequence.
    •It is no longer possible for two avatars to enter the Feffoid cave simultaneously.
    •An issue that caused avatars piloting vehicles to take damage when the vehicle was fired upon has been corrected.
    •An issue causing flickering animations when firing weapons in certain situations has been corrected.
    •An issue causing inadvertent teleportation to incorrect locations when using mindforce teleport chips has been corrected.
    •Coordinates in the radar HUD now display correctly.
    •An issue related to searches made within the Achievements interface which prevented the opening of other tabs has been corrected.
    •The sound effect heard when an avatar takes damage from a creature has been adjusted.
    •When coloring a vehicle, attached turrets are now also colored.
    •An issue making it possible to equip two armors to a shopkeeper simultaneously has been corrected.
    •The color of the Ninja Hood Jacket Black (M) & (F) items has been corrected.
    •The loading time of the Friend List has been reduced for participants with many friends.
    •Several instability issues causing client crashes in certain situations have been corrected.

    Known issues

    •The Previous Target and Next Target actions are sometimes slow and may freeze the UI in certain situations, especially when many possible targets are present.
    •Camera view can become jerky when using a tool while walking on inclines.
    •The teleport submit button can result in unexpected landings if pressed near the edges.
    •Torso view when in first person view in vehicles can display incorrectly in certain situations.
    •Fort Event - Some terminals in the fort do not give event points.
    •Fort Event - Owner of the fort event cannot see the score in the scoreboard in certain situations.
    •Fort Event - Repair and Trade terminals in the fort event area do not function.
    •Feffoid Cave - The cave can turn very dark in certain situations.
    •Teleporter from Crystal Palace to Calypso not functioning.
    •Teleporter from Rocktropia to Arctic not functioning.
    •Teleporter from Next Island to Ancient Greece not functioning.
  3. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    I am at work, can't install the EU Installer. Any news for Arkadia players?
  4. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    I have been having issues with the installer as well. I got the message Error starting updater. Cancelled and tried again a few times, then noticed that it was downloading anyway, even though very slowly. The Error message is still there, but I have dragged it to the side.

    Its doing this bizzare thing where it increases the amount to be downloaded, started at 27Mb, now 30 going up and up???? So confused
  5. SR Torzman

    SR Torzman Member

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    View attachment 3797 dead and stuck in space, and it not helping to press T. I just floats around like a propeller. But I approach the planet now at low low speed :)
  6. SR Torzman

    SR Torzman Member

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  7. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Damn, how many inhalers do you have in your inventory, that you can survive so long in space? :)

    But seriously: are there any release notes for Arkadia out yet?
  8. SR Torzman

    SR Torzman Member

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    One guy flew by and left a few beers :eek:
    No I have not way anything about it.
  9. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    hmm arkadia release notes would be interesting as it is a 180MB patch! So most likely there is something in there. :p Unless it hasn't been activated yet ofc. heh
  10. Raito

    Raito Member

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    Any bugs you guys/gals find feel free to post them here
  11. SR Torzman

    SR Torzman Member

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    Have a question.

    okay what can I do about it that I'm stuck in space?

    can anyone help me by picking me up from space?

    Or should I be stuck here until the next update?

    And how long does it take to become free?

    Maybe I'll go and play another game right now are tired of sitting up here.

  12. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    can't believe not a single new system. Doesn't look good for Cyrene's launch.

    what we get some new mobs and some bugs fixed. Seriously PICK UP THE PACE MA!
  13. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Wow the known issues has a couple of really bad ones o_O

    Rest of it looks nice though that mentor thing is pretty awesome
  14. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    You should have sent a support ticket right after you were stuck, they might have sent you back already if you are lucky.

    I don't own a quad wing, so I can't really help, but maybe you can ask a MS owner for a rescue mission?
  15. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Holy mother of an Akbal-Cimi tin can!!!!! Kerbies are back!!!??? :dribble::hail::D

    Oh man, and I thought I had nothing to see on Calypso anymore... :facepalm:

  16. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Arkadia team confirmed, we have no changes on Arkadia *sniff, sniff*.
  17. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  18. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Cyrene's not for almost a month... :p
  19. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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  20. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    To add personal thoughts on this update, I am not happy myself with all of the new mentor situation. Using a tp to get to whatever is the NAZ on the planet you are on is fine (our devs did not add a tp to our NPE for a good reason, assume that has not changed but not logged in yet), but to allow ANY player such access to Genesis doesn't sit well with me really. Genesis is the all universe start area, and where newcomers first choose which planet to be 'born' on, and once that choice is made, you may change your planet of play later of course, but the revenue share to the PP you first chose is a done deed from then on. No player, mentor or not, should be there and have the chance to influence the new player about which planet to choose in my own opinion. But then I don't see any NAZ as a place to find a mentor either, but a place to get help in choosing one if you want one, after getting general help and advice getting started.

    Idk, just seems like a field day for disciple farmers to me rather than any real needed help for the newcomers. Rant over :)
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