Why do you hate pirates?

Discussion in 'PvP' started by lyosha, Mar 19, 2012.

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  1. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    I myself do not hate pirates but MA for giving them the means in which to show their dark side in real life. As many fight about this there's two way to look at it, which is real life and which is game:

    A. A person walks up to another person and points a gun at them and says to give them all their money. Once money is taken walks to bank and puts money in bank.

    B. A person flies up to another person and points a gun at them and says to give them all their loot. Once loot is taken withdraws and transfers to bank account.

    What's sad is the fight here over this issue is with kids who will be running our world in a few years.
  2. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    Dude are you sure that is a good analogy. Firstly it’s permitted in the game to do that, while in the real world we’d probably get arrested. Since we know it’s permitted in the game, then we should have the common sense to not take loot with us knowing fully well what could happen. In the real world it’s illegal, so we take money with us knowing anyone who dears to break the law will be arrested and charged. If your analogy is just coming from a moral prospective, then yes ill agree with it, that its plain wrong just because someone allows you to do it.

    Ill make it clear that I don’t like pirates ( because they shoot me down a lot X), but it’s a permitted profession by MA. The only thing wrong is to do with their morals. You wouldn’t deprive someone of their TV, You wouldn’t deprive their car, so why deprive someone of their loot. Notice I didn’t use the word steal as it’s permitted in the game and basically anyone taking stuff with them in space has half heartedly given some sort of permission for it to be taken as they acknowledge what could happen. Its like saying to someone don't park there or your car will be towed, but you do it anyway and you lose your car. Your not gonna start calling the guy who towed your car a thief are you? Or the council who you must pay a fine to order to get your car back? They do it to keep order, in a way pirates are a way to keep order within the planetary system, they are doing what MA wanted, which is to keep different the economies of different planets separate.

    The only thing you can call them are bullies, pirates are bullies. People with bad morals, but not thieves. Pirates are people who take pleasure in others misfortune. Theres a german word for that, ah schadenfreude!
  3. Lokia

    Lokia Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    If the community really wanted to get rid of pirates, everyone would stop transporting loot except on the motherships, and nobody would buy anything from the pirates. But having watched the whole of the EU community, this obviously isn't going to happen, so pirates are obviously not going to go away. I personally will not carry loot in space. I also don't mind the pirates shooting me since I know I have no loot and they give me more pilot and repair skills.

    Here is a big THANK YOU to all the pirates. Since I don't have the time to sit in a mothership pilot seat for hours on end, please shoot me. I want the skills :D
  4. saradu

    saradu Member

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    My opinion on pirates. Well I am not that fond of them, I save a bottle of sweat just for them if I have one or remember to put one in inventory just for the occassion. Getting shot down once is ok I guess since basicly we have no real choice, to get from one planet to another they are unavoidlable. I am not going to take a MS just to visit a planet which is basicly why I go from arkadia to Calypso (shopping better on Caly). What irritates me are the pirates that shooot you down...... just wait at the space station and shoots your ass down a second and third time. And my biggest problem is it take ME a long time to get my quad spawned. Very well be my connection but whatever the heck it is, it's very aggravating for me. Had one pirate shoot Roni and I down, we got into space agin only this time I was flying instead of him, he went afk for a few minutes and the pirate started talking saying *did I shoot you down yet*...then he said must have you are not responding..... well I figured he was talking to us and I did respond and said yes you just shot us and he left us alone (thank you)... this was the day we were shot down three times trying to get to Calypso. No I am not fond of them, one time shot is fine if need be, but overkill irritates me..........
  5. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    First see the problem is this isn't like other games where you pay a monthly fee plus the items in game have really no real world value.

    Second what you said was sad.
  6. Geronimo

    Geronimo Member

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    To respond to the OP...no..I don't hate pirates. It's a profession like any other and probably not *making* any money as most space pilots are cautious and don't bring stackables with them. basicly I have no problem whatsoever with the current design and actually makes it a bit more exciting going interplanetary. Otherwise space would just be a bigger map. And that would be really boring.

    The current lootable PvP is by design. That's clearly stated by Bjorn (MA). Basic reason is to give local economies chance to grow. MA claims this system is actually working out. Pls no never-ending discussion here, I'm just stating MA.

    What I don't like, but that's personal, is that pirates can camp near SS and have an unfair advantage I think. As they spot you before you have a chance to spot them. The only option is to shoot any moving vehicle you see and we all know how bad that worked out. If Im wrong here, pls correct me.

    The ONLY thing I don't find acceptable in space are bugs. Period. I can't say that enough as we deal with real money here.

    Regards, Roni
  7. saradu

    saradu Member

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    Now this I whole heartedly agree. And I do recall someone on one of the forums saying they kept getting shot and actually just could not get out of the revival terminal because the pirates just kept on and on and that is what I meant about *overkill*. IMO this just takes the fun out of the whole thing. I also agree about the space bugs, us having been stuck in space, regenerate there, die, regenerate there. Four hours of that was crazy. There needs to be a faster way to get something like this corrected. HELLO MA YOU LISTENING? :D
  8. lyosha

    lyosha Member

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    ^Great analogy.
  9. lyosha

    lyosha Member

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    Thats not a pirate, that's a money wasting moron, pirates themselves hate these "types", pirates are out for your money... not to bully you, all you'd have to do is ask for some help from the pirates to get out, I think you'd be surprised by the help you'd get.... after youve gone through a loot check. =)
    Learn how to dodge good and youll waste a shit ton of money from people like this
  10. lyosha

    lyosha Member

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    If you can spot them, they can spot you...... the only reason they spot you before you spot them is because they have trained to spot you. as far as game mechanics... it goes both ways, triangles dissapeare @ 2.0 AU for both people so nobody can spot some1 1st if your lookin at mechanics.
  11. lyosha

    lyosha Member

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    In all MMO's the assets are worth reall money, you can buy/sell gold for cash on eBay with wow, you can sell items, characters, whole accounts, etc.... and all those games have a "lootable PVP".

    Sony even had their own "Exchange" server where you could use reall money to buy items/characters/gold through a secure service.

    As far back as 2000 I was making money on MMOs, starting with DIABLO 2(i put my wife through college selling items/accounts in this game)

    So yah, its just like other games... but the people who have never played other games will not agree.(wonder why? =D)
  12. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    That's not entirely true. There is the loading time when leaving a station or planet or ship when they can see you before you can see them. Fortunately they fixed it so you at least enter space inside the non-pvp area. But this was a major issue when they first expanded space.
  13. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    The only sad thing is you distorted my quote to make yourself sound better. As it has already been mentioned above, all things have value. You can sell your items to other people for real money in other games, which I'm guessing you've never done or just haven't played that many games to realise what potential value the items have (so they do have rl value). You should consider that since you pay a monthly fee and spend a whole lot of time trying to get certain items in the game that itself is value, which if someone lost an item in those games its the same thing.

    To add to that, sure the items have real value in the game, but you forget people only lose their loot if they take it into space, so as much as it hurts to say, if they lose it it's their fault. If people can't handle losing it, then its as simple as don't take it with you.
  14. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    No, it's still not the same.

    Can't you see the difference between game items sold for money on external sources (ebay or whatever) from an ingame item with a rated value and real cash conversion that is backed by a real life bank?

    The first one has the legal integrity of the paper I use to wipe my ass, the second one is in all respects a physical property.
  15. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    The value of those items are backed as far as they are valued by the game currency, but when you consider the MU on some items its very similar. You wouldn't get any of the value of the MU if the game all of a suddenly closed down. Say I have loot worth 0.01 ped, but with a MU of 1000ped, I wouldn't be guarenteed that value would I? The legal value doesn't include MU, which if you consider it this way, items in other games are valued at 0, but have a MU of much greater value. There wouldn't be any difference if I had a sword in wow and an item in game worth 0.01ped(except the 0.01ped of course) both with MU of $100 because it's not backed by your so called ass paper, they wouldn't be worth peanuts.
  16. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    Real life value of Diablo2 stuff: 0, zero, nothing, dung.
    Real life value of EU stuff: TT (and TT only) guaranteed by whatever bank is backing MA.

    So, what I said stands true: It's not the same. I never mentioned MU in my post did I? :)

    You can't justify the existence of piracy in EU comparing it to Eve, wow, diablo23 or any other game. You can't, because it's not the same.
  17. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    In a game like EU, which MU plays a vital role, you can't afford not to mention it because the value is significant. You were saying its not like other games, but it is because they both have extreme MU value and you must consider that.
  18. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    Dude, what are we talkin about. I clearly quoted lyosha regarding what he was saying about diablo2. I don't really think you are following us (or me).

    Read again, I never said MU wasn't important.

    I'm not sure if you don't understand what I'm saying, or don't want to. Either way I'm not explaining all again, re-read.
  19. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    Your saying it's different from other games because the tt value is backed by MA, which if you consider that some items are worth nothing without MU, its the same. All items in all games are valued by the people who buy them. You can't just talk about one, but not the other. If someone lost an item in Diablo its just as bad as someone losing an item in EU because at the end of the day, the value you could have got for it is what matters.
  20. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    No no no, I'm not talking about ingame value, player to player. I'm talking about real world value, and EU is the only game I know that holds that true due to the RCE scheme.
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