Is there Chinese New Year Gift?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by sakuraqueen, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. sakuraqueen

    sakuraqueen Member

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    So Calypso has polar bear head as New Year Gift and Rocktropia has NEVERDIE XMAS FAP, will Arkadia give anything special for colonist for this Chinese New Year? I hope it will be cool. :rolleyes:
  2. djinn

    djinn Member

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    Maybe Red Envelopes with some Ped? :D
  3. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Personally i would prefer presents not because of any real life event. But i'd rather have something related to ingame events. Like something one year after the first colonist set foot on arkadia?
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  4. Calin

    Calin Member

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    I'd prefer this myself. :)
  5. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Most of us I'd guess were in EU before Arkadia was created so it's not like we'd be eligable to recieve gifts.

    If there was (is?) a way to change my allegience from Caly (in my case) to Arkadia I'd do it in an instant, gifts or no gifs!

  6. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    That goes for me, too...
  7. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    which is really annoying as a percentage of what we spend on Ark goes to Calypso but we'll never receive their gifts as we're not on Calypso.
  8. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree, the real life related gifts are kinda stupid and dont fit in the game storyline. I would prefer a day like, 'Colonists day' and we get an item of note. Like the First Wave Berets etc.
  9. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Just saying it's the planet partner who decides who gets the gifts or not, all who visit Caly at those dates get it. (confirmed by Kim over at their forum)
    But RockTropia with their first christmas gift had set it to only if you were born on the planet, which seems good for me especially since we will have more and more planets and players.
    But ofc that mean we "old" is going to have to choose planet once (not each year or anything like that, just once as it's a different "game" now since we started)
  10. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    In his last interview, Dobson said gifts are planet-specific and are only given to players spawned on that planet. Sounded like a platform setting, to me. And I'd believe Dobson before Kim.
  11. Morgan Gekko

    Morgan Gekko Member

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    This might stray a little from the OP's topic but bear with me.

    If the different planet managers wish to distribute holiday goodies to only those spawned on those respective planets, I have no problem with that at all. Its their decision to make. I've never turned down anything free from the powers that be. If it all stopped tomorrow I'd have no issue with that, either.

    However, I would like to point out that there are a number of us that, as "colonists", if you care to call us that, were among the first on each new planet as it was introduced into the game. I, personally, spent months on Rocktopia, Next Island, and Arkadia as each was rolled out. I know of several members of my former society, the Temporal Destinies, that also immigrated to each planet, in turn, to get the tps, hunt, mine, and generally try to make a new home away from Calypso. The other planet economies, as we are witnessing here, now, eventually forced us to become citizens of all planets in order to financilally survive.

    I bring this up, not to claim a special "right" to get free stuff, but rather to point out that, as we see in our planet's backstory, we are all colonists here whether we are spawned here or travel here from another planet. In fact, according to this planet's story, none of us are actually natives of Arkadia, or at least none can claim aboriginal heritage. I don't know what the different planets' version of the infamous Caly orange jump suit is, but I would expect that that is what a newly spawned player on a planet should get, not to sold or transferred. Like a birthmark. Anything else, as in holiday or commerative items, should be extended to all on a particular planet at a particular time.

    I hope this all makes sense. I apologize if it seems rambling, its how my mind works sometimes. Too many thoughts at once. Thanks for your patience.
  12. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I would whole-heartedly agree. However, Dobson made it sound like they didn't have a choice who got it (as far as gifts go), and are therefore working with ideas and MindArk to figure something out. :)
  13. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    The Colonist gift is a good concept, if you get the gifts from the planet you started with but none of the ones you're currently on except for the ones associated with deeds.


    Gift 1. New Year gift from your birth planet - changing it to a new year gift can mean it's given out removes some of the religious overtones as EU spreads into countries where Christianty isn't the primary religion.

    If each planet can decide when to give the gift out then it can still be whatever the planet owner decides. So it could still be an Christmas gift for Calypso or New Year Gift for Ark.

    Gift 2. Depositing over a certain amount into EU
    Gift 3. Deed Gift from planet A for owning property there
    Gift 4. Deed Gift from planet B for owning property there
    Gift z. Deed Gift from planet Z for owning property there

    As your birth planet cannot be changed and they will always get a percentage of revenue from you it shouldn't really matter if you're currently on another one. The deposited over a certain amount comes from MA and the deeds can be from any planet so you don't have to spend time and ped trying to collect them.