Give them hell! I really want to get to the planet, my fellow soldiers are dying! I need to help them out against the Oratan! Some awesome action in this installment! Good job
Oh geez. This remind me of science fiction movie "trooper" fight against bugs. People try to stay together but ppl get smaller due to mass of bugs swarm toward them. sound similar to starcraft II, zergs swarm attack them. other movie call i forgot name of title ...oh yea.."matrix: revulotion" the last movie. the ppl try to stand together for finally and last attack against robot seeker drones. oh boy, it make me wonder if i ever get land on arkadia. i will be fool being deaf person and cant hear what coming behind my back.. even thru i'm mad in love with treasure hunting and keep search for them and start forgot abt surround around me of not know of dangers. I have to be prepare and expect the unexpecting happens. Sound like Lee know what to do. that few of them not listen to lee first time. oh well.. Keep up this interesting storyline!
To have such incredible numbers, they most be some sort of insect life. Even rabbits can't beat insects for can see ammo being a problem on Arkadia..if they follow the storyline at all. Dangerous areas, short supplys and treasures to find, sounds like fun and manufacturers would love it.
The storyline makes for a very good story or book even, but I see a problem with it in reality. That is...when we get there, there won't (or can't be) millions of enemys running around. First, it would crash our computers trying to make that many as we run for our lives, second, we wouldn't have a prayer of leaving a base to hunt or mine, and for people like me that mine a lot, my ammo is usually just what I'd need for two or three animals, so even in a barricaded area where I could just hide and shoot, I'd be dead in about 5 They're right it makes me think of the scene from star-ship troopers, where millions of bugs attacked a to see how you fix those numbers in the storyline before we get there...hehehe.
If its like that insect invassion movie and the fact its the furture again here... one might assume they have tatical nukes with them?.. Expended uranium bullets? Hell if ya wanna get technical wouldnt a laser cut thru something and keep going? One round parallel with the ground at Oratan height could possibly cut directly thru all the way to the back of the horde as long as the terrain would allow. Oh and what about them massive cannons on the corners of the forts we saw in that picture? What have they been doing? They cant be stricty AA defences. And lastly after a bit of thought....they deciphered part of the message BEFORE they got here about the Arkadians being over run by swarms of attackers...did we not bring counter measures for such an attack other then spare rifles for the civillians? Something tells me some major whoop ass is about to be unleashed in the next installment. 8=}}
I just want to say that the Story has been amazing, I am hooked and look forward to the release to every chapter.
I think I know how the story is going to unfold... I'm so tempted to say what's going to happen but i won't spoil it for you guys!
Is it just me that is wondering why: There is still no communication with Oratan? If the creatures are Oratan. Firing missiles at drop ships implies high technology and communication. Bound to be some captives to interrogate? How about evesdropping on communications? The other planetary bodies in the system have not been checked? What about electronics in the space wrecks? Perfect preservation and with Signal decrypted, should be a good source of information. Also, bodies preserve perfectly in cold vacuum. I mean sure, right now surviving with a toehold on planet intact may be the priority, but before that?
good q's remontoire. Answer is probably because they are going to leave those q's for us to answer via missions
well the message did say that the enemys didn't come to trade or deal in any way. They're conquerors and thieves, so they don't care about dealing with anyone they feel are inferior to them. They have technology and numbers and they feel that's all they need, so why bother, we're just not a big enough threat.
And quite possibly as a collective they do. But unless they have a hive mind (and a separated peice would still be separate), the individuals might not neccessairily think that. Especially once captured.
1. It looks like communication with the Oratan is a negative. I'm going with an Ender's Game type Hive mind with a very high communication / language barrier. 2. Other planetary bodies probably offered little information and little habitability for all three species mentioned. 3. Wreckage was the locals, wasn't it? I agree; some useful information could probably be found... but.. have the humans developed technologies that allow them to safely navigate through that wreckage for the purpose of exploration without getting torn to bits by the orbit bits and pieces that are flying around within the wreckage. Plus.. with a limited crew, I'm sure only so much could be done within the weeks / months before the waves began.