Prices of Basic Leather Extractors

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by zume, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Holy shit?! *Boycutting the leather texture crafting for now*

    I know its all a supply & Demand, but thats tending to extortion.. (well you catch my drift in lack of better terms) .. Imo crafters should wait with making the textures till those resellers gets their hands burned on those extractors.. That way it will be more eco for them and the textures will be more eco for those of us who aint more than hobby crafters.. That MU is just riddiculous.. Caly auction is totally dry apart from a few noob stacks.. This should be illegal.. I know it wont be, but seriously!!!
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I'll be taking note of names of resellers for when I plan to do business in the future. Its useful to know who to avoid.
  3. Zenswift

    Zenswift New Member

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    Some of the MU is just insance specailly for noobs like me looking to try crafting and dont have the liquid income that some ppl have
  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Updated with lower price. Thanks for lowering your prices on auction, other sellers :)
  5. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Lol well at least there isn't a lack of basic leather extractors in auction anymore :)
  6. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    This is too funny. You are going to make sure you note who is buying things and selling higher... So when you do your future business?

    As in buying things lower and selling them higher? LOL my god man.

    I love how many people hate everyone else making a buck in entropia.. Until they want to do it :)

    Too funny. If the prices are too high, people won't buy.. But if the prices are too low, there will be 0 supply..

    bitch bitch bitch until your doing something and then its okay. LOL
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Oboy, there's a difference between profiting and profiteering, and many of the "resellers" and monopolizers on Arkadia need to learn the difference. 10% profit = profiting. 1000% profit = profiteering. One makes friends and the other makes enemies.
  8. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Oboy what KJ means with future business is probably future business with those resellers.. NOT to be a reseller himself.. Try reading what ppl actually write instead of reading what you want to read due to your personal angry feeling with A-Team.. (which should be with MA since THEY are the ones fucking up)..
  9. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    How am I "mad at the A-TEAM"

    Does every opinion reflect on management issues?

    This is a issue that is sad to be brought up again and again..

    Do me a favor and go to Sanctuary Cove, do me a favor go to celeste quarry. Tell me how many steady buyers you see?

    Now tell me how many people selling things you see... You know what chokes a economy more than ignorance? Lack of traders...

    But since your speaking of the A-team, Maybe before you all say traders are bad, traders are the devil... realize that the biggest thing holding arkadia back from being the next calypso or better is the economy of the planet itself..

    Something to think about before you all complain.. remember NOBODY makes you buy ANYTHING

    Bitching about the glue on Arkadia is the last thing people should be doing. Try encouraging people to trade... Cause apparently to some, profiting is "bad" In entropia, But if you look at all the player base we are attracting its exactly that. They are here to make money 90% of the time or more.

    Its good to look at both sides before you bitch and complain about people who are not forcing anything upon anyone.

    You know what someones doing who pays 1000% for a item that costs 102% on another planet? Creating a item with a higher demand or value... If your not creating a higher mark up product than your input than you need more advise on crafting, OR they are gambling.

    Either way what gives someone else the right to say whats fair and not? If you dont like it, dont buy it. But if your going to come here to bitch, be prepared for the other side of the argument.
  10. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Well your posts has gone generally very negative the past couple of weeks.. No matter what the issue you go "angry".. you didnt read what was actually said..

    Back to topic: Nice going Neil.. would buy if i had the ped to craft.. :) I like your initiative.. :)
  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I am not a trader. I hunt and I am also trying to break into low level crafting. When I sell stuff, just like anyone else I try to pick where the real mu is for a planet and price accordingly which is why I am able to sell looted oils at nice MU here compared to other planets. Most of the things I craft I am not able to sell yet, I just get skills. So I absorb the cost of ingredients MU.

    But what I dont do is profiteer. And in my view thats what you and others are doing here (yes I checked auction and noted the MU you are seeking). Hardly surprising that you dont like what I write about that. If you can get people to buy at your crazy prices, good luck to you. But you won't be getting any of my peds.

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  12. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    In an effort to continue a valid discussion on this subject without polluting Neil's Selling thread, I have moved the relevant posts here so that the discussion can be continued.

    Please keep it civil and on topic
  13. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Good idea Snype :)
  14. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sorry for messing up Neil's thread. Snape, thanks for letting this discussion stay visible.
  15. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Yeah sorry Snape, and ty..

    Thankfully the Caly resellers cant get rid of their inzane MU stacks on auction, and stacks with a more reasonable (but still rather high) MU has popped up.. Seems there's hope for the Arkadian ppl anyways.. :)

    I know its a rather evil thing to say, but I hope to god those Caly resellers burn their fingers hard on those stacks, loosing ped on Auction fees.. I think it sends a clear message to that type of profiteers.. "Dont come here and mess with our economy, unless its for the greater good, not just for YOUR good" .. :D
  16. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    I think I should take a look at what is actualy needed on Arkadia that is not easy to obtain and usualy get imported from other planets at insane markups. I so love undercutting resellers and getting my stuff sold fast, I like it even more if the reseller quits in that stackables and dump everything off on me, nothing like the feeling of taking out the competition by force :)
  17. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Actually i couldn't disagree with the negative sentiments more (and not just because i have a tiny bit of overpriced extractors on auction :)).

    For months there have been no extractors on auction. Now there are some. Let me give you a small list of benefits from the 'evil' resellers:

    • they pay auction fees, so the arkadia team gets some peds to develop the planet
    • people actually buy them so they are happy with the price, even if you are not
    • there are more pages on auction, which might make more people coming here, seeing that the economy is starting
    • they come by spaceships which at the very least consume oil our miners produce
    • their spaceships might get shot down, requiring repairs, for which they need ospra mined from arkadia
    • If it won't sell they'll quickly lower their prices allowing us to craft textures without extractors dropping here
    • If they go back to calypso they might take some low priced stuff (like lysterium) with them to resell at Calypso, so a few more arkadian miners.
    • They might even buy some stuff in direct trade you would tt otherwise

    Yes, if they are lucky they can make a lot of peds. But with them being here we all can make a little bit of ped as well, isn't that more important?
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  18. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    You love undercutting resellers...

    Tell, me... Where did you get your extractors from? Was it from your hunting on arkadia? We all know how often they drop.

    "I love taking out my competition by force." ARE YOU SERIOUS? Do you read what you write? You contradict yourself so much in your statement it boggles my mind :)

    You brought over extractors to sell.. (your a reseller) You have "competition" Why are you competing with the resellers if you are not one yourself? Or do you just get off telling other people what they can and can't do?

    It happens so much, Everyone wants to portray traders, resellers as criminals, or bad people.... Take a step back and read how MA and every planet partner describes this game... We advertise a real cash economy where people can make fortunes! Have you ever thought villainizing all these people is a bad thing?

    Everyone wants to villainize the traders on the planet until they walk back with a stack of resources nobody will buy. Or how about that trader buying leathers and animal oils so they don't hit the tt day after day? They are evil evil people. Or hey, how about that crafter trying to get resources.. and then cannot find any, because all the criminal resellers are not on the planet to list them..

    If you want to see what your mentality of resellers are bad, resellers are the devil, go look at what NI and RT look like with a lack of traders... ghost towns, and with no economy. Guess thats what you guys are hoping for on arkadia as well, and its pathetic.

    You love undercutting resellers, So they break down and sell to you, so you can resell? Am I missing something from what you said?

    Got news for ya bud. You are a reseller!
  19. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Got no problem with resellers per se. I like to make a profit too. I don't see resellers as a group being castigated. But when people list this stuff at 500 to 2500% (!!!) well its gonna get noticed. I don't think people are doing the economy any favours by trying to sell at such prices. It stifles crafting and the economy in general. And people who do buy at that price are gonna lose money on their end product which cuts into their activity leading to less economic activity.

    I love the free market. Initially we had what appeared to be a few people buying up all EU basic leather extractors and then relisting at hyper inflated prices. I had real concern at that. That's profiteering by the greedy. But we are already seeing things correct themselves. More extractors are turning up. Sure they are expensive, as one might expect given the current surge in demand but at least they are in the same ballpark as monthly MU. The MU will settle into a new sweet spot and the people who set ridiculous prices will lose auction fees. Presumably they will relist at more realistic prices. I still wont be buying from them. I can see who has the interests of the community in mind and who is simply trying to sqeeze the rest of us for peds.
  20. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    Talk about squeezing people for peds, How about that time we had a deal for me to buy a ESI from you was like 610% something like that, and then someone offered you a few % more and you sold it to them and said better luck next time to me. You remember that happening on Arkadia?

    Oh I don't forget man.. If you want to play the profiteering card. All it takes is a couple % on a ESI and you broke your word for the PED.. Thats below reseller, thats dishonest and lacks ethical integrity.