Help me not be bored @ work.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fopsie, Oct 11, 2011.

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  1. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Recently I was asked to help out at another company while one of the guys is on leave.

    The thing is every call that comes in I don't have the required security rights to fix the problem and i'm currently going nuts not doint anything and basicaly sitting and stairing at a PC screen for 8.5 hours a day.

    So if anyone have any ideas what to do these 8.5 hours please share.

    PS I have almost every funny or enteraining vid on youtube on my HDD already. I have no sound on this work pc. I can not log into EU or any other online game. I dispise Facebook and no im not going to watch paint dry or grass grow or something rott. Obiosly I cant access certain websites aswell and no I can not set fire to the office though that thought has crossed my mind a few times already. I have gone into the thousands on google images after motivational / demotivational pics / funny pics and stupid pics. I can not harass my coworkers or boss. I can not just leave the building and go to the mall across the road I have to be here incase something comes along that I actualy have clearance to do. I can not spend more time on the forums then im currently spending and I can not bring my laptop in to work on my navigation application and I can also not insall any new software on this pc. I have already made mos origami and paperplanes I can find on the net. Use common cense what would be acceptable in a work place when giving ideas for things to do.
  2. Snuggins

    Snuggins Member

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    Books are always nice.
  3. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Maybe you can learn how to knitt socks:cool: even in SA it´s sometimes cold i think :surrender:
  4. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Erm it's summer here now and imagine how the other guys in the office will look at me for doing that :p
  5. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Reread the Arkadia storyline. :)

    Try these nice, free diversions (if accessible)...

  6. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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  7. kdawg

    kdawg Member

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    too many hours of my life have been wasted just lurking around.
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  8. Ruben

    Ruben Member

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    Hi Fopsie.....

    I hope u get payd for that at least. well u will im sure.

    1. write a story or some shorts, jokes, poems, haiku, what ever......
    2. train your shape. If like in prison u could do what ppls do there ( as far as i`ve heared about )
    3. get a bunch of Pencils or crayons, paper and paint some incredible Pics ( may be u can even illustrate the story from point 1.)
    4. post Pics and story to the comunity.
    5. build funny flipbooks.
    6. water the plants if there are no plants bring some. feed the cat....if there is no cat......*grin*
    7. Well thats hard now i know........ Do work for your buddies around you if possible.
    8. Buy a Teckel. This funny fellows ever keep you busy. I promise
    9. Train for a stand up comedy show with a bunch of funny jokes, Cam yourself, post in forum. We promise " we dont laugh "
    10. invent Rl teleporting we all need it so hard.

    Hmm could do any more sugggestions if really needed.
    So, there is a lot of joking oc but not all is to throw over your shoulder i hope.

    greets and best wishes for really good ideas for you and a soon ending of your "black Hole"

  9. endy

    endy Active Member Pro Users

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    You can learn new things that are of interest for you, things you never seem to have time for, now you do and the time is even paid, it's like a Christmas gift :)

    If I was in your position I'd finish my part of oceanic2 development, but no, I'm gonna finish this reply while nobody sees me and get back to work :(
  10. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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    Sign up for a dozen mmorpg sites and talk about entropia and hype your favorite activities in the game.
    Do your part to respond and counter any negativity people might bring towards it with a positive feel for what the game has become and the improvements that are even still going on.

  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Get an online job and get paid twice for the same hours
  12. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Both blocked "Catagory games" :/

    This site is inanely slow but ill give it a try a bit later
    If only I knew what to read. Usualy some good books I figure out to soon and basicaly spoil the ending. But ill check it out aswell

    Strange looks like mostly drink related.

    Dont realy get this one from the quick check but will check into it a bit better.

    1: Im not very creative :p
    2: Lol if only there wore some bars to do pullups
    3: You realy dont want to see my drawings, even stickfigures come out messedup, also related to point one you should see my penmanship, It can be considered a form of encryption because even I can sometimes not read it (Thank you docktor dad for teaching me to scribble like you)
    4: 1 and 3 explains
    5: if this is what I think it is point 3 explains it, also lack of paper or stickypads in office
    6: crappy plastic plants and No cat :( I miss my other offices cat. I'm the only one that the cat comes to if called and also the only one that can actualy pet her, she runs away from everyone else
    7: Access right problems
    8: whats that and is it available in a shop near me (ordering from oversees will take to long)
    9: Not exactly forum material, My jokes tend to be well a bit dirty :p
    10: I have a fear of telleporters (no garantee that your soul / councisness will be transfered with you or that you wont end up a horrible fly monster thingy) Ill much rather try and invent timetravel but having problems getting a flux capasator to strap to my Renault.

    And thanks

    I always have something I want to learn when I have a lot to do but when I have nothing I draw a blank.
    I'm waiting for clearance to install a C++ and C# compiler on my computer to hopefully do some programming.

    I can get in really big trouble if I do this. Theres also a lot of things in my contract stopping me from having alternate Jobs (One of the restrictions due to being IT in the Platinum / gold & dimond mining indestries. I have unrestricted access to every computer & server worldwide for the company im mainly responsible for, On this contract I however have almost no access due to me being only a temp and this company being in competition to the main company). Any application I develop belongs to the company I work for aswell and first have to check with them for clearance to distribute an application if they feel its not something they can make money with.

    Well thanks for the repleys sofar ill check out what I can and please keep them comming :)
  13. MIND

    MIND Member

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    port forward your comp so you can log in on EU if you have internet there ofc
  14. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    This will only help if I have access to change firewall settings and routing witch I don't have otherwise I would have done it already. A corporate enviroment is verry diffrent from a local home computer internet connection.
  15. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    you can run Teamviewer without installing.. TV in and run the game from your home computer.. :p
  16. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    That could have worked but unfortunatly I have my 3g modem with me because I need to VPN into work from my hotell room (only fast and reliable internet in my area, There is a wifi service provider in my area but their speed is low / lag is high and costs basicaly the same as 3G. I used them for some time but because of their bad support in resolving speed problems and connection issuse and my antena getting locked for no apparent reasons atleast 3 times a week I gave them a kick under their asses and changed over to 3G) Also 3g is quite expensive and streaming the game from home would use insane bandwith because not only does the game use my bandwith the streaming out also uses bandwith.

    Just one of the meny reasons why Telcom sucks. Theire the only company allowed to provide telecomunication servises in South Africa due to the govermen owning a large portion of the company. In affect they have a monopoly on South African internet that is protected at goverment level and compared to outside world theire infrastructure is a joke. Slow lines compared to most of the other world and also high bandwith costs.
  17. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    THATS a Teckel ;) here it is called Dackel and yes you will be pretty busy with him :)

  18. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Cute :) but not possible given my situation atm.

    Just got a mail that internet will be offline from 16:00 at the company while they upgrade so ill be sitting for the last 2 hours of the day without even having basic internet :/

    I cant wait for everything to return back to normal.
  19. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Hey Fopsie,

    Maybe you could take some of the time to give back to the world somehow. There are plenty of charities around the world who would LOVE to have access to your computer skills. Finding one to donate your time to would no doubt be an extremely rewarding experience.
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  20. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    In the spirit of Tim's suggestion, try Hopefully your business network doesn't consider them to "fun" to use @ work. :)
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