Join us on the Normandie

Discussion in 'Services' started by John Black Knight, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    Ok thanks for the warning. I have sent them pms and requested an answer to this topic already. Waiting on feedback so far.

    On another note the Normandie has reached Calypso safely and delivered their Passengers. Our escort was able to take out 2 pirates otw :)
  2. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    The Normandie has now successfully done passenger flights to all known planets in the universe and is currently preparing for its next flight from calypso (boarding 20-20.30ma) to arkadia.
    The back flight will be tomorrow with boarding time again 20-20.30MA). Ticket fee will be just 13 Ped to calypso spacestation (teleport from station to planet is charged separetly by MA).

    PS: Atlan i couldnt answer you the last days as your inbox seems to be always full - looking forward to get in contact :)
  3. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Hey John,

    Thanks for the heads up, I cleaned out my inbox.

    Let me know if it is ok now, otherwise i pass you my e-mail addy.

  4. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    The Normandie's webpage is up and running, most crew spots are taken but some spots are still open. Applications will be taken on our webpage. And schedules are listed there as well. Due to me being on vacation now for 2 weeks - the Normandie is controlled by Commander Alaina Bonnie Scotia and will mostly doing just hunting trips. Summonings will still take place i will just have to log afterwards again.

    When i return the transport flights will start - take your time to subscribe to our transport flatrate intime - just 50 Peds per month.
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  5. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    Updated first post:

    The Normandie's webpage is up and running, the basecrew is set and recruitment is closed but you can still sign up as temporary crewmate. Our schedules are listed there as well.

    Subscribe to our space flatrate for just 100 Peds per month - see webpage for detailed info.

    Advanced Subscription offer (1 month equalling 31days) (valid since 29th feb 12):

    1 month crewrank - 100Ped
    1 month VIP - 200Ped
    6 month crewrank - 500Ped (gain 1 month for free)
    6 month VIP - 1000Ped (gain 1 month for free)
    12 month crewrank - 900Ped (gain 3 month for free)
    12 month VIP - 1800Ped (gain 3 month for free)

    The Normandie is utilizing voicechat on its flights: Teamspeak 3 server:
    channel Normandie / password is announced onboard after summon.

    Our onboard radiostation is working 24/7 and is run by Mel Bossheart - tune in at

    The Normandie is currently the by far strongest ship in the universe totaling over 82000 structural integrity !

    The Normandies scheduled warpflights:
    Single Ticket price for scheduled warpflights: 10Ped per planet/station you are going to visit. Joining in on repairs is encouraged the ship offers enough security to let you log out in time when needed.
    For scheduled flights you have to match departure times, the ship doesnt wait.
    People signing for transport on a flight that is executed as a roundtrip will be charged as if its one warpflight only even thought there will be stops inbetween. Traders that want to visit several planets have to sign the respective ticket.
    People who disconnect after getting onboard while not having payed will be carried over but if they cant get back till the ship goes further on its schedule they will be removed from guestlist.
    Everyone is expected to be prepared for ticket payment. Dont wait for being asked. When you havent been charged by me in advance of the flight i expect the payment directly uppon arrival onboard to keep waiting times on this at a minimum and allow for smooth schedule to aid all customers and crew.

    For normal passengers:
    Exclusive VIP flight 45Ped per warp jump required (+10 Ped for each additional passenger) *(price valid between 2MA - 19MA)
    Exclusive VIP flight 60Ped per warp jump required (+10 Ped for each additional passenger) *(price valid between 19MA - 2MA)

    For subscribers:
    Exclusive VIP flight 40Ped per warp jump required (+10 Ped for each additional passenger) *(price valid between 2MA - 19MA)
    Exclusive VIP flight 50Ped per warp jump required (+10 Ped for each additional passenger) *(price valid between 19MA - 2MA)
    For VIP flights the number of flights is counted starting from Normandie's current location.

    Weekly warpflights:
    Monday 20.00ma summoning from Calypso - 20.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Monday 21.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 21.35ma departure to Calyspso
    Tuesday 20.00ma summoning from Calypso - 20.10ma departure to Rocktropia
    Tuesday 21.30ma summoning from Rocktropia - 21.35ma departure to Calypso
    Wednesday 20.00ma summoning from Calypso - 20.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Wednesday 23.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 23.35ma departure to Calyspso
    Friday 20.00ma summoning from Calypso - 20.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Friday 21.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 21.35ma departure to Rocktropia
    Friday 22.55ma summoning from Rocktropia - 23.00ma departure to Next Island
    Saturday 00.20ma summoning from Next Island - 00.25ma departure to Calypso
    More then 1 hour time for hunting, mining, crafting , trading on each planet !
    If the complete trip exceeds your online time, you have the possibility to log out on board and leave the ship the following day when its docked at Calypso Spacestation prior 19.30ma !
    Sunday 20.00ma summoning from Calypso - 20.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Sunday 21.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 21.35ma departure to Calyspso

    As an update to the repeated requests on becomming a pilot or gunner on the ToS Normandie.

    There is no way to join as a pilot or gunner.
    Signing up for the Normandie always means you start out in repaircrew contributing to the ships survival showing on most flights that you are an active member of the crew.
    If you do this regularly and let the ships captain Alaina Bonnie Scotia or myself know that you would like to become a gunner you may get asked to join the gunners team to defend the ship when the need arrises and a spot is open.
    Only regular members of the gunner team who defend the Normandie on its passenger flights often - get to participate in hunting space horrors with mothership guns.
    Only regular members of the gunner team who also show commanding abilities and have the intention of doing their best on every position that needs to be filled, will get the opportunity to become a commanding officer onboard.
    Only commanding officers will get the opportunity to pilot the Normandie when the need arrises and a spot opens up.
    Only piloting commanding officers may get the opportunity to one day command their own ship as the Titans of Space Starfleet keeps growing.

    Those rules are in place to ensure the highest level of customer care, trust and security to our passengers and other travelers in space to make sure the Normandie never opens fire on a friendly target due to an unexperienced gunner or gunner with wrong intension.

    Some space transport providers out there offer pilot / gunner rights to most or many of their crew who sign up / join their service - Titans of Space is not such a service provider for us safety and trust comes first - we deem it highly risky to give a ship of such power into the hands of someone who might be hired by pirates and therefor have a very progressive command chain in place to make sure our crew consists of highly trustworthy crewmates and the ship at all times obides by our rules of conduct and protective to peaceful travelers in space.

    add. info: When choosing your means of transport you should always consider the total flight costs in comparison, the ToS Normandie offers an additional opportunity to save money on scheduled flights and on vip flights when requested. On scheduled flights we always go straight to the atmosphere so you can fly down safe with your shuttles just paying 2 ped entry tax or sharing seats and paying even less, often are free seats avaiable as well - and afterwards we dock to the respective spacestation where you can use the station teleport to get down to planet for 7Ped tp fee.
    Other providers who often offer logged out transport as they are missing crew can not provide the atmosphere departure as they wouldnt be able to offer that in a secure way since it happens in pvp. Choosing station over atmosphere equals to 5-7ped higher costs per flight.
  6. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    Schedules have now been shifted 1 hour forward according to ingame time, which should keep the departures the same in relation to most countries that performed switch to summer time. If summer time schedule leads to any issues with your participation on flights that you used to utilize please inform me of your case.

    Monday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Monday 20.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.35ma departure to Calyspso
    Tuesday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Rocktropia
    Tuesday 20.30ma summoning from Rocktropia - 20.35ma departure to Calypso
    Wednesday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Wednesday 22.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 22.35ma departure to Calyspso
    Friday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Friday 20.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.35ma departure to Rocktropia
    Friday 21.55ma summoning from Rocktropia - 22.00ma departure to Next Island
    Saturday 23.20ma summoning from Next Island - 23.25ma departure to Calypso
    More then 1 hour time for hunting, mining, crafting , trading on each planet !
    If the complete trip exceeds your online time, you have the possibility to log out on board and leave the ship the following day when its docked at Calypso Spacestation prior 18.30ma !
    Sunday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Sunday 20.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.35ma departure to Calyspso


    statistical passenger safety on 417 warpflights and 8+ months of operation - 100%
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  7. New York Rose

    New York Rose Active Member

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    Normandie New Prices..As posted by John Black Knight on other forum:


    Ticket price for scheduled warpflights:
    10Ped per planet/station you are going to visit. Joining in on repairs is encouraged the ship offers enough security to let you log out in time when needed.
    For scheduled flights you have to match departure times, the ship doesnt wait.
    People signing for transport on a flight that is executed as a roundtrip will be charged as if its one warpflight only even thought there will be stops inbetween. Traders that want to visit several planets have to sign the respective ticket.
    People who disconnect after getting onboard while not having payed will be carried over but if they cant get back till the ship goes further on its schedule they will be removed from guestlist.
    Everyone is expected to be prepared for ticket payment. Dont wait for being asked. When you havent been charged by me in advance of the flight i expect the payment directly uppon arrival onboard to keep waiting times on this at a minimum and allow for smooth schedule to aid all customers and crew.

    Schedules have now been shifted 1 hour forward according to ingame time, which should keep the departures the same in relation to most countries that performed switch to summer time. If summer time schedule leads to any issues with your participation on flights that you used to utilize please inform me of your case.

    Monday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Monday 20.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.35ma departure to Calyspso
    Tuesday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Rocktropia
    Tuesday 20.30ma summoning from Rocktropia - 20.35ma departure to Calypso
    Wednesday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Wednesday 22.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 22.35ma departure to Calyspso
    Friday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Friday 20.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.35ma departure to Rocktropia
    Friday 21.55ma summoning from Rocktropia - 22.00ma departure to Next Island
    Saturday 23.20ma summoning from Next Island - 23.25ma departure to Calypso
    More then 1 hour time for hunting, mining, crafting , trading on each planet !
    If the complete trip exceeds your online time, you have the possibility to log out on board and leave the ship the following day when its docked at Calypso Spacestation prior 18.30ma !
    Sunday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Sunday 20.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.35ma departure to Calyspso
  8. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    Special offer this week - sign or extend your subscription on the ToS Normandie till 17th of april and get a fast Hoverpod Mk2 ontop for free !

    *crewsubscription 100 Ped / vip subscription 200 Ped per 31 days


    statistical passenger safety on 454 warpflights and 9+ months of operation - 100%
  9. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Please confirm the Saturday time listed above. Normandie left space 23:30 Friday last week.
  10. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    Thank you Puck for notifying me of the error that turned up when i adjusted schedules to summer time, please find below the corrected schedule:

    Monday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Monday 20.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.35ma departure to Calyspso
    Tuesday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Rocktropia
    Tuesday 20.30ma summoning from Rocktropia - 20.35ma departure to Calypso
    Wednesday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Wednesday 22.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 22.35ma departure to Calyspso
    Friday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Friday 20.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.35ma departure to Rocktropia
    Friday 21.55ma summoning from Rocktropia - 22.00ma departure to Next Island
    Friday 23.20ma summoning from Next Island - 23.25ma departure to Calypso
    More then 1 hour time for hunting, mining, crafting , trading on each planet !
    If the complete trip exceeds your online time, you have the possibility to log out on board and leave the ship the following day when its docked at Calypso Spacestation prior 18.30ma !
    Sunday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Sunday 20.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.35ma departure to Calyspso
  11. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    Cyrene is comming and Titans of Space Starfleet is celebrating the soft launch and further growth of our universe with the installment of a new level of connectivity - join the fleet and experience access to all planets of the universe every week several times ! More then 100 scheduled warpflights per month !

    If you are an existing subscriber please look up the new schedule and let me know if it still matches your needs - i have aimed to consider all existing needs and expand from there.

    The new schedules can still be adjusted on customer feedback, so take your time and let me know what you need to make the ToS Normandie the best it can possibly be for you !

    In those cases were SS is mentioned after the planets name, the Normandie will just dock to station on all other cases the Normandie always docks atmosphere first and station second.

    VALID from 1th of May onwards / Adjustments possible on subscriber feedback.

    Monday Calypso -> Arkadia -> Cyrene -> Next Island -> Arkadia SS -> Calypso
    Monday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Monday 19.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 19.40ma departure to Cyrene
    Monday 20.00ma summoning from Cyrene - 20.10ma departure to Next Island
    Monday 20.30ma summoning from Next Island - 20.40ma departure to Arkadia SS
    Monday 20.45ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.55ma departure to Calypso

    Tuesday Calypso -> Rocktropia -> Cyrene -> Arkadia -> Rocktropia SS -> Calypso
    Tuesday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Rocktropia
    Tuesday 19.30ma summoning from Rocktropia - 19.40ma departure to Cyrene
    Tuesday 20.00ma summoning from Cyrene - 20.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Tuesday 20.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.40ma departure to Rocktropia SS
    Tuesday 20.45ma summoning from Rocktropia - 20.55ma departure to Calyspso

    Wednesday Calypso -> Arkadia -> Cyrene SS -> Calypso
    Wednesday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Wednesday 22.00ma summoning from Arkadia - 22.10ma departure to Cyrene SS
    Wednesday 22.20ma summoning from Cyrene - 22.30ma departure to Calypso

    Thursday Hunting day - no scheduled flight - vip flight on request

    Friday Calypso -> Arkadia -> Cyrene -> Next Island -> Rocktropia -> Arkadia -> Calypso
    Friday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Friday 19.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 19.40ma departure to Cyrene
    Friday 20.00ma summoning from Cyrene - 20.10ma departure to Next Island
    Friday 20.30ma summoning from Next Island - 20.40ma departure to Rocktropia
    Friday 21.00ma summoning from Rocktropia - 21.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Friday 21.30ma summoning from Arkadia - 21.40ma departure to Calypso

    Saturday Hunting day - no scheduled flight - vip flight on request

    Sunday Calypso -> Arkadia -> Calypso -> Cyrene -> Calypso
    Sunday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Sunday 20.00ma summoning from Arkadia - 20.10ma departure to Calypso
    Sunday 20.20ma summoning from Calypso - 20.30ma departure to Cyrene
    Sunday 21.30ma summoning from Cyrene - 21.40ma departure to Calypso

    statistical passenger safety on 548 warpflights and close to 10 months of operation - 100% !
  12. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    First post updated with new schedule.

    From today onwards the ToS Normandie is providing a level of connectivity between planets currently unrivaled in the universe.

    Always one step ahead - always secure - sign of to the number one space transport provider - ToS Normandie :D
  13. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    1st of July 2011 was the first day of operation for the ToS Normandie, i still remember how euphoric i have been when i finally held her deed in my hands, when i took all upgrade modules with me in the first hour of this day on my flight from calypso to next island spacestation where she was located and when i finally put the energy source in her and awakened her to life.
    So much has happened since then as we traveled through space every single night doing space exploration, space hunts and space pvp learning everything there is to be known about space and spacecrafts, getting to know new people nearly every day, growing the most experienced and skilled spacecrew and developing 'Mandie' into the strongest and most upgraded mothership in space.
    Many friendships grew during this time beyond the crew and passengers as we worked together to make sure every single passenger since then always traveled safe and secure on the Normandie and no passenger ever lost his loot.
    We even grew a highly successful radiostation during this time - Normandie Radio starting out onboard of the Normandie has made itself a name, being listened to on many planets by lots of gamers.

    Today on the 1st of july 2012 Mandie celebrates her first birthday with 860 performed warpflights and over 400 different avatars who have relied on our service to travel secure through space !
    At this point i want to say thank you, thank you to our customers for trusting in our service, thank you to the crew for your dedication and reliability in securing our passenger flights (there is so many names to mention, but i prefer not to name everyone due to security reasons, but 3 names i want to mention here: Yoshii, Dusk and Remah you have truly repaired Mandie with your heartblood), thank you to our grand commanding officers exspecially second lieutenant Tengu and first lieutenant Slay - endless times you have taken over and kept Mandie safe when the ships captain or myself were busy dealing on other matters. Thank you to our reliable gunners in securing all our flights always ready to shoot. Congratulation gunner Hype, you have truly earned your piloting rights on the Normandie and i know you will care for her safety as pilot even more then as gunner. My special thank you at this place goes to Jaywalker, you have been a dedicated repaircrew member but were you have really excelled was in keeping up our boarding team during all this time always going down on the planets and making sure our new passengers get the informations they need. Thank you to Electro for following Jay in her footsteps, together you make an amazing team.
    One person has been there at my side keeping Mandie her crew and her passengers secure and on schedule during this whole year more then any other always ready to jump in when i was busy dealing on customer matters or when i was on vacation and just doing the summons - Alaina you are one awesome captain and we are blessed for having Mandie under your command [​IMG]

    Going into the second year of operation there is a change to one of our scheduled flights:
    The sunday cyrene flight will be canceled and replaced with the following flightlane valid from today onwards.
    Sunday 20.30ma summoning from Calypso - 20.40ma departure to Rocktropia
    Sunday 21.30ma summoning from Rocktropia - 21.40ma departure to Calypso

    As we celebrate one year of sucessful operation the Normandie will be running her scheduled flights from today till 8th of july (sunday to sunday) free of charge and all existing subscriptions will be prelonged by 10days for free !!![​IMG]
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  14. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    The week of free birthday flights on the Normandie is over , thanks to everyone who was utilizing our offer and got to know our service.
    This week has really been fun - giving so many people help and assistance on their first time in space / on a mothership. We have now successfully transported more then 500 different avatars in the entropia universe, with over 100 new passengers in the last week alone !
  15. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    Yesterday the ToS Normandie made her 900th warpflight safe and secure, heading on towards 1000 [​IMG]

    Today i want to give a little info to consider in regards to repairskilling.
    I often see people looking for a free ship or ship with low subscription rate when they look for a place to skill VSE and i often have to wonder cause it seems in many peoples choice only the obvious subscription cost is considered - however anyone who skills repairs hardcore knows that its possible to work through up to 200 rk-5 repairtools in a single month - depending on how much is skilled its always important to consider the aquisition costs of tools and wires for the skilling. If you for example join a ship where you have to buy tools and wires from auction as they are not supplied onboard you often will have costs of 11-12 peds for tools and 210-220%+ for wires. On the Normandie for example tools have a boardprice of 10ped and wires cost 200% - always - this can add up to a difference of 200-400 peds in a month of hardcore skilling for tools alone.
    Something to keep in mind when looking for your ship of choice to skill on [​IMG]

    My advise when choosing your ship for skilling, ask if tools and wires are avaiable onboard and if they are cheaper then auction - look at your total costs when you plan to skill [​IMG]

    Of course on the Normandie there is over 100 warpflights per month in the package on top for when you need it [​IMG]
  16. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    Today while performing our 1000th warpflight we will transport competitors and visitors of the Arkadian Fashion Event. Our boarding team is currently active at Twin peaks on calypso and we will summon at 17.15ma to start our flight towards Arkadia.
  17. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    From today onwards we have an outstanding new offer alife !

    Join us on the ToS Normandie for free on a 1 month trial with free access to the ship as a temporary member of the crew - take your time to find out for yourself the benefits of traveling with the ToS Normandie [​IMG]

    Tell your friends about us now as they will have the same opportunity and should you and your friends decide to later on subscribe to our service you will receive your share of 10% of their subscriptions as a rekognition for your promotion each month they stay with us.

    Nothing to loose and a grand opportunity to rare & frequent travelers, ongoing crafters, disciples looking to graduate and all those who love space and would like to get an indepth impression.

    And if you like to travel for free and dont want to pay monthly subscriptions, take your time and inform yourself here on the forums or in pm with me about our investor program and how to keep traveling between planets free of charge [​IMG]

    Disclaimer: The term 'free of charge' refers to the mothership service, please be aware that there is a fee charged by mindark which is 2ped at planet atmosphere (plus thruster decay) and 7 ped on station TP's.
    statistical passenger safety on 1075 warpflights and over one year of operation - 100%
  18. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    From next wednesday onward there will be a change in our schedule:

    Wednesday Calypso -> Arkadia -> Cyrene SS -> Calypso
    Wednesday 19.00ma summoning from Calypso - 19.10ma departure to Arkadia
    Wednesday 21.00ma summoning from Arkadia - 21.10ma departure to Cyrene SS
    Wednesday 21.20ma summoning from Cyrene - 21.30ma departure to Calypso

    Any suggestions towards our scheduled flights please feedback them to me via pm.
  19. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    And here we go with another awesome improvement for our transport service, now with reduced complexity and improved affordabilty for our subscribers:

    For normal passengers:
    Exclusive VIP flight 40Ped per warp jump required (+10 Ped for each additional passenger)

    For subscribers:
    Exclusive VIP flight 20Ped per warp jump required (+10 Ped for each additional passenger)

    For VIP flights the number of flights is counted starting from Normandie's current location.
  20. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    Today ToS Normandie broke as very first spacecraft 100K SI !!!

    I am glad to announce the upgrade to a total of 102,084.4 Structural integrity - making ToS Normandie even more the by far strongest ship in space :D