So about the pirate section...

Discussion in 'About Arkadia Forums' started by KikkiJikki, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I just watched a utube vid showing a bunch of pirates working together to kill a mothership and then go on to pk and loot the passengers. Pirate team includes the guy who moaned and bitched here until mods took the pirate section down.

    I understand mods/admin are in discussion on how to proceeed but its been a while now. And with the latest update, balance has well and truly tipped in favour of the theives and parasites.

    Please let us know how we can act to identify pirates and inform others.
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  2. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Just a couple of notes, yes, there will be an announcement soon about that section. Please note that it is incorrect that any one forum member is responsible for the section going under discussion, there were at least two threads calling it into question and it was already being reviewed behind the scenes before either of those were even posted. Some have issues with it, others don't. I'm sure the team will decide what they feel is best for Arkadia forum since clearly you can't please everyone all of the time.

    On the update, the issue of a safe zone entry into space is not yet clear as to whether this was intentional design or a bug, it is being reveiwed either way according to the responses of MA officials on other forums, and hopefully it will be 'fixed'. Other than that problem space is now much bigger and the chances of ever seeing a pirate out in space is much less than before (which was pretty small already in my personal opinion). We can hope the whole design continues to be reviewed and changed over time, as I'm sure it was always intended to be.
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Thanks for your response Lee.

    Just in relation to chances of seeing pirates, I'm not convinced the size of space is particularly relevant. The high risk areas are at the start and end of journeys near the planets. Even when/if the current spawn issues get fixed, an organised group of pirates camped near planets will be able to make life difficult for travellers.

    Looking forward to that announcement.

  4. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    In my opinion space being larger actually is more of a detriment to players carrying cargo. and others of those looking for safer journies.

    If you have the same 6 start / end points. It doesn't matter if space was 10x the size, you still have the traffic going through the same "Hot Zones" The only difference is now instead of pirates having x amount of players to hunt, now they are likely looking at 2x - 10x the amount of people to kill?

    I was a fan of the pirate section, just not the way it was handled. As much as we shouldn't compare this to other models... It clearly works on PCF that when someone is acting out of line, instead of shutting down a relevant section, they take the trouble maker and shut them down.

    To me deleting any section due to people acting irational is giving them what they want, instead of giving the community what we deserve.

    Its quite clear to me and others that this forum, If you dont like someone, or the things they are talking about, at the moment all you have to do is act like a child and the forum mods will shut it down. Clearly this doesnt lead to any constructive views being established. Instead you have players knowingly acting like assholes in threads so that they can be shut down

    I have had a experience like this on other forums, No matter how right or valid your point may be. Someone will come in and create a stir to have it shut down.

    In my opinion, shutting down the player is better than shutting down your forum threads.

    I mean whats so bad about a temp ban? I was temp banned before on PCF and it may have been the best thing that happened to me. Granted I dont like what happened with the events that lead me to make the post, or the events that transpired during the post. But, I took a step back and was not spending my time writing my emotions. That helped me settle my emotions and take a look at the bigger picture again and response in a more respectful manner.

    I just think the forum policy needs to be looked at. Instead of isolating threads (which many forum readers think are deleted) In my opinion it would be better to shut down the people abusing it, instead of ruining the situation for all those that use it respectfully.
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    please dont use my thread to debate policy. I'm simply enquiring as to when things will move forward. Once the mods make their announcement I might have some things to say about it. In the meanwhile I absolutely encourage you to contact the mods directly to share your views while they discuss the situation. I know I did.

  6. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    which is something we told them when space originally launched. Any fps player could see it.
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    This is related to the topic of the pirate thread... In response to what Lee said about space being larger so you don't run into ships as often... That's what I thought initially, that open space would be less travelled. But so far I haven't found this to be true. I think that because space takes so much longer to traverse, pilots are not taking the round-about routes they would before. Now most people are flying very close to the direct route. In the previous version, I would turn a 15 minute direct flight into a 20 or 25 minute safe flight. But it's a much bigger deal to turn a 45 minute direct flight into a 75 minute flight...

    Another issue that has an impact on the piracy thread is that because piracy is being encouraged by MA (karma is meaningless, camping spawn points, less decay on L ships in space), vast numbers of formerly peaceful pilots are now succumbing to the temptation to pirate other ships, so unless you specifically know the pilot, you must ignore the ship's tag and assume it is going to try to attack you.

    I propose that with this new update, we do away with the pirate forum, and make in its place a forum for pilots to declare themselves as peaceful, non-pirate pilots. Anyone not on that list can be assumed to be a threat to a peaceful pilot.
  8. MG Mighty

    MG Mighty Member

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    I didn't know this, does increase in Karma points of the avatar reduces the decay ? (or is it being pirate that gets less decay ?)
  9. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    From how I understood it when I talked to Niel after the previos change to space that messedup the savezones. Decay on your ship is now redused and have nothing todo with your rating as far as I understood
  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I should update what I said before, since the new VU has changed things around again.

    Since we're now spawning in safe zones again, Karma is no longer completely meaningless (there's now no reason to fire on any ship you see when you spawn, as some pilots were doing)... karma is back to it's pre-VU partial meaninglessness. This means a red or blue (or green) triangle can be a pirate, but over time, most pirates are going to have red tags and most peaceful pilots will have blue (but these things are true only if your own karma is positive, keep that in mind!). I have not had a chance to test ship decay yet. And it's still a good idea to assume any unknown pilot in space could be a pirate. This doesn't mean you should shoot them on sight, but it means you shouldn't foolishly head out of the safe zone if they're in firing range. And by the way, I'm hearing that kismet range has been increased to ~.09 au (from .067 au) with this latest update. You can see how far away a ship is by team-targetting the ship.

    And I also take back my suggestions about the pirate section: it's useful again to know who the pirates are, since they are once again camping in and around safe zones and need to be avoided.

    @ MG: Fopsie is right, karma has nothing to do with decay (afaik), I was just mentioning a few unrelated factors that were increasing piracy. Sorry if I was unclear about that.
  11. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Just an FYI for whatever happens to the Pirate forum, this dude is on my "Blast the fuck out of the sky anytime and EVERYTIME I see him" list!
    (As well as a few others I let know about him).

    So whatever happens, there ya go.
    If the Pirate forum becomes reinstated, call me a Pirate because of it, boot me from ASF but this one dude will be targeted EVERY SINGLE TIME I (and others) SEE HIM.

    He's the only one I will intentionally kill and loot repeatedly.

  12. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Guys, a statement will be posted by the end of the day with regards to the Pirate section. Its been a long, hard and bumpy discussion at times, but we have finally come to a decision. Some will be happy with it, some won't, but I want to make you all fully aware of how thoroughly we have discussed things and to point out that this has not been decided on a whim.

    When the announcement is posted I encourage everyone to give as much feedback as they feel is warranted but to please observe the forum rules is doing so.
  13. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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