loot and planets

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by dendricala, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. dendricala

    dendricala Member

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    we know that the loot system is some controlled by MA, this in order to maintain a balanced economy.
    Have planet owner any control on it?

    let say tomorrow ND decide that he want give more loot to his players, does he can do it?

    let say planet arkadia get a deal with Coca Cola that will invest 200.000 $ in ads, can planet arkadia put some of those money in the planet arkadia loot???

    if i m not wrong looks like already some items can be directally controlled by planet partner ( for example arkadia is giving away computers), can planet partners do more?

  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    MA controls loot distribution. PP can specify what types of loot are available on their planet but the total TT value of loot dropped is not under their control. I'm not sure if the can say mob x drops loot y but I suspect that is also set by MA.
  3. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Recalling a quick chat with Dave the CEO about this when I was asking him about mission loots rewards, where he briefly mentioned that loot is controlled by MA to make sure all planets are balanced and are on the same footing. It prevents any one PP from giving out too much to attract players from other PPs.

    You may want to verify this info further.

  4. dendricala

    dendricala Member

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    so, in brief, what a PP can do it s just make some nice landscape, (in the limit of the graphic power of the game) and in case put some special items in the loot, like real world computer (tt=0), or some special items, waepons, clothes with the name of the firm that want to sponsor (es coca cola t-shirt).
    this to prevent that a planet attract too much players compared to others. so whatever Arkadia will do super well, MA will make any necessary move in order arkadia not gain people more than any other planet????
  5. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You are mostly correct. However, the restrictions imposed by MA are due to strict governance of the Universe's overall economic balance. Loot dispersion is purely an MA designed algorithm.

    PP's have control over storyline content, object mechanics, object gfx, and planet geography.
  6. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    maybe mention you asked MA the exact same question on EF.com too.

    But I dont think MA will make it so Arkadia dont gain more people then any other planet, they can just not make it by making the loot better but they sure can by making the small things better, which they are doing atm if you ask me...
    If I have good or bad loots here I would have had the same on any other planet just different things, but it's the small things that made me relocate my whole storage to Arkadia and lend out my Calypso apt to a friend there (as I dont want to sell it, but trade a Sakura Condo for an apt on Arkadia I'm willing to do :D)
  7. Leona

    Leona Member

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    There is a lot more a planet partner has to do and can do. Marketing, scripting missions, storyline, actively building it's own community (like this forum), developing a production chain (BP's are designed by PP), creating new items, improving millions of small things like item descriptions (look at Arkadia item descriptions and the generic ones from MA), events, loot table suggestions... and countless more things.

    In fact, it is the other way around, the only thing left to MA (a bit exaggerated yes) is to set quotas and droprates, add some generic loot beside the planet specific one and develope new plattform features.

    Not an Arkadia resident, but the few times i was there i saw that it is developed by people who know the game, kinda a "planet for players from players". Can't say that about all planets for sure. So for me, the PP has big influence.

    Now, you and me might not like the droprate of lets say L guns on Arkadia or maybe we would want to see a ton of new missions with high skill rewards, but MA makes no secret that a lot of things are based on playerbase increase numbers per planet.

    Give loot balancing in planet partners hand and then you will see what zero markup game means. I actually would trust the Arkadia guys to act responsible but thats about it.

    Why should they?
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  8. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yepp 100% agree ;)
  9. dendricala

    dendricala Member

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    well i ask in ef.com but ofc i dind t get any official reply. What is my concern is that like old player i saw the loot changed in worst over time and that many people left also for this reason. I was hoping that PP can in some way fix this in their own planet also because MA has always refused even to talk about this. ofc i can understand that each one has different needs, so Jenny ferr i respect your decisition, but for me is pointless to stay in calypso or go anywhere else if the loot is the same everywhere.
  10. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Seriously do you expect an answer in less then a day?
    Loot is just MA controlled or?

    you dont have to be that old(unless I am joined dec -07) to see this and ofc it sucks that the loot variance is so long and tough these days, but I still believe we get 90% tt back.
    Mark Up on our things is an entirely different question tho and I suspect you think about this too when you talk about loot and people leaving. (items as well as stackables)

    And ofc we all are individuals playing this non game so we all do it for different reasons I suspect, so one thing isn't making any difference to you but it does to me then so be it.