I am currently moving from one house to another, so I get to the skype thing somewhere next week. Than I should be settled a little. Regards, Ion
Looks like I'm spending most of my ingame time traveling from one planet to another anyways, so You have 13 members now and You said You aimed for 14 in total... if there's still room for the last one, count me in. But Skype is not an option for me, and if Skype is mandatory, then I guess I won't qualify. But that's up to You to decide If I wont qualify as a member, I still want to give something for this Intergalactic Traders Association and point few of my friends to check this thread (that don't follow PAF that closely), if their privateers or MS can fit in. Haven't checked if You've posted this on other forums as well, but looks like You're still missing those privateer/MS owners for Your organization. I had few questions also, but Ion asked most of them and I'm happy with the answers given, so I guess it's time give it a go (if accepted) and see how it goes... -- Hyssch -- ps. I have always played PE with sounds muted and not too happy about the idea of keeping the rest of our house awake, by me mumbling on Skype in the late hours near midnight
I am the same way Skype is just used as a typed message center to connect the members in and out of game. I don't think I have ever used voice with any of them. narfi
Ok, thanks for the clarification, Narfi Let's wait what Stryder has to say to the matter... -- Hyssch --
Wecome Hyssch. I have added you to the group. Sorry that I have not been on the Ark site to check for request. Stryder