Oceanic 2.0 & Project Arkadia

Discussion in 'Tools & Utilities' started by endy, Dec 6, 2011.

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  1. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    Oceanic 2 & Project Arkadia

    oceanic 2.1
    including two extensions: galaxy guide and data importer, has been released.

    If something is not working or you think you found a bug or you have a question, please send me a PM or post it here.

    To avoid posting on multiple forums we created a web site where you can find all Oceanic data files, documentation and F.A.Q. that will be updated as the need arises.

    oceanic 2 web site link

    oceanic download link

    some of the oceanic screenshots:

    View attachment 3003 View attachment 3039 View attachment 3040 View attachment 3113 View attachment 3041

    oceanic package includes galaxy guide - an illustrated encyclopedia of EU inhabitants, various guides and planetary chronicles.
    The galaxy guide and oceanic are linked together, those creatures that have a relevant guide article about them, have a special link in the oceanic info window that opens the article in the guide:

    View attachment 3114 View attachment 3115 View attachment 3116

    To facilitate importing of mining data oceanic provides a data convertion tool, oceanic importer, that currently allows data import from Little Big Mining Log files:

    View attachment 3117

    Project Arkadia:

    While Oceanic is designed to be used withing EU, we chose Arkadia, our little cute fluffy planet we all love so much (mostly true :)), to illustrate main oceanic features, so most of the data files included in the package contain Arkadia related info.

    This is supposed to be a community project, so you are welcome to contribute any missing information.

    What is currently missing and might be added:

    TPs & Revivals:
    a couple of new TPs/Revs added after the last update

    Mob info:
    a couple of new mobs spawns,
    maturities and levels of most of the spawns,
    mob damage types, common/uncommon loot

    LAs' info:
    owner's and LAs' info, taxes etc.

    Various images:
    thumbnail images for some mobs and locations.
    Image format - high quality JPEG 100px x 92px

    Places of Interest info:
    many PoI are missing

    Cave systems info and images

    Shop booths info (to be added after the auction)

    Mineral charts:
    I couldn't implement Neil's mineral chart map as it doesn't match server size, so if anyone wants to contribute, please use this map that is slightly different in size

    View attachment 3004

    Currently you can find a template with a couple of samples that will give you an idea of how it could look like.

    Alternatively, I can convert any existing mineral chart map into oceanic format if you have any.

    If you have an idea about what else might be added on a map for Arkadia or any other planet, or you have a feature request, please send me a PM and we will think if/how it can be implemented.
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  2. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    Some updates contain an additional executable file "oceanicTest.exe". While "oceanic.exe" included in the default package can be thought of as a "stable" version, "oceanicTest.exe" introduces new features and bug fixes that require some testing.
    If for some reason "oceanicTest.exe" can not deliver, fall back to "oceanic.exe".
    Once "oceanicTest.exe" is thoroughly tested, it replaces "oceanic.exe" in the default package.

    To install an update, download the archive and unzip its contents into oceanic folder, overwriting all existing files.

    Use "update" button from within the tool to check for the latest update.

    Amethera update (11.01.2011):

    Mount Hephastos and two new adjacent island areas have been updated:

    • A dozen of previously uncharted Revivals has been added
    • A couple of PoI and The Ringhorne info have been added
    • Erroneous entries have been deleted
    If you are closely following all oceanic updates, you can just download the update

    Download update

    Otherwise, please re-download the main package, see the link in the OP.
  3. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    Little Big Mining Log

    the first version of "oceanic importer" has been released for download as a part of oceanic 2.1, please use the download link from the first post.

    Important notes:

    Download and unzip the archive into your current oceanic folder. The archive contains executable "oceanicImporter.exe" and "import" folder with a test LBML .csv file which you can convert as an example.

    Choose "Little Big Mining Log" from the drop down menu, choose the sample file from the second drop down menu, press convert and you should have a new .xml file in oceanic "data" folder.

    Since oceanic uses separate maps for Eudoria and Amethera and LBML seems to use Callypso for both, after the conversion your LBML data will be split between the two maps based on coordinates.

    Also, not all the mining resources are registered yet in the config file and assigned a proper group, so some of your ores and enmatters will end up in "Other" group when displayed in oceanic.

    I don't know LBML naming conventions for all continents, so currently it should work for Calypso, Planet Arkadia, Rocktropia, Asteroid, Next Island, Hell.

    If you use LBML for other continents and if oceanic continent name differs from LBML name, you will not see your claims. If you know how LBML names other continents, please post it here and I'll add them to the converter.

    Thanks goes to malasuerte for the provided example.
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Wow, this does look like a very handy and well built tool. +rep endy
  5. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    Thanks :), it took a couple hundred hours of programming and encoding data, so hopefully it's gonna be useful.
  6. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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  7. kobar

    kobar Member

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    Nice, looks very clean, professional and best of all it works.
  8. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    We will need new map images for the 8 coin area, two new islands there and one new TP.

    <entry type="Teleporter" name="8C Windy Islands" X="9335" Y="22335">
    <notes><![CDATA[Player owned land area]]></notes>

    <entry type="Teleporter" name="Cyclone Point" X="18535" Y="31475">
    <notes><![CDATA[Player owned land area]]></notes>

    <entry type="Teleporter" name="Storm's Keep" X="23200" Y="31425">
    <notes><![CDATA[Player owned land area]]></notes>

    <entry type="Beladoth" data="20000,17350:20100,17100:20100,16775:19925,16725:19450,16875:19425,17550:19380,17700:19400,17900:19400,18200:19700,18175:20000,17850:1"/>
    <entry type="Scoria" data="15300,22875:15550,22875:15900,22725:15975,22600:15975,22150:15850,21875:15775,21825 :15525,21825:15225,22050:15300,22775:15375,22875:15500,22875:1"/>

    (Harder Scoria due W of 8C Town, but there seems to be two spwans, have not verify)

  9. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    Thanks, keep it coming, I'll come up with an info update this weekend.
  10. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    very promising! Works great already as a quick and easy to use map, and I see a lot of potential in this!

    A few rants:

    • Make the window resizable, please!
    • Show tooltips, please! When hovering over an outpost, I'd love to see the name ...
    • Use the right-click function for options, please - Left-click should center the map to the ClickLoc (you drag it anyway with left mouse), right-click should be used to offer options - maybe throwing a menu, or showing info for a normal RC, and "start editing from here" for a Ctrl-RC.
    • use a menu in the detail windows - for "Edit": "Cancel & close", "show changes" and "accept changes" at least, for "Info": "Close" and "GoTo edit mode" at least, please!
    • Hide all of the XML. It will confuse people. I'll not discuss the sense or nonsense of XML compared to other data structures (*1), but raw data structures should never be seen by the user. Show them a nice and understandable representation of them, and they'll love you :)
    I want to emphasize that these rants DO NOT MEAN that I'm not entirely happy with this program, and that I'd not yet have it in my EU Starter application - this is really a great piece of software, I love it and it has already replaced my former map tool.

    The look and feel is very well done, it's quick and easy to handle, and the functionality it already offers is plainly awesome, IMHO. Thus my +REP.

    But it could become even better. My rant here is meant to be of help.

    Thank you, Endy! You might have mail, btw.

    Have a good time!

    (*1) For people that once have worked with 68K assembler code XML is a pure, bloated horror. There was full-fledged word processors once ("WriteNow!", Mac) that had all the program code & libraries in 320kB, and still did offer anything you'd need for work - not this much less then what we get today with GB heavy equivalents, where the "settings.xml" alone is quite bigger ...
    And data structures once was squeezed to a point where todays bloatware SQL servers need a special SAN to hold the data - once we had them in the tiny RAM we had back then ...
    Ah, the old times ... Forgive me, plz!
  11. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    That is one of many features to be added in future releases, not that easily doable though

    Press "t" to toggle map labels, you will see all names and titles, there are other helpful shortcuts in "help" top menu.

    Currently there are no options to display by right-clicking and I prefer to keep things as simple as possible so I doubt right-clicking will be implemented. If many people will find map navigation inconvenient I might make some changes, although, no one ever complained so far, and it's been more than a year since first oceanic release.

    Just use keyboard shortcuts, it's the most simple, fast and convenient way. I think :p. There are only few of them in oceanic, so it's not a problem to memorize, "e" toggles editor, "i" toggles info window.

    When you open the editor, the info window will be turned off, that's done on purpose to keep the map viewport clear as you do not need it while editing. You can bring it back any time though by pressing "i".

    Not sure about "Cancel & close" and "show changes" - the editor in its current form serves only to generate proper XML code for the data files, so there is no need for these options.

    Well, the purpose of the editor is to generate XML code, so it is shown along with a nice visual editing process. If XML scares you off, you can copy-paste it without looking at it and reading it.

    I actually hope otherwise, that after reading the introduction article about XML on the web site and playing with the editor people will understand XML and XML tags usage in oceanic better and will work with it without much fear.

    Thanks for the rep and the rants though, there are quite a few downloads but not so much feedback, so all of it is appreciated!
  12. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I've not tried it as yet, but it looks promising. I was actually considering converting our soc's mining database to be used with Oceanic, since Entropia Locations seems a bit defunct. I already have the PHP in place to read a .csv file and load it into a database (checking for duplicates in the process), it wouldn't take much to modify it to include other types of entries. And then to export as XML, it'd be a simple fact of learning the format. :)

    I was also considering building a website to store everything on that would automatically merge everything and allow everything to be available immediately, if that's not something you're already working on.
  13. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    You can find the explanation of the oceanic XML here - http://oceanicmapper.com/docs.php#sec2

    Oceanic allows you to split the data any way you like and to separate information on private/public, geographical, time, activity or any other basis, and to share it with others.

    Oceanic can load any chosen number of such individual files and merges them inside automatically before displaying the data on the map. You can turn these individual files on and off "on the fly" and reload the data.

    The default package already contains certain number of XML data files and the web site update section will contain more info for downloading, most likely the info will be split on planetary basic first and further down.

    You can provide your files to us and we will store them on our web site, or you can set up one of your own if you prefer.

    Hopefully this somehow answers your question, at least I do my best at 5 am in the morning :D
  14. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well, I was just thinking I've already got a pretty good sized database for the society (on the soc website)... I can convert it easily enough.. So you're storing everything from the application (data, etc) on the website? I was thinking kind of like a master website for all mining data from Arkadia (at least at first).

    If you want, I can start writing up a conversion from Entropia Locations to Oceanic.. At least for mining.. Looks like you've got everything else (tps, revives, etc) in there already, though... And if you need anything else, let me know and I'll see if I can help. :)
  15. Morgan Gekko

    Morgan Gekko Member

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    I've been using Oceanic for quite a while and have been very pleased with the program, although entering the claims can be a bear if you have a good run. And everything needs to be entered perfectly or the thing don't work. But its well worth the effort. How does this version differ from the previous edition? I'm assuming you have new maps to accomadate the changes on Calypso, as well as the changes here, as was mentioned in a previous post.
  16. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    The main features are listed here http://oceanicmapper.com/index.php

    For a miner, the most important is that now oceanic has support for all continents and you can add any number of new planets, should they come, without limitation.

    You can use multiple data files, so you can separate your data, for example keep every run in a different file or have a file for every area where you like to mine.

    There is no need to restart oceanic every time you change your data, you can add new data to a file or even create a new data file on the fly, and to see it instantly on the map.

    Oceanic now has up to 80 times zoom, that is every pixel on the screen is 20 in-game centimeters, so you can see your claim patterns even if the claims are very close.

    All of this wasn't possible in the previous version.

    Besides, oceanic now has a better interface and works faster than before.
  17. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    Hopefully, our web site will contain all Arkadian data, including all publicly available mining data and mineral charts, being in these terms a "master" web site.

    There is no need for us to convert the data to a database format, at least so far, I do not see any big advantage here, but it can easily be done if necessary.

    Since there are many socs out there and the information is always clustered and not all of it is public, we ofc do not plan to be a substitute data storage for all soc web sites.

    The best we can do is to ask anyone who has a tangible public chunks of mining or other data to share it with us and we'll host a copy of it on oceanic web site.

    So if you could convert your data into our XML and to share it with us, that'd be great. :)
  18. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Okay, that's what I was wondering. I hadn't seen anywhere that mining data was hosted, but I think that answers it. :)

    I'd be more than happy to share what we've got. The primary reason I used a database was it made it easier to merge information from multiple sources while keeping track of duplicates. :)
  19. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    How to open Arkadia map in oceanic by default:

    The default continent is specified in the oceanic config file, with the help of show="on" attribute, you need to move it from amethera to arkadia map tag, so you need to turn this:

    <continent name="Amethera" map="maps/amethera.jpg" startX="16384" startY="65536" endX="57344" endY="24576" show="on"/>
    <continent name="Arkadia" map="maps/arkadia.jpg" startX="8192" startY="32768" endX="32768" endY="8192"/>

    into this:

    <continent name="Amethera" map="maps/amethera.jpg" startX="16384" startY="65536" endX="57344" endY="24576"/>
    <continent name="Arkadia" map="maps/arkadia.jpg" startX="8192" startY="32768" endX="32768" endY="8192" show="on"/>

    That will open Arkadia by default.
  20. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    I have to apologize, I just was too lazy, or too low of spare time to discover the full power of the shortcuts you have implemented.

    Spent some more time to play with it, and I guess I'm slowly getting it :)

    Hehe, take this as a report from newbie (to your program) then ;-p

    Need to whack some cute, tiny, feathered critters now, there must be an HoF out there, I'm sure! Will come back to this next week :)

    Have a good time!
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