Why did you come here to EU? What were you thinking?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by isclay, Feb 4, 2012.

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  1. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Hello all. I just wanted to post to find out what everyone was thinking when they joined EU and landed on a planet. Especially Arkadia, but feel free to post about any planet or topic related to the subject. I think one and all would like to know your thoughts on just why you decided to join us. (Let's keep it on topic if we can :whistle:)

    And...If you are brand spankin' new here I'd love to hear from you too. A lot of folks have differing reasons for coming here so your thoughts and inflections should be very interesting!

    I'll start: I was new to gaming online and so I thought wow this might be good fun for me. Then I read that it was FREE to play and FREE to download so I was down with that for sure. FREE is my favorite number.:cool: Then I started reading about the RCE (Real Cash Economy) and I thought well this is BS for sure...but I just HAD to see what what it was all about! Imagine my surprise!?!

    Cheers all...Looking forward to your answers.

  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I was looking at a list of virtual-world MMOs and saw that Entropia was the only one with a real cash economy. So I did a Google search and saw a news article (in retrospect, I suspect it was pure fiction) that talked about a high school kid in Colorado who made $30,000 in a year crafting weapons in EU. That sounded like the game for me! I logged in, sat down at a manufacturing terminal, calculated my losses and was disillusioned pretty quickly. So I started exploring, since I could do that for free... and am still exploring. I'd say my main profession in-game is exploring, too bad there are no skills involved in that profession :)
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Evony was doing my head in. All that damn farming and the ass-hats in global chat. A couple of people in my Evony alliance had talked about playing EU so I thought I would check it out. Made my first deposit 3 days later.
  4. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    A friend had been playing for about 6 months or so and started telling me about it... I created an account in October 2009, but was in the process of building a computer that would play it that took another 6 months... Basically a friend got me started, and I thought it sounded like fun.. Add the possibility of making money in it, free to play, count me in. I finished the computer (well, finished enough to play) April 1, 2010 and created my avatar 14 days later (April 15, 2010) after I made sure everything was working. Been playing almost 6-7 days a week since. :D

    The computer I use now is that same one I started playing on almost 2 years ago.
  5. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    I asked my friend Niko (vantastic) one day in 2005 why his email address had "-pe" at the end of it, so he explained what Project Entropia was. As he explained how the RCE and how it worked, the concept blew my mind. I knew I'd be totally into it before I'd even downloaded it, as it would be a chance to get some business experience from the comfort of my own home.

    Within the next 12 months, we along with Jim (Snape, EwoK) and another friend who I got into PE myself (Hawkwing) had begun selling armour from a Port Atlantis shop.

    Today, we have two shops on Calypso and are about to officially launch one on Arkadia!

    Six or seven years after that fateful conversation, here I am and still loving it!
  6. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I first read about the sale of CND in a magazine lift-out from an Australian newspaper - the concept of the RCE appealed to me so I downloaded and got started. I had no idea what I was doing, had never played an online game before. I used the TP at Port Atlantis on Calypso, went to New Oxford and set off running to go find something interesting....whoa...I ran all the way to Segna Forest TP without seeing anyone or anything (over an hour it took me) and was very confused. Luckily I bumped into a friendly player who directed me back to Port Atlantis where I slowly learned how everything works. I know my start is in a very stark contrast to anyone who now starts life in EU on Arkadia.

    It was really all about other people when I started, I joined a society and everyone was sharing little tips about the game (and plenty of theories - like mine under big mobs, look for enmatter near water, or follow perception gains), anyone who had maxed their Opalo was an uber to me. I just loved the endless possibilities of Entropia, which led me to doing so many different things and hanging out with lots of cool people - in game and in real life.

    There used to be a TV Commercial for Remington shavers where the owner says "I loved it so much I bought the company", well for me "I loved it so much I built a planet!"

    I do sometimes miss playing the game, having said goodbye to Ozi quite some time ago, but now I get to build new content and I do get very excited every time I can deliver another huge update. It's extremely satisfying when I get the feedback that all the hard work and countless ours of testing are noticed.
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  7. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Omg when was it?
    In the early days of PE a friend of mine told me about a free sci-fi MMO game which his brother in law was playing in beta...Project Entropia.
    And so I created my first PE account, gave it a shot and stopped it due to lack of time. A while later, a friend of mine was looking for a good game. I told him about PE, and he went for it with his girlfriend. A few months later I joined with a new avatar and he became the mentor of Lezardine in 2005 :).

    It's been almost 7 years now... A lot happened, I've seen many VU's, name changes, new planets, lots of fun :)
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  8. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I saw someone from Mindark talking about EU in a local tv station we had here in the city for a few months or a year, and I cant remember who it was but was on Kanal Lokal (as it was called) in December 2007. And ofc as most others wow free and you can make money, "got to try this" even tho I thought it was just a bunch of 10year olds as in all online games ;)

    And as Dave said, started off TPing to Amethera just to get trapped in some horrible places with big ass Atrox or something and no friends to call for help lol
    Finally got out and found the sweat camp, and from there took some smaller tours out into the wild(still no friends really) which is where I found my "mentor" who introduced me to my other great friends.
  9. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    So many memories, deja vu :) I'd never played any 'online' games or 'MMOs' at all, just lots of pc and some (ancient) console games. My experience in EU later led on to playing a ton of other online games and even becoming a tester on quite a few over time, as well as learning a lot more about game development and business, and dabbling in creating games.

    My start in EU: sometime in 2005 I had a couple of friends telling me about this really cool virtual online game 'world', that had as a bonus a RCE, and I really should check it out. Of course they told me all about this 'night club' in space, and sent me news links to read about how awesome it was. I didn't really have a lot of free time to get involved in something like that at that point, so it took them awhile to get through to me. Finally in spring of 2006 one of them sent me a news link that finally got me interested enough (and tired of hearing them saying 'come and play!') to create an account and check it out. That link was info about the new 'cash card', basically an ATM card you could use at any local bank machine to withdraw your money from the game (still waiting and hoping for it's return in future). Ironically, by the time I got in, those friends were not very active anymore, with RL leaving little free time to play, so I was pretty much on my own.

    The first day I ran around PA, listened to the chat, and was totally lost and confused lol, but the place had 'something' for sure. I didn't stay logged in long, but the next day, I got 'snagged' by a mentor and added to his soc as well (was not a good one, kind of a 'farmer'), where I met my first real ingame friend (Pirx Danford) and that was it, I was hooked after some tp runs and exploration and went nuts, spending money hand over fist, buying up every 'uber' thing I could get my hands on, clothes and apt too, was having a blast. Pirx and I left the original soc and formed our own together, the Federation of Free Wanderers, which is still a great soc today. I eventually ended up on CND and doing events there, including some to raise funds for RL charity, so I was pretty heavily immersed.

    RL has intervened a few times since then, so I've taken some breaks, including full chip/sell outs twice (but never because I hated EU and didn't want to play anymore, I always came back in). Same avatar, but 'life' number 3 now, skilling up slowly and trying to behave myself with the deposits a lot more. There will always be a special place in my heart for EU, have met some awesome people here, and have to say it is a game that can become a part of your life for sure. Arkadia is my home now, and I'm looking forward to what the future holds for us here and in the Universe :)
  10. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    For me it was the aspect of gaining money, during the time I started I was still attending school and thought it would be a nice addition to my allowance but in the end endedup blowing more ped then I gained and bought stuff just because it looks cool.

    After that I started traiding and basicaly controled the paint market untill MA suddenly changed the system and I lost all my cash that took me months of sweating and traiding to build up. After that I scaled back on trading and playing considerably and stuck around for some time untill I got my Credit card before starting to play again.

    All this changed when Arkadia came out and I'm now actualy saving up cash again hopefully to buy a shop when they come out.
  11. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    :whistle:bump :whistle:
  12. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    i saw some cometary in gaming magazine in 2003 , but my internet provider dont allowed me to play that time ( so i continued in diabloII and counter strike)
    scifi MMO free to play was what i looking for and RCE was just a bonus feature

    allmost year later friend dll entropia and ask me to told him something about , during talks i started dll too ..
    so i spawned in port atlantis in early 2004

    i have fun in old PE ,but sadly all fun things i fell love in EU are now gone
    no more blood splites , mobs interacting each other , laser sight dot , loot in each mob , full radar viev... and many more small details i miss so much

    its irony that whit every new game engine we can do less and have less fun , only that chage is eyecandy

    all whats left is hope in potentional EU can brings in online entertaiment if managed well
    thats why i left calypso and moved to arkadia on launch day
    and now i have tons of fun again:cool:
  13. Archman

    Archman Member

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    I read an article about the CND sale back in 2005 and decided to download the game. I started at Atlashaven and was told I needed to get all the tp's on the one continent Eudoria. I spent about a month exploring everything in game and on the forum. I finally saved up enough ped to check out CND so I followed Jax to a hanger and we flew there. I met the leader of the society Skillin' Villains (Compusmurf) and have been having fun in that society ever since.

    Hard to believe I am still playing this game 6 years later. It must be all the great people I have met along the way. :)
  14. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I'm here because I read an article about "some aussie bloke" buying a virtual island (Deathifier).

    I downloaded it that night and jumped in, got a mentor (Sbi) and spent many many late nights skilling and what not... still love it after all these years :)
  15. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sorta like staring at a car accident on the freeway.. you KNOW you shouldnt be anywhere near it but you still have to look anyway.

    I mainly joined for the uniqueness of it and the potential to have money in game after a few years but we all know how that works now.
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  16. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Back in high school, I overheard a few people talking about games which you could sell IG money for RL funds (I believe it was EVE). Anyway, I decided to look it up online at school, and then stumbled upon Entropia Universe. It sounded intriguing, so I decided to sign up.

    The problem was that I had dial-up then (hooray for rural areas), so I had no way of downloading/installing the game. Success was finally had when my brother managed to download the game at my grandparents house and then copy the game over to an external HD, and then bring it back to our house.

    Back then, EU was able to be copied from the program files and then pasted on any portable device to bring wherever you went so you could play anywhere :D

    I chugged along for awhile, rocking my dial-up connection, immediately moving on from the high traffic areas due to the frequent disconnections. It was nice when I was finally able to upgrade my internet :D There was much rejoicing.
  17. Calin

    Calin Member

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    I guess you could call me a classic CND baby. I saw an article about the CND sale and had to take a look. I never thought I'd get rich playing or even that I'd make a profit. What caught me was that someone believed in the concept enough to put that kind of money into a game. I looked a little more into the game and saw that it was real-time with people from all over the world. I figured I could have some fun and get to know some interesting people.

    I downloaded the game and spawned at Fort Argus (Calypso). Anyone who was around back then (2005) probably would agree that Fort Argus was the worst place to start out. There was a LOT of running to even get to something remotely like civilization. Argus was a real backwater.

    I saw that I'd need some equipment and that the game seemed kinda cool, so I decided that I'd deposit what a new game in a store would have cost ($50) and see where it took me. That $50 lasted me longer than any other $50 game ever kept my interest so right off the bat I was ahead.

    At this point, 6+ years later, I can say that even if I'd put in twice the money I have it would still be a good deal. The deposits I've put in have just been what I would have paid for other games plus I stopped seeing movies in theatres so I included my 'movie money'. Even if I never sell my skills and gear I feel I've come out ahead. I've had endless hours of fun and I've gotten to know so many wonderful people all over the world. How can you beat that?
  18. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    Taken me a while to think of how to respond to this. Basically I used to play MUD's the old text based MMO's then i had a life for a little bit and then i started thinking man they gotta have graphical MUD's now. So i started looking. And they were all "Fantasy" with wizards and witches and all the garbage no Sci-Fi ones. There was Rumors of Star Wars galaxies in development and that was about it. So i actually started searching for free dev kits for maybe making my own and starting something up like when me and some friends were working on making our own MUD. I happen to come upon then Project Entropia and the Entropia Pioneers forum. I was like wow this concept is insane, and some ppl are making money from playing. (this was in sept 2003). Problem was my computer i had wasn't capable of playing Entropia so all i could do for like 2-3 months until i could afford a new PC was read up Entropia Pioneers Forum. That was probebly the best blessing i could have had because when i started playing i knew soooo much already. So i had a real advantage over most new players.

    I never deposited for 2 months and my wife started playing too. Then we decided that sweating was not really worth it because i could make more money working in real life. So we set out to put in 21$ US every month which would give us each 100 PED a month to play with. I figured even if we loose that every month it's wayyyy cheeper then the MMO's out there and comming that were charging 15$ a month per account and then you had to pay software fees.

    Also that leg up i had with having knowledge, i realized that if i could pass that on to other new players and show them how it helped me then more people would keep playing. And the bigger the player base got the bigger the game could get. So i started newbie school way back before the 1st mentor system ever existed and we had so much fun. And i now know later that some of the Mindark staff took notice and became my friends in game too. (which i didn't know until they left the company)

    So fast forward 8 years later to now. I am an Entropia Pioneers there very people i looked up to when i first started playing. I've met so many people and had some many great experiences. Going to Fan expo in toronto and Festival Arcadia in Montreal. Meeting NEVERDIE, Johnt Bates, and lots of other great entropia players. I've somehow gotten to know some of the most respected people ingame too. And me i'm still kind of a newbie with very low skills for an 8 year player (not even level 30 yet) But i've had so much fun teaching new people and having getting help from some of the ubers who helped me cause i helped others. (one of my favorite moments is being handed a mod fap and hunting with Leafren getting like 6 globals in 45 mintues then handing him back his mod fap)

    If i would have been playing another MMO for the two of us to have played 8 years it would have cost lets say about 120$+ in software fees and 2880$ in subscription fees. So far we've paid a fraction of that. So entriopia has by far exceeded my expectations of paying to just have fun.I've had a absolute blast with this "game". I've had my ups and my downs sure. But i really feel like i've been part of something epic and huge and we'll look back another 8 years from now and just go WOW i was part of this when it was just one planet and one little continent of Eudoria and now look at it. I've got to be a part of an amazing history like seriously I've been playing this game longer then the guy who owns/built Planet Arkadia even.

    So in summary i thought i was going to have an adventure and i ended up having an epic adventure.
  19. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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  20. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Hahaha yes! Someone picked up on the reference ;)
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