Sweat Welfare

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by Wolfgang, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Member

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    The price for sweat will never stay at or even close to 5ped/k. Those that are paying out 5ped/k are only paying out to sellect(newbie) players and are creating false pricing for sweat and causing much strife on Ark. If you are one of these "Sweat Welfare" givers, please let the newbie know that this is NOT standard sweat pricing. Supply and demand sets pricing, not, "here u go lad, now run along". Ark puny are tougher, but give far more skillups than Caly puny, therefore the sweat is NOT worth more. You get paid in skills. Now no actual sweat buyers buy on Ark, because they're not dumb, and sweat sellers cant sell because the few that pay 5 ped arent around. I spent the majority of my time in Entropia sweating, so my opinion is not from someone who is mad he can't buy cheap sweat. I SELL sweat, and I don't WANT 5ped/k....that u wont pay me anyways because im not new lol. I'm sure the motives were good.....time to clean this crap up.
  2. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    The way I see it (personally speaking, of course) is that it's players that set the price. If everyone asked for 5ped/k, that's what buyers would be forced to pay (or get it themselves). Sure supply is higher than demand right now, but that's still what it comes down to. If every sweat seller (and I mean every sweat seller) required 5ped/k for it, that's what it would go for.
  3. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Member

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    Like unions forcing wages up and such. Sure. That won't happen on Ark for 2 reasons. 1, people will get their sweat on Caly when they need it. 2, there will not be a successful sweaters union to force prices to stay at 5ped. MA will not allow it, and some sweaters don't feel like sitting on their hard earned sweat til it hits 50k, just so they can help wrongly keep the price up. Supply and demand is what keeps an economy rolling smoothly. MA doesnt want players creating false inflation.
  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yeah, actually, with the new update, it's now against the terms to "interfere" with EU's economy. Which is really vague but probably means no unions and price fixing and stuff like that.
  5. Vadio

    Vadio Member

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    Rick_Janson yes agree with you

    but its hard sweater desire 5 because early or later one sell to less and start undercuts
  6. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I agree it would never happen, and by "everyone" I meant literally everyone, Wolfgang... Calypso, Next Island, Arkadia... Everyone everywhere... No unions or anything like that... Just if sweat had more or less of a set price universe-wide that no one could argue with, that's what would change it.

    Of course, I know it'll never happen. Never said it would. Just saying that would change it.
  7. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Member

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    I'm just trying to address a current problem on Ark with it. I lowered the price of mine so i could possibly sell it and got attacked by an angry newby thinking im killing the sweat eco. There IS NO sweat eco. It was murdered by those who thought it would be cool to raise it to 5ped lol. There're ppl out there with 50-100k+ sweat in storage. There's plenty of supply. When we get down to the last 100k bottles on the planet, and the creatures have gone dry, that's when we raise the mu. Not wanting to be the bad guy against sweat, that's what I do most. I just don't see it working out.
  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree with you Wolfgang. I'd buy more sweat if the price weren't so high. Right now, it's too high to be worth making into mind essence... thanks to vehicles being so cheap to fuel.
  9. Skywoulfe

    Skywoulfe Member

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    my 2 pec worth.....

    on one hand i agree with Wolfgang, prices will not remain as they are, so get it while it lasts. on the other hand Rick is correct too. the sellers set the prices. the biggest misunderstanding IMO is that sweat = ped! it does NOT! sweat = skills! while you can make a living on sweat, you cannot get rich off of it those days are LONG over. sweatting is more for getting the skills you need later in the game, and the only way to get them is to sweat. as for supply and demand, on ark the sweatters confusion is they want to build up 10 or 20k as fast as possible then sell it in one go for the big bucks. it will be awhile before that happens. Arkadia is still a frontier planet, and as such not yet fully implemented. we have no bulk buyers, exept for rare instances and we have no resellers. both of which will eventually turn Ark into a "Caly Clone" as far as sweat goes. while the prices remain higher than Caly, our sweatters will have a chance to survive until they can deposit. i bought out wolfgang because he said he was leaving. i gave him the price he wanted. i sold it later the same day. i only did this for a disgruntled friend, and do not make a practise of it because it is in effect "reselling" and cuts down on the pricing table.

    i have taught a few players how to effectivly sell their sweat at their prices and will continue to do so. however ALL players need to understand that sweat = skills, and the ped is just gravy.

    Sell it, or keep it and sit on it and wait for the (hopefully) new uses for sweat.

    i hate to be a ranter, or raver but that is my 2 pec worth
  10. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I don't normally buy sweat, but I'll trade to new players for weapons they may otherwise have a hard time getting (because of not selling sweat, for instance). When I do, I trade on the equivalent of the 5 PED/k standard for two reasons: 1) It's less sweat the new player has to hand over, and 2) it's super easy to calculate while being semi-realistic.

    I think Arkadia in general has been trying to get away from the sweating (other than the obvious skilling involved), so I find it about right to not have much of a sweat market on Arkadia. Sure it's okay to have a bit for those users of ME for TP/Sync chips or Light ME for Strike/Field chips, but the universe in general has to get away from sweating as a living.

    I still sweat for skills and for when I need some major ME (cheaper to buy Nexus and gather sweat than to buy ME, usually -- especially in 50+ PED lots).
  11. MIND

    MIND Member

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    i still emand other ways to play entropia for free not just sweating you need to have something fun to do other than sweathing :)
  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Mind, try trading. I have one friend who started about a month ago with nothing. Sold natural stones, started trading when they got enough peds to buy things, and last time I heard has more than 400 peds now, none of which were "welfare handouts". It was a long, hard slog, and certainly isn't for everyone. But for those who really can't deposit, it is doable. Just don't expect to make more than a few peds from sweating.
  13. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    I definately agree with Skywoulfe that sweating is more for gaining skills than it is to make a profit off. For most players who start this game, their first profession would have been a sweat gather and its great for them to gain skill and get to know the game for free as a result. I think all begining players would benefit from a high price because in a way its like a free trial period that all games offer and it allows a new player to enter the game and gain some ped to have a taste of other professions before actually putting their hard earnt money into it. Now that sweat sells at a low price its definately a lot discouraging for new players and possible future depositors. I don't see supply going down any sooner, so either demand increases or sweat price is going to stay low. Sure you can tell everyone to set a high price, but at the end of the day players only use a certain amount of it and their likely not going to pay in gold for it. A lot of sweat will never likely be used given the current state and as mention introduction of vehicles have made it worse. MA really need to get thinking about better and more resourceful ideas. Perhaps oil mixed with sweat to run vehicles? I think its time to stop thinking in the traditional sense that only oil runs vehicles because in todays day and age we're seeing electric or water power cars (maybe not on the market, but the ideas are there). So why not sweat? Sweat is actually a big thing in Entropia whether people give it credit or not. So why not make it big and put it in everything, like how America puts corn syrup into everything. Until MA starts getting creative with sweat, price is going to stay low and theirs nothing thats going to change because its simple economics 101 supply outweighs demand fullstop.

    The other current solutions for sweat is to make it into ME yourself and hope you get nexus on the cheap, so that you can sell at a reasonable price. I think it was also mentioned somewhere that Arkadia does not want to operate with a free to play model. Fact is if you love this game you should at least depo a little because people at MA don't get paid in sweat or be creative yourself and find your own solution to make ped (an example Neil has mentioned). Perhaps free trade sweat like how they do it with coffee by rubber stamping it with the knowledge of a newb.
  14. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    All good points except for one thing... You can't make ME to use attack chips -- You use Synthetic ME from the Trade Terminal.
  15. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    Hahah so true my mistake I was just thinking of ME and overlooked that since I haven't used the chips in a while, but I reckon they should change that to normal ME though. Synthetic ME just seems like a bad idea, why use synthetic when we can have organic. The sooner they make sweat more vital and useful to the economics of the game the better.
  16. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    From my understanding, the community wanted something that didn't have MU to use for ammo... Enter Synthetic Mind Essence. I thought they should get rid of it,too.. But no.. the MF hunting community wants it, so it's gonna stick around.
  17. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Am i misunderstanding it or are you blaming the only community that really supported sweaters? Asking for using mind essence in attack chips is basically the same as MA asking 180% for any ammo you can get from tt and them giving 80 pecs per ped spend to players with less ped then you.
  18. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    People didnt use attack chips until ammo cost was brought under control though introduction of synth ME. I think I would stop using MF again if it were removed.

    Let's put it this way. What would happen to the cost of hunting if ALL ammo was crafted only? I guess melee weapons would become more popular.
  19. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Wasn't blaming anyone.. just stating fact.
  20. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    I am one of those that buys sweat at 5ped/k when I need it, since I teleport around a lot I use up loads of ME. Yes vehicles are more "eco" and cheap to use but teleporting still remains the fastest mode of travel.

    For those that are eco green warrior... go smoke a unicorn.
    And for op if it pisses you off that I give 5ped/k dont sell to me, I might even start offering 7ped/k if I feel real generous.