Ingame Advertising Service for Avatars on Arkadia!

Discussion in 'Services' started by SpiritGh0st, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. SpiritGh0st

    SpiritGh0st Member

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    Hello everybody!

    I have recently started playing EU and I find myself sitting in towns a lot, mostly sweating inside chat range of Celeste Quarry. So, why am I telling you all this stuff? Well! I thought that since im mostly in chat range of Celeste Quarry or inside it relaxing, I could advertise peoples items for sale! For instance, if someone does not feel like sitting in town for half a day just to sell their goods or services they could contact me with the exact words they want me to advertise, which I then go on and add them to my friends list and start advertising and will contact them when a buyer is found!

    How will this work? Well, basically since im new and most people might not trust a new player, the way this service would work is that I get a commission for every sale/person buying the service only after I find someone. Sure people could use my services and I find them a buyer and they could laugh at me and run off without paying commission which is bound to happen eventually, but hopefully I can build up some trust base with certain people and this way only puts me at risk and not the buyer. Which means the person who uses my service runs no risk at all!

    Well, thats my reaccuring service offer! How it works may change depending on how the service developes over time. Also I can offer advertising for the booth owners in Celeste Quarry to attract attention to their booths :p. I also can advertise events and such.

    Drop me a message here or in-game around Celeste Quarry/ Caraboks outside. This service is so far only for Arkadia; this means that I only advertise on Arkadia.

    Thanks for reading and happy hunting/mining/hofing :D

    I will also advertise on this thread, for direct contact. But please refer that you saw the advert via this thread. Thanks!

    This thread will constantly be updated. Also drop me a friends request if you are a regular buyer or seller of certain goods, so I can match you up with other people who I will know of selling or buying the goods.

    *New Service offered: Hunter Service - You give me ped to repair my EnKnuckles and I can go and hunt Oro/Halix/Jori/Carabok/Ostelok and give you everything that drops for me until my EnKnuckles break.

    *New Service offered: Healer service - I only ask for decay and tips :) , in certain cases I will use your healing equipment if requested. I use a Herb Box myself. I am currently Paramedic lvl 5.

    -----------------------------------------<Current Advertisements>---------------------------------------------

    --------------------<In certain cases I myself am not the owner of the peds or items mentioned>--------------

    Selling Rascal Armor Sets (M) (F) (L), x2 Male, x1 Female at 120% For each entire set! Price decreased from 130% :)

    Trading FOMA Fortuna (Ex-CND) shop 225 item slots for a Quarry Booth on Ark .Lots of HoFs on hourly basis! :) Great for hunters/miners. Fast Easy access trade route to Calypso.

    < You can find me in Celeste Quarry most of the time or outside by the Caraboks, I am fully Green >

    -------------------------------------< I look forward to meeting you :) >------------------------------------
  2. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    well here is my offer.
    you found me buyer for my shop and I will give you some nice peds.
    shop is in Calypso, Emerald Lake Mall, 310 item points, price: 16 000 peds.
    now use that chat :)
  3. SpiritGh0st

    SpiritGh0st Member

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    Hello again,

    No problem AxeMurderer, I am also searching current forums for a buyer for you.

    I have been advertising the exact text you have given to me although I'm not sure if this also includes a shopkeeper.

    Anyone else interested in having their goods advertised? I also try find people any items/service they are looking for to buy/hire. If you state what you want to buy/sell I will add you and your text to the list and hopefully when people come here they can browse a list of current goods/services being sold/bought all in one simple thread.

    Thanks for reading.
  4. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    no shopkeeper. just the shop
  5. SpiritGh0st

    SpiritGh0st Member

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  6. Dwiss

    Dwiss Member

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    using this fantastic service myself now!
  7. SpiritGh0st

    SpiritGh0st Member

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    Added new services <Healing / Noobmob hunting>
