LOOOONG Summary of the 2nd David Dobson Interview.

Discussion in 'About Planet Arkadia' started by zume, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Just wanted to say a public thankyou to Zume for conducting the interview and providing everyone with a summary - it was a rather long interview but I think I managed to answer quite a number of people's questions.

    I won't get into a discussion about all that is said here, but did want to post here and confirm that I do indeed read all the feedback. Quite often I simply can't discuss what happens behind the scenes but I can say that much of what is frustrating some of you is already high on my list of things to address. If you read through the summary I think you'll see that we are not working only on the new player experience for the next 12 months. Plenty of effort is going into ensuring a balance in the economy and gameplay for all levels.

    To address one point being made suggesting that we should not focus on new players and should focus on existing players from other planets. I will say it very clearly here, planets are simply not permitted to market to players on other planets. The future of Arkadia very much depends on new player growth which is why so much effort is being put towards attracting new players and then giving them an introduction to Arkadia that is exciting and truly gives people a feel for the game.
  2. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    I only included this one line of quote because I feel it is the most important part which also supports my reasoning. The other areas in your reply also expresses your frustration, as I believe is what Bass is also trying to express, but at a much harsher "I-can-care-less-about-anyone-else" tone.

    But, won't you agree, that if we have 20x, 50x, and even better, 100x more noobs playing here on Arkadia, that most, if not all, of your issues will become non-issues?

    So, which should the A-Team focus on for the next 6 months? More additions for those uber players, that Caly hasn't offered in the past few years, so they can come here and complain more, or more attraction to obtain new players that comes and play this game for the first time and chooses to stay because of a good experience?

    I vote for the 2nd option.

  3. bass

    bass Member

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    Thanks for the reply David, you know how much appreciated it is.

    While I understand that you cant directly do marketing on other planet's players (and that you cant explicitly talk about certain things), I'm sure you can attract them by offering a better place to stay. And that's what I'm referring to.

    So while I still dont agree about new/existing player concept ;) I'm sure that you undestand the intention of the critics, aimed to provide a personal feedback, and not a final sentence about Arkadia Team work.
  4. bass

    bass Member

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    That tone has been provoked.

    New people needs are not mid-player needs.
    Uber needs are not mid-player needs.

    You'll understand that while going on in this game.

    So what can be valuable for you, can be meaningless for another range of players. I'm sure many other get what I mean.
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  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There are more classes of players than ubers and noobs. I am neither. There are more choices available than focusing on new players or creating a high level mob and loot for ubers. I totally agree that a large new player base is a desirable objective but without the mid level players there is no one to buy the loot they find, build the gear they use. It's a difficult balancing act and while I understand the reasons Dave has given for his decisions, I don't agree with all of them.

    For example, I would really like to see the, um, supply chain completed. An easy example is furniture crafting. If apartments and shops were available, then there would be a market for furniture and therefore for the components used - timber, screws, related enmatter. Shop booths will not fill that need. My view is that all players and the economy would have benefitted from early release of some shops. Yes I know they are coming but I disagree on timing.

    I do support the Dev's efforts and from what I have read, so does Bass. I'm really looking forward to the immanent content release and I love that Dave is giving us info on realitic plans for the next 12 months. But I also support Bass in raising entirely legimate concerns. It's not selfish to say my needs are not being met. I have personal goals within EU and it can sometimes be difficult to reconcile them with playing on Arkadia.

  6. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Bass, I do not disagree with you that noob/mid/uber all have different personal lvl needs. However, you also must admit that Arkadia already offers plenty for mid and uber players, while still serious lacking for new players.

    You guys already have all the necessary bps, ores, and mobs you can craft, mine, and hunt with. In addition, you guys also already likely have the necessary tools you need while you were on Caly. With the planet as it is today, you guys still can go on and do your daily activity w/o having to worry about not being able to do the next thing. If not, you guys have the necessary PED stash to overcome those issues.

    However, I cannot say this is true for the new players. Many items we need to grow to become the next mid level player are still lacking. Therefore, the grow path for a new player is much harder for us to become an active market consumer, and buy the items you guys can produce. From a different PoV, more reason for a new player to come and try Arkadia, and leave the game or to another planet due to the road block.

    The planet as a whole is a never ending cycle, and right now, we do not have the necessary growth cycle to support the economy, and purchase the items that you guys can craft. IMHO unless that cycle is in full swing, you will not likely to have an easy time on this planet, uber or not.

  7. New York Rose

    New York Rose Active Member

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    I think its brave of him and conscientious to let the players know that planet is still in its "infantile stages"..and will be growing!! Especially with positive feedback..."you have to crawl..before you can run"...EXCITING to watch it unfold :D

    P.S. Can I have more emotes in selection here------> LOL!
  8. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    I think it is easy enough to figure out why A-team doing much effort to build new player experience. how much players we got in the whole EU now? I think 5K at most, now we got 4 planets to share the 5k player base, maybe now arkadia can doing good and make some profit if they just focus on the content for existed players, but you have to know 2 more new planets coming in 2012 Q1 and one more in 2012 Q4, what do you think about 7 planets to share the 5k exist player base? You also need to know large amount of existed avatar were born in Calypso, no matter where they are Calypso still making part of their decay.

    Of course, the past arkadia events are mostly focus on existed players, that's because they need to attract some exists players to establish the initial local economy, and then marketing to attract newbies coming, and everything are has a proper markup when newbies coming, so their deposit can last longer because of the markup can cover some of their loss, and has some exist players to teach newbies about the game and how to survive in EU etc...

    So every planet surly need to attract their own player base and that's why many PP spread in the world, some in Asia, Europe ,US, even Middle East. Because MindArk want to discover more potential players around the world by local PP's marketing about their own planet that suits to local culture and game style.
  9. bass

    bass Member

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    This is the point that you dont get. It is NOT like you say. We don't have all the tools, and we lack a bit of market to "use" our products (ores/enm, crafted tools, looted junk).

    The supply chain is a bit broken for those who NEED an *established and working* chain (KikkiJikki is explaining that much better than me :) ); not optimally working, ok, but a bit more stable ;)

    I think we all expressed our needs, along with our appreciation for what Dave & Co. are doing.

    Fact is that Arkadia has been a great planet to stay since the beginning, a mining paradise (sssssh, dont tell it to Caly folks :) ), well organized and thought: and now all of those believers who joined Ark in full faith are beginning to demand a little bit more ;)
  10. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    I think Most of us are frustrated with more then a few things, the difference between Arkadia and the other planets is you listen and reply, that sort of service has been lacking this game. the fact you take the time to answer questions and keep us in the loop, makes the waiting bearable :).

    Nothing more frustrating then being kept in the dark......

    Thanks again for your time :)