Terrible accident

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shinobi, Sep 3, 2011.

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  1. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    That sucks. I hope the pain's receding. Get well soon!
  2. Stagger

    Stagger Member

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    best of wishes to you!
  3. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    Wow man sorry to hear. As bad as it is though could have been a lot worse I"m glad it was your Leg not your head.
  4. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    LOL Just injected myself into my belly as prevention against trombosis. One hour to go for my Tramadol capsule. Works great against the pain.

    Yes Rex, youre not the only one who said that to me, I should count my blessings. But the pain is awfull:(:(:( Friday night I lay cryin in bed the whole night due to pain, hard to describe.

    Right now I sure wish MA didnt destroy my arwen avatar, cos for the next 6-12 month im out of RL action. Would be fantastic to be able to escape RL with gaming as I always did :( Neither should Evey be blamed for being my freind and for being such a nice lady. I still love her tho :)

    o ye, Freyr, Razer, or any Dutch collonist who know me, please, if u come to look for me in hospital, please bring your modfaps :)
  5. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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  6. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Dam Just saw this. I know the level of pain you are dealing with bud. Not a fun ride no matter WHAT meds they give you. I will offer this advise tho..When the time comes pain or not get into the PT and do the best you can as i the long run that will aide you most. Putting it off makes itthat much harder to get back to functional and may add to any permanant limitations.

    Whne I had my shoulder rebuilt they said get to PT within two weeks..I miss interpreted and took it as start in two weeks and that lil difference put me behind the 8 ball for months.

    Anyway hope you get thru this with the least pain and troubles as possible.
  7. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Before PT can be done properly, bones need to fuse and heal. Surgeon was just here for control and chat. I may go home tomorrow mabe Wednesday. Cruches and a wheelchair is being orgenized for me. Today theyre gonna replace the plastercast andthe surgeon will also be present when thats done.
  8. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    View attachment 1983 View attachment 1984

    Tommorow an ambulance is taking me home. Just got this new plastercast on my leg. Massive wound stapled together even have a big pressure blister on my ancle. Some blood seepage occured but all went well exept for the pain ofc.
  9. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Must say you look a bit happier to in those last pics. Good to hear you are going home tomorrow. Hope the recovery will be relatively easy.
  10. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Cheers my fellow countryman, you rock! Still think you shouldve popped in to say hello with the personal touch:(

    Sure wouldve liked to treat you to a decent cup of coffee downstairs. ( My treat ofc)
  11. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Well I actually did look at the visiting hours, but this weekend was not a good time for me (sorry).
    So just stay in the hospital a bit longer and I might drop by ;)
  12. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Too late. Back home. TBH I am waaay more at ease in my own bed. Have Wheelchair, Cruches, Special shower-cover for my cast, Urine-bottle, shower seat, etc, etc. Tho I am not allowed to move around too much for now. Well set up actually TV and Remote, Laptop, etc. etc.

    The Seriousness of my injury is of such a nature, that I am not allowed to move at all. For this reason I have to inject myself daily with 0,4ml Fraxiparine, 50 mg Tramadol Capsules 3 times daily, 1000mg Paracetamol Tablets 3 times daily. The Fraxiparine injections is a prevention against trombosis.

    My cat missed me somethin bad and is laying next to my leg as if guarding it vigilantly. Ye he knows.

    Just glad to be home.
  13. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Nice !
    Never had to be in a hospital myself, but I can imagine it is not to much fun and at least you can get your own food now to (Pizza, Kapsalon) and the cat as some company should be nice to. As we say in Dutch "hou je poot stijf' (mmm, not sure if that applies here ;))
  14. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Thanx Razer, youre a nice person, and ofc all other replies and condolences, I love reading them and it helps me ;)

    My hair is good, so no "Kapsalon" 4 me yet M8:) In fact I cannot stress how serious this injury actually is, in other countries peops stay in Hospital for month on end and under close observation. I speak of exp. Florence Nightinggale is a Historical and Famous Nurse that all Nurses should strive for to the T, in order to be trully quallified a competant Nurse. This I may ad, Is not the case in Holland, they lack that very special "Touch" and connection with their Patients. Tho I should ad the rare few I have found with great potential yet underdeveloped or under exploited. Its an interesting experience. Everething else is top-notch and well run with all up to date recources at hand. Holland is a hightech soc.

    No I must remain absolutelly still with leg elevated for the duration, exept for goin for a crap & shower, I wee in a can lol Special plastic shaped bottel, just like in hospital ;). I am also lucky to have someone taking care of me and cook for me.

    I am deeply touched and emotional about my Avatar Arwen, her skills and gear and peds on card, ect. I cry bout it no kidding to admit that and I am pretty sure it aint the pain cos I am well medicated.

    Its just....I sure need my VR Life back at this very crucial moment, its plain awfull :(:(:(
  15. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    [Post Content Deleted]

    Reason: Forum Rule 2b, c, d and j

    [User Permanently Banned]
  16. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    1. You posted inappropriate content which I deleted as per Forum Rule 2b and 2c. What may be considered legal in one country may not be so in another. Also, we do have children and many parents here and we have to cater to all views, not just one or two.

    2. Instead of making your displeasure known to me by means of a PM, where we could have discussed things like two mature adults, you instead chose to post more inappropriate and controversial content, and not only further violating Forum Rules 2b and c but also violating Forum Rule 2d.

    3. You finally crossed the line when you personally attacked me and therefore broke your final Forum Rule in 2j. As a consequence you have now been permanently banned from this forum.

    Not only have you been given more chances than ANY other forum member here but I have personally gone out of my way to stop you from being permabanned long before this incident. Well, even I have a limit to my patience...and you just found it.

    Finally, I sincerely wish you a swift recovery and return to health from the ordeal you have recently found yourself in.

    *Thread Closed*
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