The metaphorical shot in the arm

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by SideWinder, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. SideWinder

    SideWinder New Member

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    I think Arkadia made a slight mistake. Not in ore distributions (which, for me at least, are becoming more concentrated). Not in the lyst (none for me almost). No, the flaw lies in the BP's.

    There must be BP's avaliable, and usefull BP's - components, armour, guns, etc, at least up to mid level gear, that utilise ores only found on arkadia. Furthermore while these BP's exist, the drop rate on them is...atrocious, but thats MA.

    If these BP's used only ark stuff (let high level BP's for high level gear use interplanetary stuff) then crafters would actually have something that the hunters would need, gear created by the produce of the miners. But you need to cater for the bulk of the hunters and that is mid-level. When you cater for them, your crafters have stuff to craft and your miners have people to supply. That is why the ark-only BP's must be at least up to mid-levels.

    Don't forget; the deck is very much shuffled in Calypso's favour, with a multitude of BP's (far more than Arkadia of course), that 99.9% require Calypso only ores, as well as a strong economy to flog them in. Arkadia must emulate this to some extent to actually be able to create a stable economy - ergo, my metaphorical shot in the arm.

    This is not really for the players to read - most know this. This is a shoutout to Dave and the gang.

    Some of the upcoming planets look...extremely different from what we've been used to and really, Arkadia needs to get a stronger foothold before they hit.
  2. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    I have a strong feeling the Arkadian BPs where designed BEFORE lootable PVP was turned on in space. In that situation the Calypso ingredients would have been no problem. However in the current situation the Calypso/Arkadia mix of ingredients will scare away crafters from Arkadia. Dave agreed with me that this situation will be a rough time for Arkadia at first. However he believes that Pilots will be able to provide safe travels in a while which would again remove the problem of mixed ingredients in BPs. Personaly I hope that MA will implement a system that will make that possible in whatever shape or form. Dave has faith in the MS owners to offer a safe way of travels. This is ofc in accordance with the MA buzz text which said that MS owners would be responsibe for keeping up interplanetary trade. However in their current form a MS seems to be more a honeypot than a safe way of travels to me. Please note that most motherships didn´t even fly when we where talking so a lot may have changed by now. ^^ Nevertheless I think there is no need for a shoutout to dave and his gang since they seem to be in the same sit and wait situation as we are.

    The blueprints themselves can´t be changed btw in case you meant that. The only time I remember that MA changed a BP was in that VU where the mining system was changed to its current form. I think 2 finder BPs have a bit different ingredients now.
  3. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    Maybe temporally dropping a series of modified (L) BP's to solve this problem?


    • Now we have: Herman ASI-10 Arctic (L) Blueprint (L)
      Ingredients: Weak Magnets, Cumbritz, Edres, Adrenal Oil, Ospra

      The Cumbritz might be the problem (dunno, let's assume) ...
    • Add this one: Herman ASI-10-a Arctic (L) Blueprint (L)
      Ingredients: Weak Magnets, [same value of an Arkadian ore], Edres, Adrenal Oil, Ospra

    Problem solved:

    The resulting weapon would be identical in values and appearance, maybe even identical in name.
    These BP's would drop for a limited time, instead of the original ones.
    When not necessary anymore they stop dropping and will vanish over time.

    Guess this could work.

    Have a good time!

    PS: Plz realize that any named objects are to been as examples, I choose this BP only for ingredients ...
  4. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Another factor is the value of the ores themselves. There is no ore or en matter on Alrkadia yet that is worthy to actually go after.. No rares like tride or antything of that nature. So far everything is findable with a tt finder with high enough skill. And I still find that its not viable to mine yet with every area having far too many ore types. You have to suffer thru getin small stacks of everything which makes mining to help crafters out extremely hard.

    A crafter cant say I need a certain ore/en mat and the miner go OK I know an area that has this and I can fill that order. You go to ALL of your areas and hope you get enough of the wanted ore to make your time and ped spent worth while.

    This is one of the reasons I havent even bothered to log in. Combine that with all the "Real" traders still locked and it makes the time I spend in EU less worthy of taking time from RL to bother with.

    Someone seriously needs to boot the balancing manager in his ass and remotivate him to actually "Balance" things for Arkadia and not just MA's pockets.

    All other planets got a far shake on the calypso or base ores and ens available but Arkadia did not. The best ore I found sadly at major depth is terrudite...What a joke. and that was the areas unknown ore to make it even more sad.
  5. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Well, it is rather unprecedented, but we will be changing the Blueprints. Check my post here. Our Blueprints were all designed well before we had any idea about lootable PVP in space (took around 4 months work which we are now having to redo). Once the Blueprints are changed they will stay changed. We will not be changing them again. I have confidence that the Arkadia community will adapt to the change and fully understand the need to do this. In essence, we are working to ensure Arkadia is fully self sufficient.

    Mining will also get some changes in the mineral spawns to make things much clearer, with less resources found in each area. I am truly sorry to the miners who have been busy mapping the current resource spawns, again I'm sure you'll much prefer the new set up and will understand our need to improve things.

    The Arkadian community has been incredibly supportive since launch and I want to thank everyone who is doing their part to build a strong community and economy. Never think we are slowing down the development, if anything we are working even harder since launch.
  6. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    Thank you! I'm impressed. And happy to be on Arkadia now :)

    Have a good time!
  7. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    This is wonderful news for crafters, and indeed for the Arkadia economy in general! :)
  8. Calin

    Calin Member

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    So, I'm one of those miners... I've put MANY hours into creating mining maps of Arkadia. I'm also a crafter. Between those two things the changes to the BP's and mineral spawns will mean I've wasted some time, but you know what? I'm thrilled about it!!!!!

    As long as it's a one time change, anything to help Arkadia become more self sufficient is wonderful news!! I'm so glad you are doing this I can't express it enough.

    Thank you for making Arkadia a great home.
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  9. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Not as unprecedented as you might think though. At first when textures were introduced it went really slow. Not a lot of people crafting it, few blueprints looted, high markup costs of ingredients. Then after a week or two MA changed the ingredients of the generic leather texture blueprint into what it is now. I like many others went crazy on skilling that blueprint since it was affordable, resulting in massive blueprints drops, and it made many blueprints affordable and it really jump started the texture crafting.

    Oh and thanks for the comment ofc, glad to see you a bit more on the forum again :)

    Oh and i forgot about the changes to the enhancer blueprints as well, so don't let MA tell you it is 'not done' to change anything.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Good to see this is getting addressed as right now I dont see the system growing much if at all the way it is set up. Hopefully you guys can work something into mining worthy of spending ped on the bigger finders and maybe put some sence of excitement back into mining.

    I dont mind the daily grind of working the fields but an ocassional surprise tends to make that much easier to tolerate.

    Keep up the good work you guys seem to be finding ways of motivating MA to make at least some kind of effort unlike the past.
  11. Calin

    Calin Member

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    This is of tremendous importance. The players (customers) have never really had someone who could stand up to MA and pull for us, and actually did, until now. That willingness to try to get MA moving on things is a huge plus.
  12. tayz

    tayz Member

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    I do have to say, and it may seem pithy to some, but Arkadias players and Management work well together, support each other and communicate at a level basically unheard of in EU.
    Gratz to all, in particular to Arkadias Management - this kind of co-operation is what makes us stronger, more united, and happier than any other planet. That will ultimately bring us the greatest rewards.