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Planet Arkadia Development Team Feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Cyrus, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. boost

    boost Member

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    What transport will arkadia have can we get a teaser any one
  2. boost

    boost Member

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    Will arkadia have any mindforce chips in the works specific for arkadia.
  3. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There is one HUGE problem with a one shot "disintgration" weapon.. Altho it is a great save my ass yet again tool and has its purpose on ocassion...Wouldn't the loot stored in the belly of the beast disintegrate as well making the whole thing just a horrible waste?

    As far as the main thing that turned me off for hunting is...how can I tag a mob when only its ear is showing at 150m+ but I cant hit a mob thats bigger them my house when it takes up my whole screen and the barrel of my gun is lodged up its nose.
  4. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    That's good old Entropia defense for you...they never think you'll learn to shoot, heck, I've been on the game next to 7 years and they only give me about 50% accuracy, that sucks. Of course I'm a miner but ever think how often a miner has to defend himself? It's not hunting but then it's steady. As far as the disintegration weapon and loot...it's a game after all, so loot magically appears no matter what, ever gut a mob for your loot? I think not..lol.
  5. KillerDawg

    KillerDawg Active Member Pro Users

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    Here is an off the wall idea that came to me this morning while getting ready for work. So I'm gonna go out on a proverbial limb, all the way out to the end no doubt, so somebody hand me a saw.:)
    And sorry if I way off here, but....

    Why not bring the story line to life? It would be a good challenge for the team to create some scripted videos (from in game maybe), that match the story line. Yes it would take some time to script the whole story, but it may be worth it in the long run. It would also need some voice over work for the dialog, of course, but should be doable, and some good narration as well. As good as this story line has been so far, I think matching it with either short videos for the weekly episodes, or even anime would grab peoples attention. If you can grab there attention with a well made video series it would open up Arkadia to that many more new users. Just my humble opinion of course. You could have permalinks on the front page to the video series. That way potential new players can either watch or read the story or both. I also think it could be interesting and enjoyable to watch the story unfold.

    Also, I actually think it would be a good community (forum) project, and I for one would be willing to volunteer my ava's time, if it was needed. Not sure you'd want my southern drawl for a voiceover though :D Heck, if I had the talent I would just do it myself, but alas that's just not there.

    Just my thoughts mind you, and of course this can be expanded upon as well, or shot full of holes.
  6. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Well, Dawg...that might be pretty tricky. since there's really only about a half dozen really important people in the storyline so far, and it's doubtful that every colonist would ever see, much less meet and work with them. It would be a major undertaking to even have someone important enough to be mentioned in the storyline to be available at all times..(its an MMO after all)..so being a part of the storyline would be nearly impossible.

    We all are a part of the overall story, after all...we're colonists on a new world, and what the storyline mentions, we will see when we get there, just not the people who as they say are: "way about our pay grade"..lol.
  7. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    LOL lrm398, well said. But the mobs of calypso are not like anything comparable to earth, they are far stronger. Same could be said about Arkadian Creatures, did you see the humangous lava robot? Holy crap. Well tbh this one blast gun/disintegration gun already exists, but is not available to any avatar other than official MA avatars because it is so darn powerful and eco. The Marco plasma pistol, enough said. :)
  8. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    Boost this is not a thread about asking questions, but about giving David & his team some creative ideas to further add to his planet in future. So please stay on topic and contribute some ideas, because I for one will be making Arkadia my new home :D. So make it good!
  9. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    This is probably the very reason why the Marco gun does not allow you to loot mobs, they are in such a disintegrated state that even the loot didnt survive. LOL. Would make sense to me now.

    LMAO, good one. I have no real answer to that.
  10. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    I think the video series is a great idea as well as a selling point. If David has seen the UL implant series, something along those lines would be great. I was extremely bored reading and reading tons of pages of Calypso's old and twisted past and present storylines. But it was necessary for me to fully understand the world I wanted to play in so I went along with it. Would be nice to have a weekly episode based within the universe on planet arkadia about certain events in the story of its development and more. What can you say about this David, doable when you come online?
  11. boost

    boost Member

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    creative ideas to further add to his planet in future. > that means my question idea

    Lol read the title of this thread arkadia development team do you know what development stands for.

    It was a type of question yes but not a question it was a idea question.

    As far as the main thing that turned me off for hunting is...how can I tag a mob when only its ear is showing at 150m+ but I cant hit a mob thats bigger them my house when it takes up my whole screen and the barrel of my gun is lodged up its nose.
    (This post was by cyborg bill ) now that is off topic.

    Im not a new player ive been playing a few years so i know what im talking about

    Peace im out and look forward to this great planet.
  12. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Feel free to use this thread to ask questions or make suggestions in this thread.

    I'll try and answer a few questionsand respond to some suggestions - prompt me if I forgot anything.

    Mindforce is not due for anything new on Arkadia at launch. It is scheduled for review post launch, so I'd encourage suggestions for new chips or ideas about Mindforce that might suit Arkadia.

    Regarding the storyline post launch - the backstory that you are recieveing week by week now will be a concise backstory that ends with the arrival of the fleet (you the players). After launch, we will continue to report on development and current events on the planet. The focus of that will be on events and new additions to the planet and will focus heavily on reporting on the activities of the playerbase. At this stage we aren't planning on that being a weekly thing, maybe monthly depending on demand and the activity levels (ie maybe more often if there is so much happening that it becomes justified).

    We won't have a one shot disintegration gun, Arkadia is part of Entropia so will closely match the hunting you know now. Suggestions are still welcome on how we can improve any of the impressions (although it's likely any suggestions will require us to work with Mindark to make changes.
  13. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Lets not make this like PCF...If someone addressess you defend your point or ignore it..Dont shine the light on other people to detract attention to yourself. Yes THAT particualr statement of mine was a responce to a quoted post.. I do however have suggestions for things to add or change on Arkadia as well within the thread.
  14. Iulrorck Bark

    Iulrorck Bark Member

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    thinking about ammo type , we have 7-8 kind of damages to exploit so mob can have armor. like a monster living in hot place can have a natural 200 fire armor so we need blp gun. etc same for stab ice etc. will make some monster with some weak.( not really weak but thoughter against other damage). it will make the weapon market more interesting without add tonn s of various ammo.
    dragon can blast fire with radius effect like rocket or grenade. it will put some fun in team hunt. sticking together for reduce damage or perhaps a second attack like grenade allowing to ppl run away.
    vehicule are in so we should use them for hunt big monster. the big one don t make damage they just destroy car then kill in 1 shot.it could be a nice challenge for everyone depending the speed and the hp of monster, uber as noob have a change depending maturity.
    i still keep in mind i will love a planet without any teleporter, just tp chip, vehicule and ship for travel beetwen major city, allowing new king of marcket , specially with some pvp lootable aréa with or without radar, more way to travel , various cost and path , safe or not, long or short...
  15. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    If those ideas get implemented customer dissatisfaction will skyrocket and bad loot complaints will also skyrocket
  16. Iulrorck Bark

    Iulrorck Bark Member

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  17. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    as in increase :)

    just as a rocket shoots up into the sky "skyrocket" can be used as a verb to describe something increasing rapidly...
  18. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I like this idea!
  19. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Rocktropia has dragons that shoot fire, so maybe Arcadia wont have them. I'm not a hunter so it doesn't matter to me but animals with ranged attacks are harder to mine around..hehe.
  20. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    Good Point!! Chaser ;)

    Btw the mob "Mark Rufen Power" has an aggro of 60 metres :) better not go near him ^_^' j/k.