New Player Experience Feedback

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Snape, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. True Juan

    True Juan Member

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    I must say, this was one of THE BEST experiences i've had in this game so far. :) The details, oh I love the details.

    Btw, the suggestions of hunting and crafting are something to consider.

    Otherwise, an awesome job with the building designs, the interior, and the overall feeling doing the missions.

    Keep this UP and you will kill Calypso :p (Not that I want it to die or something, just saying a awesome job u guys did)
  2. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    another message arrive:

    [Vaako] got "error code 7" when talking to commodore havinir

    people file support cases.
  3. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I personally like that there is no kill X Carabok, as that's something they would likely do anyway so why do you need a NPC to tell them to do that?

    Better keep their guns and ammo for when they are finished with this introduction.

    Rest of it seems good to me :)
  4. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    This is the way it was designed on purpose, if people have guns and ammo, they don't need much encouragement to go shoot stuff hey. It's designed so when people have finished the New Player Experience they still have gear to go and learn to play on their own without NPC's telling them what to do.

    It's a real challenge when creating starter missions not to teach people to expect missions non stop - that just isn't what EU is all about. Same goes for crafting, when people have a good feel for the game, they have some looted materials from mining and hunting, they will naturally find out about crafting in their own time.

    Part of the excitement of Arkadia is the sense that there is always something more to try out, to explore and to learn - the New Player Experience is designed as an introduction, not a massive hand holding exercise that teaches every single aspect of the game.
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  5. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Totally agree David, if you made missions that instructed every detail then what would a Mentor do :p Crafting is really not a low level type aspect anyways it takes a bit of grinding and mining to get the mats to craft. It would be hard to get the mats to even make basic filters with 50 survey probes. I also like that you never added grinding to the starter missions. Give a player a gun they will shot it they don't need coaxing there :p
  6. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Hi and welcome to Arkadia Forum :)

    I must say that my original thoughts on the hunting and crafting missions has changed. After listening to Dave's explanation why those things weren't included, I can understand better and see that it actually does make sense. The route of the missions will take new players through loads of puny carabok, and yeah, I suspect many will get out and have a go with the starter weapons, but if not, they will still have something to start testing hunting out with when finished with the missions, and something that cost them nothing as well :)

    Great addition to Arkadia all around (and gonna be in love with my pod for a long time!)
  7. True Juan

    True Juan Member

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    I must say that DD has it very well thought out, and I also changed my mind on the hunting/crafting missions :) Its perfect the way it is now... :p
  8. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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  9. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    have reported it to David earlier...chain is broken since afternoon....
  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree, I think it's much better this way, to leave the hunting open-ended. After all, that's what EU is all about, shooting whatever mob you feel like whenever you feel like it*, and we've all been asking for some ammo and weapons for the new players to go and try out EU for free, and here it is. Great job, A-team!

    *In the THING, where they tell you what to shoot and when, it's fun and engaging, but it's not really an intro to EU.
  11. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ya these new Arkadian Missions are promoting new arrivals to EU/Arkadia where The Thing was more of a movie promotion.

    They still did decent job allowing new players to participate in the movie story line though, I personally liked the short story line for those missions, still looking forward to watching the movie and seeing people run around with shotguns shooting wolves and cutting glam rocks and shotgun shells out of their bellies, LOL.

    The A-Team did a much nicer job to actually introducing players into EU and specifically Arkadia. It is a much better introduction for sure to the game and promotes the game very well.
  12. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I believe it may be related to the bug referred below and addressed by David (see links at bottom of this post).
    Looks like the "bug" has been identified and somewhat solved. See here1 and here2.
  13. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    is it wrong that I only did it to get the free vehicles :)

    The only problem I had with it was the crap gun they gave away for free, as bad as the sweating tool having to keep it lined up on the target all the way through the animation. I ended up buying 7-8 shotguns instead.

    I saw a couple of nubs trying to kill a thing with free rifle and quite frankly it was regening faster than they could hit it.

    Some of the puzzles they had were slightly confusing and weren't obvious what to do and I'm sure many skipped past them to get to the end.
  14. malasuerte

    malasuerte Active Member

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    I like the new introductory mission chain. I did most of it with a newbie and he enjoyed it a lot. The only "bug" i found, besides the texture in the pod, was that the mission items didn't show in my quest log. They were there but invisible.

    I also loved the oriental feeling of some of the new buildings, specially the ones at the research depot.

    Excellent job A-Team.
  15. VanBuren

    VanBuren New Member

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    I really enjoyed doing these newbie quests, even though I was too lazy to read all dialogues everything seems to be smooth and consistent.

    After I was given ammo and weapons I sort of expected to be forced to kill x mobs to progress the mission chain. To my surprise, I finished missions with unused weapons in my inventory. Indeed very encouraging to try and do something on your own, little hint what Entropia really is about.

    I'm glad that vehicle was given early in the mission, if I had to walk all the way it would be annoyed. But since I already had vehicle, I could relax and admire landscapes while traveling.

    So in general, it was pretty enjoyable experience which should really give a good feeling of Entropia Universe and Planet Arkadia and encourage players to stay long enough to learn more than just basic controls.
  16. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Hi there!

    I did the mission chain last saturday. Impressed as usual :)

    You get to visit some interesting places, get some basic gear and -OMG- even a vehicle!!!!
    Very well thought missions, you get some feeling of the distances (size of the map), which is crucial to directly see how much it's important to get all the TP's :)

    TY A-Team for giving mentors a great oportunity to do something useful and fun to do with their trainees. :hail:
    Mentors FTW!!!!

  17. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Wish they had something like this when I started, it can really encourage a new player!
    A+ for the A+ Team!

    Might be a bit of a job to implement this but in the "depots" I would of liked the displayed items to be clickable so you could see their stats/descriptions.

  18. Easy

    Easy New Member

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    Really nice starter setup.
    I thought it superior to The Thing storyline as it was impossible to "get it wrong" as it were - ( theirs, you can miss stuff and have to come back to do it which is irksome ).

    I found the hoverpod to be awesome fun, it's such an absurd little thing with its flightless wings flapping when you turn, had me in stitches. The lack of seeing out is not such a flaw, since it's much funnier watching it from outside control.

    Whichever dev thought that up deserves a bonus IMO, best free fun I've had in EU since the early days.
  19. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I think if they did that it would eliminate all the hard work people have done for making the limited weapon museum which would be a shame. I like walking through the one on Caly every once in awhile.
  20. Geronimo

    Geronimo Member

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    Totally loved the NPE.....immersive and fun....thumbs up for the dev team :)

    There was one thing that confused me..*Livinston* in the cave says: *look for the tunnel west* but if you are facing her I had to go east.....all depends ofc on pov.....or maybe I should cut back on the beer XD