Shop Booth Ideas

Discussion in 'Shops' started by Oboy, Dec 10, 2011.

  1. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    We have 6 shop booths now on Arkadia.

    I encourage all with ideas for what will be needed to please speak up and give the shop booth owners a Idea of what items you want us to carry.

    I have all the booth owners on my friends list so I can easily share the ideas and coordinate our efforts to best serve you!

    We have a few going for weapons now, some various random things in our shops. Help us gain direction. Pls post your ideas here and keep this thread clean and on topic!
  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    One of the booths certainly needs to have armour ranges suitable for the players that will be around the area, likewise with weapons, Faps, mining gear etc.

    SFE is looking to rent a booth if any of you guys aren't planning on using it straight away so that will easily cover the armour end of things. Some or all of you may have already been contacted by TimUnleashed in this regard.

    Gratz to all of you in your purchases, hope you all get a good ROI. We will all certainly do our bit in seeing it so.

    Note: I've moved this thread to the Shops/Arkadia forum as it seemed more appropriate than General Discussion.
  3. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    Thanks for moving it to the appropriate thread. I have talked with Tim a bit about it. At this time my shop will be actively managed, The direction is still yet to be decided.

    My society is quite active on the planet as well, So I am looking forward to helping be a steward for many great items and services!

    I want to offer sign advertising through my shop as well, due to its location to the auctioneer, I am a 3.5 second walk away, and as so, the visibility is very high for the vast majority of players to view. I think many services may be able to benifit from such a community billboard. The high visibility will be sure to bring attention to any service or shops you wish to advertise.

    I'll have a more direct idea once more people share what they would like to see in the area. Righht now we have a concentration on weapons crafting and its great that we do! But I dont want to saturate that market myself.

    I want to suggest I can buy armor off of you guys and sell it, but I am not sure if the 7 items per set of armor per gender would be something a 48 item shop can handle. If you think theres something we can work out Snape in terms of sales or increasing visibility of where to purchase the armor I would love to chat further about it.
  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I'd like to see full sets of Arkadian armor.
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I'll be adding low end armour next year once I have peds for shopkeepers. Right now I just dont have space for armour.
  6. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    At this point in time, shopkeepers are going to be the best bet. You get 20 internal item points for the cost of 6, so a net gain of 14. With 3 shopkeepers that would give you 44 item points in your booth (not sure whether you can upgrade them with additional item points like we did the shops on Calypso).
  7. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    What we need most is ethical booth owners that help build up the economy unlike a particular booth owner that sells at overinflated prices (some even *10 higher then can be found in the auction).
    No matter what idea's get spawned out of this thread that 1 shop will likely still remain way overpriced (he is afterall a known reseller and unethical trader). Needless to say that owner has been added to my soc blacklist and KOS list and were looking forward to meeting that player in space :) (a warning that even though we are not Pirates anyone in our KOS is considered fair game and those on our KOS know that they have been added and for what reason they have been added so they can not claim they wore shot down for piracy but for their actions ingame and on the forums)
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  8. SR Torzman

    SR Torzman Member

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    Hi, my thoughts on my shop is trying to help players of Arkadia and the economy, with various products especially simple items for new players and furniture. The products that I do not want to sell has been an over price they are used as decoration.

    I hope I can help other players with my little booth and get this wonderful planet to grow.

    Sr. Torzman
  9. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    From what I can remember when I had a booth a few years back, there is a way to make an item to not be sellible in the booth if you want it as a decoration. I think it was if you placed the item on sale for no price but I can be wrong or the system could have changed in the years sins I last had one.
  10. SR Torzman

    SR Torzman Member

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    ok thanks for the tip I will try to change it.
  11. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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    yes you can leave items withouth price so it will not be sold, still the same
  12. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    TY for such productive post!

    (I still dont know who fopsie is, or have I ever seen them.)

    Moving on.

    I decided to take my shop ores and enmatter.
    It looks like max has gone amps and enhancers
    Tors is furniture and enhancers
    Kikki, lower level weapons (mostly guns)
    Jelly, higher lvl guns
    Wolf (empty atm)

    Also I am thinking about having a forum page in which we keep a list of contact information for each owner.

    Maybe each owner can make a list of your current stock, and I will provide a link to your personal forum thread with sales, where you can keep your lists of resources and prices updated.

    Its already easy enough to get to our shops, lets open up the visibility and work together to grow this to something beyond a traditional 6 booth area. If all the shop owners (or most) think coordinating on the forums is something you'd be interested in, and have the time to keep updated please let me know. I plan to make a forum list of all my resources, the amount avail and prices for the shop.
  13. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    My only advice is that the 6 booths remain active. It is vital we don't allow any booth in Celeste Quarry become inactive.
  14. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    I was looking at your sig.
    You can what from anywhere?
    I hope I don't need your service any time soon :dark:
  15. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    What he said.
