Hi, as far as I know the planet that you have been dropped on, ages ago, will still receive a part of the money you spent, wherever you spend it. And since every old player has been dropped onto Calypso, they will receive money from me, even if I'm done with it and have emigrated to Arkadia. I'd like to be able to change my "home planet". And I'd like to display that I'm a proud Arkadian now. Home planet switching could be restricted. Maybe once a year, maybe once in 6 months, maybe once in the lifetime of your Avatar, maybe only for those that came before the invention of the Planets, that all are Calypso people now? And for the showing of your home planet, atm I am "Poor material designer" (afaik), I could be simple "Arkadian", or "poor Arkadian material designer". This shouldn't be hard to implement, right? What do you think of this? Have a good time!
I like this idea very much. And I hope it will be implemented. I am now a Arkadian and I don't have any feelings for Calypso anymore in any way or form. The only reason I go to Caly from time to time is strictly business. And yeah I would love to have it displayed that I am now a Arkadian. Regards, Ion
Well for old players it should be atleast offered. We never had the choice to pick a planet. Anyways since SEE/FPC is gone all de income goes to MindArk anyways. But switching home planet sounds like a nice idea
I have no problem with displaying my planet of choice but I believe the split of income is a matter for MA and the planet partners. Planet partners know what the deal is (better than we do) when they sign the contract. Really it's got nothing to do with us.
It is true that the planet where your avatar was first created will forever get a percentage of the revenue that avatar generates, no matter what planet it is on. I asked this on the 'Ask MA' forum at EF, and Kim from MA confirmed it. We don't know the actual percentage, or at least that is not officially publically discussed anywhere, but we must assume it is enough to be worthwhile to the planets, particularly those who in future actually go out and market successfully to bring in players, such as Arkadia. It was no doubt also a significant factor in the original sale of Calypso, and any future sale, as the buyer will have all of the original game accounts avatars as a source of income. It may feel 'unfair' to those of us who were around before there were other planets to choose from, and I felt that way at first, but now, thinking carefully about how it is set up, and how it will benefit all new PP over time, I understand it better and accept it. I honestly don't see that this can or will be changed at this point for us, though I don't know how difficult it would be to do logic tells me it would mean a massive change in how the financials are sorted etc and just not worth doing from MA's or PP's point of view. I also can see that they had to have some system in place to deal with this. From the point of Rocktropia's birth, new players have been able to choose what planet they were born on, and generally this would be based on that planet's marketing dollars which brought them to sign up, which is as it should be. We may not always 'love' the planet we started on, but for those of us born on Calypso, it was Calypso that brought us into Entropia, no matter who owned the planet or the game at the time, nor who will own it in future, so that is 'fair' in the way the system is set up really. If they changed the system now however, those who Arkadia for example has brought in, would then in future be able to switch planets as well and Arkadia would then lose income, even though they spent the money to do the marketing to bring them in. It is actually a logical system, and while in the past players had no choice, it is the future this system is set up to cover, and for that reason I wouldn't want it to change. The old saying that 'home is where the heart is' is true. If you were born on Calypso in the old days, but are now Arkadian, you don't truly need a title on your avatar or a change in the business end of the platform/pp system to know you are 'home' Just my two pecs.
Hmm, I should be more clear in my posts sometimes Yes good points Lee and I agree. What I meant is: Yes I would love a option where you can choose on what planet your living. Like in my case I relocated to Arkadia and choose that as my home. And it would be nice if that was shown on my avatar as well. Like your professional standing, soc your in etc. I can choose to show my profession and all, but not the planet I actually live on. And I miss that option a bit. Will be more interesting to know when even more planets start to arrive. I was not revering to the financial aspect of the case. That is between the PP's and MA and not of my concern. Regards, Ion
I understand Ion I missed that it was multiple choice poll, I could have asked for cookies lol. The display idea seen separate from actually switching the revenue from one planet to another is not a big request I guess, I would support it for those who want it as an option, but it would have to be just what you described, an option for display purposes only, like soc info or profession info, because I think we players can be a fickle lot, and would no doubt switch it a lot in some cases. For me personally, I'm not bothered, I'm on Arkadia now, I know where I live and I don't intend to travel a lot really, but for those that do travel a lot on business for example I can understand the desire to show your 'colors' to those on the planets you visit
From a business perspective this would undermine the EU model and make it unfairer for some PP's. Fashions change linking PP income to peoples tastes in fashions just makes EU more volatile. For example say Arkadia is popular today what if another planet comes online 5 years later that's more fashionable and everyone moves there. The work that arkadia did in the past will have no monetary recognition and they would get no payment. It's more stable and fairer to have it the way it currently is.
The biggest problem I really have with the idea of home planets is that Calypso is chosen when you sign up at entropiauniverse.com. Most new users won't know that to choose Arkadia as their home planet they need to sign up through planetarkadia.com. This fact isn't mentioned on entropiauniverse.com, at least not out in the open where new recruits will see it.
I fully agree. Though some people would probably still like to display their "home" planet though, but it shouldn't be about where your decay is allocated. Just about where you call home in the universe. I probably wouldn't display it though, at least not wherever I go
I'm a nomad, I have no real home world, it's where I stand today and leave tomorrow. If I need a 'planet home name' I'm a Terran, that will mess MA up..lol.Besides, they aren't going to let us as players tell them what their business plan is, we are replaceable, to them.
Hi, I understand that kind of a "planet hopping" isn't desired, and that MA would never allow it. So I already talked of restrictions in my OP - without such it wouldn't be possible. The basic of my idea is that this part of the players spent money shouldn't go to a Planet partner that "bought" the player once, instead to the one that "keeps" him continuously. Since at the moment the overwhelming majority of the active participants are Calypso born anyways this is already an unfair situation for every other planet partner. And it creates a wrong incentive IMHO. It is quite easy to lure in unsuspecting newbies in masses, in the hope that some would stay and thus create a never ending income. While other planet partners might try their best to keep them players on their planets, offering fun, entertainment and service - but wouldn't get this income as long as the players aren't born on their planets. Things like this tell me that it's a bad idea as it now: Imagine, for instance, the players would be able, once a year, after XMas, to travel to the planet of their choice, and chose this one as their home, at an "immigration terminal". Their "home flag" would then be set accordingly, and the planet partner would receive his share for a year, until to the next "vote". This way the work and the effort of the PP's for the game would be rewarded. For sure, this is about money, and MA wouldn't miss an opportunity to squeeze any single fractional PEC from whomever. So I don't expect that this poll will have any consequences. But it might serve as a signal, or give an idea to those of the planet partners that aren't this lucky to have inherited the majority of players. Maybe someday things will change. Have a good time!
Hi Neil, thanks for your post. This problem has already been fixed and Arkadia has been getting new players via entropiauniverse.com. All planets are offered as an option on the Teleporter with the generic client loader downloaded at entropiauniverse.com.
Whow, this demonstrates why I want my money to go into Arkadias pockets, not anymore into Calypsos. Kudos! Have a good time!
Just noting this one bit of your post, important to bear in mind that a part of the revenue (not the part that MA gets itself) is actually shared between the planet of your birth and the planet you are playing on. So for example, those of us born on Calypso but now living on Arkadia, are contributing to the revenue of Arkadia as well as Calypso, so we aren't totally worthless to them, just a smaller amount than those who were born here Also thanks to Cyrus for clearing that up about the client and websites etc, I helped a friend create a new account, and got to see over her shoulder what Genesis is like now, and it's all different for sure. She had gone ahead (told her to wait for me but oh well) and created her account by downloading the 'generic' client loader from entropiauniverse.com, and then you create the account itself in the client loader, but you don't actually create your avatar, set your avatar name, etc until you are on Genesis, and you can hang out there awhile before doing so, trying on outfits for fun etc (pretty much a selection of most ingame clothes for example). Once you have adjusted your avatar looks and set your avatar name, you can then teleport to the planet of your choice, which is then set as your planet. I like the new Genesis, it a lot easier and more fun than how us old timers started out lol. Anyway, back on topic now
Thanks, Cyrus. Good to hear that's been fixed. In regard to revenue, the planet partner performs two services to EU... both of which should be rewarded: 1) recruiting new players 2) providing a place that provides enjoyable gameplay So it makes sense splitting the revenue between MA, the recruiting planet, and the planet where the player is currently at... which as far as I know is just what the current system does. In this discussion, it sounds like we're assuming that the only revenue comes from the repair terminal. But I doubt this is the case. There are also other things that disappear into the ether and I assume make up some portion of MA or planet partners' income... auction fees, tt'd stuff, the percent tt lost in crafting, mining, and hunting, etc. To my knowledge, MA has stated that the repair terminal brings them direct income. But that doesn't mean they aren't also making money—perhaps even more money—from other sources in the game. On the topic of home planets, I think the immigration terminal is an excellent idea! But instead of having a once-a-year planet-switching event, I'd vote for the ability to change your home planet whenever you like, or at most to have a short waiting period—like 30 days—between choosing home planets. A year is short in real life, but a very long time in a game.
I think the issue is more so that the original players dont have a choice to choose. Many of us CHOSE to leave Caly for Arkadia to get away from paying MA/FPC/SEE?MA again now. I think the original members of EU should get a one time choice for their home planet. It still rubs me raw that they get that extra chunk simple because I was born on Caly with no other options. That would be like someone being born in Europe and moved as a baby (with no choice in the matter) to America and having to pay Vat on everything they bought the rest of their lives in a country that doesnt have that tax on top of normal taxes in America.
I would also love to have this option. I would rather that the share of the revenue I bring in that goes to my default home planet (AKA Calypso) be transfered to Arkadia. Like meny others here I have also decided that I will call Arkadia home from now on and the way the A-team works I think that they deserve the share Calypso gets from me, Calypso did lose me to Arkadia afterll due to the ways they handled things there.