Armor SIB

Discussion in 'Armour' started by ruslan, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    May work for humanity but its baffling the shit outta FPC and MA...lets stick to basics when it comes to dealing with them...they are old people in a technology based environment. Arkadia has a must younger and hipper far they been rockin the casba hard with what they are putting out to us..Dont pester em.
  2. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    First of I'm against most if not all SIB just so you know... (but this post is serious even if it can sound other)

    But what existing armors do you think I should be using or have SIB on at lvl17 evader and lvl12 dodger as I am today after 3years in game?
    Owning: settler, pixie, goblin, kobold(soon), knight(borrowed), gremlin. Primary armor are gremlin for any big mobs, but use the armor adviser a lot these days to use the most effective armor/plate combo I own.

    And after armor SIB, creature SIB? (serious question actually, think about it)
  3. ruslan

    ruslan Member

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    I'm not pestering them, but lets give a credit where credit is due. Being the first MMO that has actually used CryEngine and its potential should be a telling sign that they are actually thinking more about the future then the precent. They implement systems and see how people use em. Accusations of nerfs and other things don't really help making this game better. So, please, lets better stick to Pro's and Con's to not get stuck in a quagmire of endless debates.

    Your first post was good tho.

    I think your choices are pretty good and Gremlin is kinda the max you should use, maybe even a shogun.
    The main goal is to reduce your decay, and make your PED last longer so you can play more, so this wont affect the planets income, it's just gonna give you move value for a PEC spent.

    But, really, if you can't handle a mob wearing a Gremlin, this should mean the mob is too tough for you. (My apologies for using the You example.)

    The armour and the mob advisor are really good tools, but i'm afraid they dont really tell you what your total decay will be like in % terms over a period of say a 1k PED ammo cycle.

    When i was at lvl 20 Evader or something like that, went for a big Scip hunt wearing Angel, my decay in 2 hrs of hunting was 180ped, this was about 20% of my cycle, so that's already 80% return. Now, if you subtract from that loot fluctuations where on a crappy run you may have upwards of another -35% return. So, you're already going under big time with 55% of your $100 deposit gone and no more ability to get some of that back cause you cannot continue. So, what you're left with is $45.

    The main goal is to maximize the playtime/ped ratio and the only way to do it is to get rid of unnecessary wastage. SIB may stop people from doing the most retarded choices, I think that's exactly what MA tried doing, but people always seem to see the opposite.

    Creature SIB, maybe, but first the SIB idea in itself may need to be revisited.

  4. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    If the armour also gave you an increased evade bonus for the sib on the armour your supposed to use for whatever mob would also be good, as evade is a tough skill to buildup even while tanking hits.
  5. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    K last post on this topic..(I think. Something good may provoke me later)

    Personally I have given up wearing armor. My armor all sits in the storage collecting dust. I stopped using it after I came to the realisaton that anyhing I could ever afford to hunt at this point I dont really need armor for. The glass ceiling for the cost to play has been lowered so far that any of the mid to upper level mobs hold no interest. I can not afford (lt alone have ever had) 5k ped on my card even with deposits to sustain myself thu the ever growing down periods.

    I can not afford to hunt regen mobs (most mobs in game are now ped sponges like that) and I can not afford to hunt the high hp mobs as they cost 8 ped plus to kill. Enough of my problems tho...

    What it boils down to is any low to mid level player that cant afford to go past the glass ceiling shouldnt even bother using armor. For what you piss away in decays and MU not to mention resale value of low / mid ul armor is in the toilet now you could chip way past what is needed in evade and dodge to survive and hunt at this level very easily. Yes it may cost a litte more on healling expenses but if you are a full time hunter that is a plus. Id rather have more ability to heal better the lower ability and massive amounts od money thrown away to armor expenses.

    Not many can aford to play like you do Ruslan and trying to preach that eveyone would be able to IF Armor had SIB is wrong I must say. As far as MA trying to help us by adding SIB or anything else in game I hate to say this but they are and were ALWAYS only looking after themselves.
  6. ruslan

    ruslan Member

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    Yes! Good! Totally! Short and Constructive! Thank You!

    As I'm thinking about this more it feels like having an Armour is already a skill bonus of a kind.
    In a way that you absorb more dmg / decay > you get more skills.

    But, ideally, people should not use armour if they are not in a hurry to skill up.

  7. Addz

    Addz Member

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    You know, you could put a set of supremacy, a foeripper and a mod fap in the hands of a noob and send them off to hunt dasp and other huge nasties. Theyd die a few times and it'd probably take a while but theyd get the job done. Would it be eco? Hell no. Would it be fun? Hells yeah! If you put sib on these same items the above scenario becomes impossible.

    I understand that using unlimited weapons and armor that is out of your reasonable range is uneco and costs people peds... but sometimes its just plain damn fun, and after all isnt that why we're here?
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  8. ruslan

    ruslan Member

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    Sometimes is a keyword, cause some decide to assume that their lvl is sufficient for that new Supremacy set they just got. :)

    Here's an analogy: You're at a bar, and there's a whole bunch of alcoholics around you having fun. Just because you're there doen't necessarily mean you have to get drunk.

    So many people do this and then complain. How can you discourage such behavior without penalizing them financially. How about a Liver system for armours? :)

  9. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    Well ruslan there isnt SIB on Arkadian armour yet but they do have on the info page of armour some good pointers. Like next armour up and such I think is a really nice touch. A few good paragraphs and not just a few meager lines of droll like on calypso. The info page was actually interesting to read for the first time! >:O
  10. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    I am against this!
    There is nothing more beautiful than a noob in supremacy hunting Otorugi young!