Athletics HP increase?

Discussion in 'Skills' started by aj502, Aug 4, 2011.

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  1. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I don't think it's that once you hit 534 u then get 1 hp. Instead each athletics skill point grants you 3/1600ths of one hitpoint. So if you grind another 533 or so athletics points you shoudl end up with at least one hp increase, depending on what other skills increase at the same time.

  3. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    What KikkiJikki said ^^^
  4. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    My head hurts.

    Well, pewp. Was shooting for the uber 103 HP....Ah well, it'll hit sometime.

  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Best thing for HP is coolness. But ofc you need to get to lvl 40 in a hit profession for that. Until then skilling melee seems to be effective.
  6. Leona

    Leona Member

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    All Health giving skills have instant effect. KikkiJikki said it already, one full point of Athletics gives you 0,001875 Health right away there is no certain marks where an "full" HP point is given out. A fraction of one point gain also gives the HP accordingly right away.

    You can actually test this: If you are fully healed and get an health giving skill message in chat (easy to test with Rifle in example) and click your fap it will actually heal you for HP because you have just gained a tiny increase in HP (not visible in your healthbar).
    This is also how people figured out what skills give health years ago.

    However, in a lot of VU's the display of current max HP in skill window was / is bugged (only the display, you still gain the HP increases right away) and you need to relog to see the progress there.
  7. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    aj502, your HP (and all your skills) don't tick up one big discrete point at a time. Just as your skills increase by tiny amounts every time you see green writing on your screen, your HP increases by tiny amounts every time you increase your skills in things like Athletics. In this case, by the time you've increased your Athletics by 533 1/3, it will have increased your HP by a TOTAL of 1. Not all at once, but in tiny bits each time your HP increased.

    Entropedia summarises this with the rule that your HP increases by 1 for every 533 1/3 Athletics you get.

    If you've reached 537 Athletics, then your TOTAL Athletics is now contributing about 1 HP to your avatar's total HP, right?

    Let's say that when you found that info on Entropedia, you were at 503 Athletics, and had say 102.2 HP.

    If you then increased your Athletics to 537, you have increased it by 34 points, right? (537 minus 503). 34 is a lot less than 533 1/3, so you'll have increased your HP by a lot less than 1 when you went from 503 to 537.

    I'll work it out:

    If you get 1 HP for every 533 1/3 Athletics, then how much HP do you get for every 34 Athletics like you've just done?

    1 HP per [533 1/3 Athletics] = How many HP per 34 Athletics? Let's call it x HP.


    1 HP / [533 1/3 Athletics] = x HP / [34 Athletics]

    ie 1 / [533 1/3] = x / 34. Now you just need to solve for x (multiply both sides of the equation by 34).

    34 / [533 1/3] = x

    So x = 34 / [533 1/3] which is about 0.06375.

    So by increasing your Athletics by 34 points, you increased your HP by 0.06375 points. So in this example, you'd probably have gone from 102.2 to about 102.26375.

    Hope that makes sense!
  8. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Actually Tim...It makes sense now and I do get it (a lot clearer than before as well). I was just under the impression that the actual skill bar would "flip" when it pertained to health, and since it is approx 90% - the Ath skill bar - to the end I thought the 533 "mark" would max it, award a HP and start over, that's all.
    But basically I have now currently received 1 full HP overall from my combined Athletics skill.

    Still, it souns funnier for me to act like an idiot and just reply with "Uhhhh....Bannanna, bannanna, bannanna?" instead.

    Thx all for the detailed responses!

  9. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    I just snorted while sipping coffee!

    lmao, it does, it does!!! hahahaha

    I'm still chortling...
  10. WildmanAlpha

    WildmanAlpha Member

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    WRONG! Coolness is 400 skill points = 1 HP. Commando is best, unlocks at level 70 hit any weapon every 200 skill = 1 HP.
    My HP are taking off after unlocked Commando and when I grind hard on larger mobs I can gain about 1HP in a 2 week time give or take given time on line, currently 203. Up from 183 when I unlocked it a month or so ago and yes ate a few chips to boost it why not every 200 skill=1HP. So I chipped from 183 to 200HP (chipped 35ped TT Commando Skill) and then gained 3 HP grinding in a month or so. I rarely ever chipped maybe a few mining skills 3-4 years ago but on this occasion I think the benefits were there. I would rather play EU with my ped and earn the skill rather than buy them and not get to play but at my level the skilling is SOOO SLOW I got impatient and chipped the final bit. lol

    If you need help figuring out that you need to unlock a profession and if your not aware of this program it helped me a lot to unlock Commando.
    Chipping Optimizer
  11. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    you are all wrong, best "skill" for HP is Strength +1 /20points (yeah yeah it's attribute, but you can skill it from day one) Stamina cant be skilled so that's out of the question for now.

    oh and did you forget Courage?
    1HP /320sp (also from day one)
  12. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Fair enuff Jenny and Wildman. Gonna be some time before I get to lvl 70 though. 1 year for lvl 40. On track for lvl 50 later this year, though I am thinking of slowing down so I can hit mayhem in category 2. Coolness seems to skill very quickly once it unlocks. Gained 5 hp in the month or so following the unlock. Strength is a little slow to skill compared to the others. But courage is coming along nicely.

  13. WildmanAlpha

    WildmanAlpha Member

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    Agreed you get the most from Strength but that is a lot of skills behind it to get just 1 point increase not worth overall cost to chip it. But Strength isn't a skill it is an attribute therefore it doesn't fall into this discussion as you can't chip it in or out you can have fun chipping away at all the sub skills to build it though (very costly). Stamina/Strength can be skilled run some missions I have 10 Stamina atm from one of them I did no clue what one. Courage yep another good one.

    Top 6 skills for HP:
    Commando - 200 - Hidden lvl 70 hit
    Courage - 320
    Coolness - 400 - Hidden lvl 40 hit
    Athletics - 533.3
    Melee Combat - 533.3
    Combat Sense - 800
    Dexterity - 800

    Attributes in Order of Skill Effect:
    Stamina - 9.25
    Strength - 20
    Agility - 40
    Psyche - 80
    Intelligence - 80
  14. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Dont take for granted everyone plays the mission game on another planet, to my knowledge you don't get Stamina on Arkadia and I don't agree that you can call doing missions "skilling stamina"(unless that bugged mission, but doubt you did that if you "only" have 10 ;)), now skill melee and you will have alot more hp then using anything else (and a lot more fun :p)

    And to the OPs question I don't see chipping as option, and since OP was aiming for 103hp I guess those unlockable skills are way off

    Good list tho
  15. WildmanAlpha

    WildmanAlpha Member

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    USE THIS PROGRAM--->Chipping Optimizer<---USE THIS PROGRAM


    if you need help with it just hit me in-game, works best in window mode.
  16. Bamaken

    Bamaken Member

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    That tool will save me alot time and waste.
    Only been playing about 3 months and noticed its hard as hell to figure
    how some skills effect other skills.
    This breaks down all in effect line.
    Now its just hard to decide wich to grind most , spent so much ped doing everything
    from mindforce, crafting, mining and hunting. lmao!
  17. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Oh I use that to see where I'm at every now and then.
    Wasn't looking to chip in or anything just as i said before, figured the 533 mark would "roll over" and award a HP but that's not how the graphs are setup.

    I hit 103 yesterday, tho I didn't notice any special bells and whistles when a HP is awarded like before?

    You been playing 3 months and have 39 globals?
    I'm on month 13 and had maybe 6. :/

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  18. Bamaken

    Bamaken Member

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    I play hard have not chiped yet but considering , making some adjustments.
    Hit 112 hp few days ago.
    Noticed it leveled faster with shortblades, have not checked why.
  19. WildmanAlpha

    WildmanAlpha Member

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    Yes no more bells just text showing you got it. The skills all still play on one another say 5 of of the skills were already 50% to their fixed point for 1 HP gain you might only need 1/4 of the 533 to actually gain the 1hp. Of the 5 skills at 50% you should have already received 2HP for those skills. I hope I am explaining it right they all aren't even break points but each makes up a fraction of the total for each HP gained. Theoretically you can take a new avatar and chip in the 1st series of skills all the 400, 800 and 1600 levels for just HP and you should get say if their was 6 skills = 6HP. As you raise those 6 skills skilling it will take less say 400 instead of the 533 of the unchipped skills for health to gain 1 more HP.

    Still I hope I explained it right, I had it to a science way back when I dug into it deep. Someone can tell me their skills and I was able to tell them how many HP they had by doing the math. SOC m8s debated it but when they posted their skills I posted their HP most I was ever off was by 1. If you know how to use the multipliers it is fairly simple.
  20. Lianara

    Lianara Member

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    This is a very noob question i'm sure. Are leveling swords the only way to increase your health?

    Someone mentioned this to me a while back but I never really looked into it but I am now thinking increasing my health would not be a bad thing :)
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