When will the high level stuff be released?

Discussion in 'Crafting' started by jellyfish, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    more and more high level stuff has begun to show up, but there are still many things missing.

    i did several thousands of clicks on a level 5 armor bp, and i didnt get a single armor blueprint (i did get pulsar armor plate 8 though. yay :) )

    now the thing is i want to go after the level 10 armor blueprints, but after losing ~20k peds crafting guns just to find out that the blueprints doesn't even drop (or only drop once every 40k clicks or something silly like that, i dont know the exact value, but considering the amount of clicks i did and got squat the drop rate, if any, was seriously low) i will not atempt this before i know that they will drop.

    this might fit better in the crafting section, but as i also wonder about the other high-end items like perseus armors when they will drop i think this section of the forum would be appropriate to post in.

    the amp blueprints are still missing too.
    but the question i want answered the most is, when will level 9 and 10 arkadia armors blueprints drop? the pegasus and the perseus armors... i want those blueprints, but 2k clicks cost over 16k peds, so i want some kind of answer to when we can expect to loot those blueprints before i go.
    thank you, and best of luck to everyone :)
  2. Dwiss

    Dwiss Member

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    Have to agree to this - not only on the high level stuff. ALL combat faps are missing until today!
  3. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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    i also did this week and got like 7 armor bps, and the one before and so so
    You should know better jelly that bps came in waves, do you expect it really to came here one day and rip all the bps,really?
    Weapons bps not dropping, well take a look here if they dropped or not
    i have gotten ark bps in most of my 1k click runs
    again you know plenty well abaut waves i dont need you to explain yu that, some times are better than others, sometimes its good time to farm bps sometimes you cant, as i guess once an amount is dropped next are problably have some relation with the population of planet to keep a balance
    why does it cost you 16k peds to do a 2k clicks thats your decision, you c it like that, ii craft 100 clicks and sell the plates and them it wont cost me anything, you have different approach sometimes one is better some times is not ( i do a mix of both )
    So you have plenty of options and you know well
    I really think there are other stuff to drop first than the unL lvl 9-10 armor bps, or duplicate or similar mining amp bps until higher playerbase, do you really think they are going to loot before the L ones , well i doubt it
    I really cant understand your post
    why should i craft if i have a memo?should i stop crafting them?
    Maybe they should advertise coming the 1st of februrary armor bps lvl9&10 looting, free travel come and take away
    I say craft more often instead of trying to get all in one day
    watch the discovery section to find out or go to http://www.entropiatracker.com/discoveries.asp were you can see the last 100
    have a nice day :)
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  4. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    ok, WAIT.... IDK about the bp waves... somebody pm me and teach me this PLEASE!
  5. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    not really the reply i was looking for chilix ;)

    cant really say your post helped one bit ^^

    i want a reply from someone in the a-team when we can expect to start seeing level 9 and 10 arkadia armors blueprints in our loot, or if we could do so already, but the drop rates will improva, as has been the case in the past, but before i put 16k peds on the line trying to get it i want to know that im not chasing ghosts... simple as that
  6. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    to the mods, i accidentally put this in the general discussion in the new players area, i wanted it to be in the "regular" general discussion :)

    could you move it please? ty
  7. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    You do know that current BP drop is still based on one massive pool, right? So why keep hoping for higher Ark BPs when the chances just isnt there? In addition, it is also known that not ALL BPs are dropping, a quick scan of other ark bp books will tell you that. :)

    Dave have mentioned a few times that they have MA working on increasing local BP drops for local planets to 50%, so why not wait until then to do your BP fishing? Meanwhile, it may be better to just work with whatever you have.

  8. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    The thing is, we don't know when they'll do that.. or if they even have.. Dave said they don't have to do an update to do it... So it could happen without us knowing.. or never happen... Threads like this are important so Dave can see if these changes really are taking place like they're supposed to. :)
  9. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I've actually moved it to the crafting section as its more appropriate given the subject of crafting and BP drops.

    As for seeing the higher level BP's, I'll ask Tim to explain his theory about it as I can't quite remember the way he explained it to me before and i don't want to give the wrong information...but I'm reasonably sure it was something along the lines of something about crafting runs 2 levels below the BP's you are trying to get???

    *Handballs this to Tim*
  10. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Lol :)

    I've been clicking for over 6 years, but that doesn't mean I've done a million gajillion clicks. In fact, I've only got a little experience in doing BP looting runs. In general we just craft to keep up with the demand in our shops.

    I think there are some people around who are far more qualified to answer than me, but here's what I think I know.

    Jim's right - my understanding is that if you want to loot for example a level VII BP, you need to be clicking on a BP that's level IV or higher. On a level I BP, you're only ever going to loot up to level IV.

    That is, I thought it was 3 levels below - Jim's saying 2. I'm not sure which it is at the moment, but it's something like that anyway.

    So I'm not at all surprised that we're not seeing much in the way of the level VIII, IX and X armour BPs dropping, because I doubt there's been too much clicking on high enough level armour BPs to make it happen.

    It also makes sense to me that armour would be the one that takes longer than something like guns and mining equipment, because armour gets consumed at a much lower rate than other stuff (and therefore needs to be clicked on at a much lower rate too). Think about how much a miner's finder, or a hunter's gun, decays in comparison to his or her armour. If a BP were to drop for every x clicks, well then x is probably going to be reached far quicker in the weapon market than in the armour market.

    But that's just my own musings and thoughts, and I could be wrong. Anyone that clicks way more often than me, available for comment?
  11. Carny

    Carny Member

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    You're correct Tim, it's +3 for BP levels when looting while crafting.
  12. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    yes, you can get level 10 bps from a level 7 bp, but everyone knows that :)

    thanks for the reply guys, but what i really wanted to know is wheater or not it is even possible to loot unlimited level 9 and 10 arkadia armor blueprints currently, or if its the same case as with for example the mining amps, that you cant loot them no matter how many thousands of clicks you do.

    so the question remains... is it even possible to get UL pegasus and perseus blueprints? :)
  13. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    and there i got the answer from david just now =)

    thanks david :D
  14. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Pls share that answer here
  15. Carny

    Carny Member

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    iirc from listening to the interview, David said that these BPs ARE in the loot pool, however, they are very rare drops.
  16. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  17. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Or another view of what Dave said is - "ALL the BPs you see listed in the BP books, are in the loot pool."

    One of the main issues on the lack of drops goes back to the fact that the bp loot pool is "one massive" pool for all the BPs in EU, not prioritized for local bps on local planets.

  18. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    I call Bullshit on this. "Hey sure its in there, keep trying sucker! haha"

    All of them are in game? hmm.. Kinda like the mouse competition was for miners and hunters.. It was in the game, yes there was no miners involved in any loots until someone realized that 15 hunting mouses dropped and 0 mined ones. That didn't stop anyone from promoting that miners *could* get them mining. That didn't happen... Nobody wants to STOP you from decaying... get it?

    It may be in the loot pool, but its probably not going to loot for a long time. Come on guys, be realistic here whats the point of us having the blueprints for Ark and MA? If we have them would you continue to grind and waste thousands of peds? Extremely rare means, it will come when they have got enough decay.

    Not even thousands, hundreds of thousands of clicks and i've yet to come across whole lines of blueprints? NO... As soon as one drops they will start to flood. Its a nice thought and all, but realisticly they are just blowing smoke up our asses.

    Not 1 pulsar 8 bp was on market until they found like 4-5 in 2 weeks. Your telling me that the rarity of a combat 1 fap is going to be like 1 million clicks to 1 or more? How about terra amps. Hard to hold up a whole mining community with terra 1 amps. Is a terra 2 amp really that important that its going to take millions of clicks to pry it from the "loot pool" or how about the other bps that are "in the loot pool" that are not able to be found.

    Right? being pretty in tune to business. Its exactly what I would say too if I had a business that relied on decay for my income.. Theres a pot of gold in the lootpooll.. and it will make you all rich? who cares as long as your decaying!

    Just my opinion though. I tend to look through bullshit. GL
  19. Carny

    Carny Member

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    I'm not sure he said/meant that every BP from all books is currently in the loot pool. If he did, then that is contradictory to the comments he made regarding the Combat FAPs. When asked about those, his response was something like "ummmm........I have to check on where they are. ummmm.....they were handed to MA awhile ago, I'm not sure where they are". I got the impression that these are still in whatever kind of "approval" process MA requires for planet partners. Just my take on it though.
  20. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    yupe thats almost word for word Carny