Question for David

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by gandalfszary, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. gandalfszary

    gandalfszary Member

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    David I got some difficult question for you. We all do know nobody apart from MA knows theloot formula. However as a planet partner to you have any influence into loot on your own planet (direct or indirect)? For instance can you do 120% of average loot in Friday and then 100% of Saturday ? Or set that some mob will drop better than average for a certain time? Basicly I am wondering if you got even 1% influence on loot at Arkadia.

    If I am asking a questions then Ill allow myself to ask 1 more thing, do you decide which mob drops what, or which bp drops which bp?

    Thanks a lot for any replies in advance and keep the good work coming, you guys doing a terrific job.
  2. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Most of this has already been answered here on the forum in the past, but moving this over to the Dev Feedback area in case he wants to address it again.
  3. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    thats all BALANCING and its under MA controll

    PP can is make ther own items as loot but its MA final decision how and when it arrives

    if they (PP) have such influenece thre were be mobs droping muscle oil ,and many other now not avaliable stuff
  4. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Had a soc member that said MA explained it to him one time in a support case and it was actually the bank (not MA directly) that decided loot balancing..
  5. gandalfszary

    gandalfszary Member

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    OK guys I've read all those answers so far (at least I think I did, maybe I skip something if I did I'm sorry). And I know loot mechanizm is under MA control. Also I do know planet partners have no control on loots, however having a control and having some influency is a big differance IMO. You can have no control on mechanizm itself and no knowleadge how it works but still you have have some tools in your hand to influency it in some ways. And this is actually my question.

    OK but what about bps do you decide how many bps of each type will be realised ?
  6. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hey Gandalfszary,
    Planet Partners have no control over loot in the game, this applies to blueprints and hunting and mining. In regards to influence, we have some influence as in the example of me trying to ensure muscle oil is more widely available or pushing MA to release more BP's. We also have some influence by suggesting what mob will drop an item. We have zero influence regarding a particular time period having more loot. In fact I don't know that MA control a time period having better loot, my understanding of the system is that loot is an auto system, which makes sense as it means that even those working at MA could not determine exactly which mob or when to hunt/mine/craft.
  7. Amber Knightley

    Amber Knightley Member

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    Sadly I care to disagree.
  8. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I have to second a disagreement with MA not knowing or being able to insert loot or any other thing in game instantly. Kim proved that not long ago with an event where he was insta spawning any mob people wanted to hunt for several hours. People were asking for mutated chirpy, hydra, Atrox queens in herds, and many other rare spawns and he simply called them up at will.

    Now whether MA blows smoke up PP's arse saying what they are and are not capable of doing like they have to the players for years...well I dont see that being an unconcionable thing for MA to do.

    If they can insta spawn things I am positive they can change loot drops, return percentages, ROG loot any time they feel. Thats one of the reasons I try not to play at all when they run a hunting event on Caly. My returns drop roughly 35% for the duration of the event I am not even involved in.

    At best I think Dave can request certain things happen but it ultimatly rides on whether MA is willing to do that for Arkadia and I am sure the request is weighed against how it could detract from Calypso getting a part of the action or not. We see that with every VU. Dave and the A team come out with something great to help our community and MA counters with something fucked up to keep the money on their side of the fence. Space is the PERFECT example of this.
  9. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Kim said himself that he change the loot dropping during the eomon LT event. He said it on one of the threads either what is kim up to now or LT eomon migration thread.

    My questions is where is the ARK person that does the same as Kim, kim is specifically for caly, so who is for ark and not communicating with us, and making adjustments and designing things for us here. while also having the power to adjust how loot drops.
    I think ARK got the short end of the stick on this
  10. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    There is a difference here, in that Kim is an MA (platform) employee and developer with direct access to the game servers (and yes he has stated and proven several times over that he can change mobs, loots, etc in an instant, on a weekend, late night, whenever he feels like it), yet any PP has no direct access like that, but must rely on MA to implement whatever they ask, if they approve. So there is no developer/programmer sitting at Arkadia Studios in Singapore who can instantly spawn mobs or change loot etc the same way as Kim can do at the MindArk office in Sweden. As a player I (and many others clearly) find this a bit 'off' at the current time since Kim is specifically in charge of planet Calypso, which MA owns once again, but other planets seem to have no one person at the hardware/software side of MA to do the same fast actions on their behalf, it's more a matter of make a request and apparently wait and see if it is ever implemented. All three of the 'new' planets have had to deal with this less than perfect arrangement, just part of the package I guess. I'm hoping the recent appointment of a new CEO might eventually lead to a somewhat faster track for PPs in attending to the needs of their planet, as well as a more balanced priority list betweeen them all.
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