A few thoughts about AF

Discussion in 'About Arkadia Forums' started by Xandra, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    1.) For any reason AF loads very slowly for me. Not unusable slow, but significantly slower then any other of the "official" EU forums.

    2.) the main menu appears scrambled:

    View attachment 1595
    This is in my preferred browser window with a width of ~780 pixels. On my desktop computer and on my (old & tiny, I agree) netbook.

    I understand that full-screen browsing with wide screens might be wide spread these days, but I just cannot stand to read such looooong lines all day long. It hurts my eyes and causes eye cancer. You know that reading lines longer then about 80 chars will put stress onto your eye muscles that have to move far for every new line? Like watching a tennis match on ultra wide-screen. Left - right, left - right ... Your eyes will start bleeding soon.

    It's no rocket science to avoid such in HTML. Gadgets with limited screen sizes are wide spread now, so relaying on a certain screen property is not a good idea anyway.

    Both are not serious problems, more minor nuisances. Not to be cured at the very moment, but maybe in the longer run? It would make this forum even better, for me.

    Have a good time!

    PS: If necessary, I'm ready to provide specs and to do tests. I'm not here to just complain, I'm interested in an improvement. Thx!
  2. Mega

    Mega Member

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    What browser do you use? If it's IE being slow, my advice is to ditch it and choose another.

    All Entropia based forums (PCF / AF / EP / EF etc) run pretty quick for me using Firefox 3.6.18 (Didnt like 4.x and havent tried 5.x)

  3. Calin

    Calin Member

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    I always have issues withthe homepage loading slowly, but the rest of teh site is nice and fast. I think the homepage issue has to do with the way the pictures are presented. The entire image is loaded and then the thumbnail is shown. That makes for a nice smooth effect when clicking on the thumbnails and switching back again, but it makes the pagesize huge.
  4. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    Using FireFox 5.0. With NoScript (AF allowed), AdBlock+, and a few other plugins. As my screenie shows I usually browse with site-defined fonts and colors disabled. My standard window size is 780x960.

    Checked it, this is the solution! Rep!
    It's actually just the home page that loaded this slowly. As a test I set up some rules in AdBlock:

    Problem solved :)

    Thx, and have fun!
  5. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yup, homepage contains mucho images. Maybe cyrus can clean it up, truncate the long list of back posts?