Suggestion Entry/Exit Planets from/into Space

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by unicorn, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    as we got onholding discussions at the quarry about piracy in space i thought about a suggestion for space.

    I know that MA has space in their hands but maybe it can be passed forward to them by arkadia studios it be more representative as if players do that.

    At the moment i find it way too easy for pirates to just sit and wait at the station and shooting at everyone who leaves or entry a planet.

    Theres no encouragement to the pirates to move around and seek for their targets.

    I would even not call it piracy as pirates are driving around a sea for real.

    My impression is more like the space stations are some sort of duty station where you get your vehicle damage to pay the duty in form of welding wires and tool decay every flight you do.

    So i thought it would be better if there where more possibilities to entry or exit a planet by spacecraft.

    I took Arkadia as example. Now we have the point that theres not enough space around arkadia:

    View attachment 3259

    It should be changed to that:
    View attachment 3260

    The player should also have a possibility to choose where to exit a planet to not be spawned at the same spot in space all the time.

    That way it be at least a little better chance to get away without beeing automatically shot when you leave or enter the planet.

    The pirates would have more encouragement to fly arround and actually move for their loot.

    People who want bigger safety can choose to fly with a mothership anyways.

    Im sure that this can be more enjoyable for all.

    What do you think?

    Thank you =)
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    My suggestion (back when MA tried out spawning in PVP) was to roughly map the (x,z) coordinates of the planetary server-border-plane to the (x,y) coordinates of the planet map. So you'd pop into space at one point if you left from the quarry but on the opposite end of the plane if you left from jaguar digsite. If that makes sense.

    I like your suggestion too but the problem is that it would require 3 more servers per planet, with no increased income for MA.
  3. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    if it cost MA any more for some pc machines im sure that with such solution to the current situation players enjoy travel more and i can think of that there be more people flying in space. specially when the others planets arrive =)

    maybe the pc machines can also be used to get other things finally running better =)
  4. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Don't get me wrong here I loath piracy and absolutely wish the pirates never just camped people and I would love to be able to transport my stuff safely but....

    I think MA made space the way it is so it encourages people to want to use Motherships, Privateers etc.. to transport goods fairly safely. They don't want people to transport goods willy nilly through space safely, people got use to using the TP's when they were around but I think MA only used TP's as a temp solution until they got space implemented. The TP transporting days are gone and pretty close to 100% sure lootable PVP will stay everywhere in space. And they will keep the space stations campable to pirates to stop transporting of goods easily. We just have to accept the fact space is as it is, Mothership's and Privateers would be completely unused if it were not for safer transportation and none of the big investors for those ships want to see that go and MA will not want to make them big investors mad.

    I opposed space hard as I could when it came out did no good and so did tons of others, all it got me was almost banned form PCF for a week. I learned to cope with the change, and really see no need to transport stackable goods without a mothership, most of the MS and privateer prices are way less then the TP prices were and you can even use a glitch in space for 100% safe transport so no pirate even has a smidgen of a chance to loot you. Although you have to trust the MS crew but I have yet to see a MS want to make their passengers mad it would just mean lost future business.
  5. w d roberts

    w d roberts Member

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    I like this idea, and it would be nice if it worked the other way around too -- where you spawned when returning from space would vary with your entry point.

    Ideally I'd like to see planets made into first class objects, so they are "in" space (like space stations) rather than at the edges. This would let you fly around all sides of the planet in 3 dimensions. Maybe even put the space stations in orbit. However I'm guessing that this might pose some technical challenges so Neil's suggestion might be more realistic.
  6. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Neil's idea is great I agree, but I am thinking more realistic to what MA will do here.

    They will make exiting planet always go to space station. But I can see planet entry being worked to position yourself on a planet as Neil suggested. Or Quads and Sleipnirs always will just enter on the same coord's as is now and Privateers (I believe those go with those Hangers) will be able to land at their designated Hangers on planet. I do no see MA allowing entry into space on xy coord system again field is to big to keep transport of stackable in danger of pirates. MA I believe wants to see MS's and Privateers and other larger ships as only almost completely safe way to transport goods through space.
  7. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Just had another though about entry, you get to choose which place you want to land, like the bigger cities. like 8Coins or Celeste Harbour maybe even Sanctuary cove could but in a landing pad like the other two places have.

    I'd also like to see the landing pad and the museum in Celeste Harbour switched around. I like trying to land on them and running down. But with the landing pad so far outside the city square I just land by the bar all the time.
  8. Calin

    Calin Member

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    What about simply having the space between the station and the planet be a safe zone. Call it a military patrolled zone or whatever, but it should be safe to get from the planet to it's station if nothing else. They can still have the stupid lootable space outside of that if they must. There should be no risk getting to the station though.

    (on a side note... a pirate shouldn't be able to loot anyone for more tt value than they themselves carry as lootable, that way they have to take some risk to be a pirate. If you want to be able to loot someone for 300 peds tt then you must carry at least 300 peds of lootabel yourself.)
  9. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Now that is the most fair and just idea I have heard for making space all lootable PVP.
  10. Dwiss

    Dwiss Member

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    I would probably consider myself more a carebear than a pvp maniac but i actually think a pvp space adds a lot to thrill and the actuall situation of colonies. Space is too huge to be a controlled area in our scenario - so pvp is fine for me. But i would appreciate a 'fair' pvp at least. Considering what is in place and what seems to be easy to implemented i think about the following:

    There are quite a few things that actually allow to camp stations at all - starting with the possibilty to switch to passenger seat which switches of engine and saves them oil on the first hand. It also lets them appear blue as no pilot is actually on the seat. I consider disabling that already a fair start in pvp. Camping a station will cost something then at least. Same goes for a fee which i personally would also appreciate. Entering the safe zones around a space station should cost something for everyone except when you lift off from a planet. Leaving and reentering a safe zone should cost - if not ped than decay on your thruster or something similar. Its like parking lots in our real world - hard to get any free ones today :)
  11. Xavier Target

    Xavier Target Member

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    I think Ma has made it the way they did for several reasons. Like Kmax is saying, MA wants the big ships to have a value due to the safety they can provide(warp speed, logging off while riding in them, etc...). If it was too hard for pirates to find people they won't bother, hence we all spawn in the same place when we get into space, so we can be found. Of course if you move to a less watched portion of the safety area around the space station and sit there for long enough the pirates lose interest in you and look for easier prey(they want excitement...watching someone sit there for hours is not my experience 20 mins will drive them nuts).
    They charge to tp down to planet, if you want to risk it you can try to land on planet, but you might get pk'd(ma is not going to change this...they make more $ as it is than making it a safe zone), heck they charge 25 ped to tp down from FOMA, but who is going to risk transporting ores and enmatter from there?(hmm pay 25 ped or risk losing 100's or 1,000's of ped?) of course if they charge too much, everyone will just sell it on foma to crafters or tt their mining loot.
    I like Calin's idea for forcing pirates to carry lootables equivalent to what they want to be able to loot. Risk not want not? The pirates would then kill each other for what they carry...hehe...
    I never carry stackables, so if I get pk'd they are wasting ammo and of course I am fully armed now, so I can shoot back. There are also many who despise the pirates and will hunt them if they are harrassing you(like pk you everytime you try to leave space station). Hence most pirates won't pk you more than once, because they don't want to become harrassed themselves.
  12. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    I might be a little more cynical but I took it as a protectionist measure to stop players leaving Calypso, to shore up investments in overpriced investment opportunities and with the release of the cld's it's toughened by opinion.

    Personally and a few others might agree, each planet should have it's own space zone seperated by gates that charge to move between them while the Motherships and Privateers can jump directly X3 has a suitable system to base it on. Leaving MA with no hold over space at all except for the region around Calypso and each planet owner can decide if they want lootable pvp or not.
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  13. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    There is still piracy in this day in age in the RL, and I hate to say it they camp certain areas of the planet, shipping knows it, but the have no other way around the problem that wouldn't cost them more the the cargo is worth, and its to big an area to police effectively. So the problems the colonists face, is not unlike RL. All they can do in RL is try to be prepared.

    So as much as everyone hates space and lootable PvP nothing you complain about will do much except cause frustration, and remember space is still evolving who knows what MA will do in the future.

    The best thing I can suggest is relax, use a MS when you need to carry goods, if your just flying back and a pirate attacks, do your best to evade them, keep a timer going and see how long you can stay alive, then work on beating it each time, make it a game to enjoy not to get frustrated at.
  14. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    If / when they add joystick support (ytf they weren't supported when space launched is anyones guess), a variable throttle not the on / off switch, a boost button to allow to dodge then we'll have decent dog fights and a way to avoid shots from a player controller turret.

    They just need to look at X-Wing, X3 or Freespace to see what they need to do to make it better. In all of those the small ships could take on the bigger ones and win.

    The other problem is that there's no reason for pk'ers to be in the void between planets it's far too easy to camp the spawn points (do that in CS and you'd be thrown off the server in the end and probably banned if you really annoyed the person running it). MA need to get space mining to work to give a reason for pk'ers not be near the stations. Otherwise it's fish in a barrel.