In many years of playing video games one thing TRUELY Irks me to the bone. The finding of gear inside of animals. I could see for example a Dsplator having something in him from swallowing a hunter or miner whole. I cant see however mobs like ripper snapers (aka small Fish) haveing Marber bravo's in them. In this treasure hunting realm will all looted items come from hunting mobs or will a more realistic approach be finding the odd weapon or armor or what ever on the ground. Even if a large Mob did eat a player he would STILL have to take a dump at some point. I am pretty sure the materials used to mke weapons and armor are not highly rted as dietary fiber. I can see things like animal oils, hides, leathers and all the basic ROG loots coming directly from an animal (which by the way should take time to recieve and not appear instantly as a hunter would normaly have to skin and drain the creature) But I think weapons and armors and other gear that could possibly come from another human would more realsiticly be findable by anyone working in an area and not necessarily stuck in a mobs bum. I would LOVE specially in an RCE that this be implemented to make for a more fair and balanced way to get decent items for both miners and hunters. After all the current trend is to swamp all possible areas with mobs so miners are now forced to do both hunting and mining. Even since most hunters will NEVER go past 1 or 2 tp jumps from any given revivie where a miner literally covers every inch of land avaiable at some point or other.
Whilst I agree it doesnt always make a lot of sense(particularly how they manage to get a marber inside a ripper ) I think in some instances we just have to suspend reality and go with it. Or just write it off as science fiction where as we know everything is possible. We just have to assume each mob is a mini TARDIS and can fit lots of things. I don't particularly want to have to take extra time to dissect an animal to see if it has any loot. If we get too realistic miners will soon have to go through governmental red tape to acquire land mining rates from the indigenous land owners then have to plant trees to restore the area to its former condition(ok this example is a bit out there but you see what I'm getting at). Perhaps in this world some of the treasure may be found in the good old friend of the gaming world 'the crate' though I wouldn't expect it to be sitting out in the open but more like how the Beacon missions used to be.
Ehh, Cyborg! Guess what I can have in me at the same time: A boat, a Valkyrie car, a Pitbull car AND an aircraft! Not to speak about my wardrobe, my armory and all that. Well, I'm tall ... nearly 2 meters ... but an aitcraft? LOL! Compared to that it shouldn't be too hard for a RipperSnapper to do it with a relatively small Marber.
Yes I can also have all that.. I can even carry well over 1000kg weight and not just squish like a bug even tho I am still only able to walk very slowly. I can justify us carrying all we do due to technology. IE: flatspace technology taken from the movie Ultra Violet. or even instantanious teleportation of the items to us via system like our revival workings. Animals and creatures however do NOT have this technology altho I do agree that the bots may have it at least on a limited basis.
See your point. But tbh if we demand RipperSnapper shoulndn't transport Marbers, RipperSnapper wouldn't transport Marbers. Do you really want that? I don't. My guess is: don't take all that too serious. Remember good old times when mobs looted money. My intention is to have fun. I don't care that much about if my loot is possible or not. If I get good loot I take it and don't ask where it comes from.
just to get in on the ripper issue, have you ever seen a ripper stalker or prowler? those are pretty huge and if you fold the gun(which is possible with some in the real world) it could easily swallow a marber But also see your point with mobs having all this crap, but to be honest how often do a small mobs have anything big or useful in them? And how would miners react if UL amps are looted from the gut of some daikiba who might have found it on the ground and just had to see what it taste like? (as they do with argo corpses sometime, or do they really take down alive argos for food?)
Well the rate items do drop I really wouldnt see a problem for a hunter to find an amp so long as there was equal chance people wandering find other stuff too. Thruout EU history Hunters have always gotten the best of everything. Hell even the mining event was dominated by hunters who happen to mine as they go (thats read the same friggin players as usual) As for Jamira my intention was to have fun as well in EU till I realised only certain hunters will end up with 90% of anything having real value in the game. Thats one of the main reasons I switched to mining as I dont have a quater of a milllion dollars to compete on that level. I am content to pick from the edges of the pyramid as long as what I get is in line with my time in game and skils level which it is currently not. and has not been for a long time.
Yea i'm totally onboard with you. I actually think it makes more sense to find that stuff in mining and only find components of stuff from hunting.
On the ripper note, female angler fish are able to distend their jaws and stomach to swallow prey more than twice their size. Perhaps rippersnappers are some distant relative. Further reasearch may be required. On the items in poop thing, while realistically this could happen, I would be rather dissapointed by the lack of challenge in finding weapons and armor in such a way. The challenge of pitting your skills and gear against a creature and then emerging victorious is what makes the loot more rewarding than just its TT value. I don't know if i'd feel the same way about showing off my new armor or weapons if I had to tell my friends that I dug through a pile of turd in order to find them :/
I don't think you have to tell anyone mate....the cloud of flies following you would probably give the game away! ROFL thanks for the lols with that post +rep
Agreed. I thought about this issue when i first started playing but quickly got into the spirit of things At the end of the day it's a game and i want entertainment and not realism. If this idea was implemented i.e. no gear inside animals it would set a bad precedent and where do you draw the line? What about 500 animal skins on an animal loot? or 20k muscle oil from daiki? it's all very unrealistic... By the time we finish making it realistic an animal may drop no loot or one animal skin. Who'd want to play that game? not me
Well I expected this post to go over like a fart in a space suit with the hunters. After all they ARE the ones getting all the stuff in game. But I being more of a miner since I am not a favored soul on planet Calypso do not have an oppertunity for any rewards other then to pay for hunters to have fun. Just trying to come up with ways that will attract new players and to make returns more diverse instead of so one way as it has been since inception.. You guys winning all the good stuff aint so happy now MA is cuttin ya off because of the same old tired crap they have done since birth. Change will have to come if this entire concept will survive..Word is out and has been for a long time how unbalanced this is and thats why its dying a slow screaming death. My hopes lie with new planets coming out with new ideas as the geezers at MA have no friggin clue other then to throw out as much copy cat bS from other games as possible in hopes at least a fair amount will toss money at that for a short time till they can program their next gimmik. Thats all the recent changes are is copy cat gimmicks from other games. Their failure comes with the lack of realization that other mmos can keep throwing out crap to be popular for a short time as their income relises on subscriptions..EU relies on depos and players wont depo for tired old crap from other games that beat it to death long before implementation here. The thing that made EU popular was the distinction it had NOT from other games. Not only the RCE factor but the game play used to be actually fun. They are now just making it into a run to point X and shoot grind fest all other mmos are..For the prices we pay in here that shit wont fly for long. One of 2 things MUST happen... Either EU loses the RCE and goes pay to play.. or worse yet F2P with an item mall setup...Or stop pillaging the general public to feed the same ones they have for years and go back to a more balanced loot system where people felt they were treated fair for the investment. The piss poor management they have and the insanely rediculess investments they have been making in the last two years MUST stop. I know many will jump on the "They payed alotta money and been here for a long time they deserve it" band wagon. If that is true then EU IS just a pyramid scheme and should die a screaming death.. Its suppose to be a place where ALL have the chance of greatness and that has not been true for a long long time, maybe even since its birth. I wont argue here and get riled up, Ill save that for PCF. So post all ya want that hunting system we have works and watch EU circle the drain, or contribute some viable ideas that are fair for all and hope some ideas get used and EU can recover.
If they pay to play, regardless of how much, then i'd agree with you on your point regarding the "They payed alotta money and been here for a long time they deserve it" bandwagon. Just because they chose to spend a shedload of money "playing" IMO doesn't automatically single them out for special treatment. Where i would personally draw the line it people that have invested in businesses getting screwed because of the ineptitude and pigheadedness of the so-called balancing team and the deaf-brigade at MA/FPC/whomever. People that have sunk large amounts of money into actual business ventures (such as Malls, Treasure Island and even CND) really need to be not so much looked after as assisted in continuing their ventures for the good of the whole community. If the platform providers and Planet Partners supported the infrastructure more, then in turn, they will keep the customers happy and make more money themselves in the long run as the benefits flow down the consumer line (or up depending on your point of view).
I have to disagree with the big buisness investors getting priority. They took a risk by entering into the realm of property ownership. I cant agree with anyone who takes risks being treated better then others. They ALL know how MA operates, they ALL had a chance to check more thoroughly into what they were investing in. Ill use malls for example..Any fool who thought past greedy and used common sense KNEW they would fail. Simply because they compete with MA's auction profits. They ALSO got a seperate tax for MA above what property owners get. If people gamble with big investments they take a MAJOR chance down the road MA will find ways to nerf the shit outta what its original percieved intention was. Sadly the game has swung too far into copy cat realm of other video games and MUST continue major nerfs in shorter periods to balance the new systems in their favor faster as the typical MMO "We want everything NOW" gamers continue pooring into EU with all the hype over these false economies that die in popularity or viability within 6 months. There will be very few true investments like CND or CP worth putting real money into in EU unless the mindset MA has regarding investments in game change dramaticly. Even LA owners are on the "Screw you" list now with MA redsigining maps where properties are, reassigning resourses, stocking random mobs on them at will, not releaseing new mobs but "Enhancing" the original ones to simple just cost more to hunt with worse returns as an added feature. I used to dream of property ownership but in the last two years I have seen MA can not be trusted to protect investments like that and continue to do as they please. Its really almost to risky now to even play with all the fly by night ped sucker changes being made nearly daily now.