Gas Plug Blueprint bugged.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Hagbard Celine, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. Hagbard Celine

    Hagbard Celine New Member

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    I believe there is a bug with the Gas Plug blueprint. Every time I craft Gas Plugs I get "Could not execute. Please try again." at-least each 40 clicks, sometimes as often as every 3-5 clicks.
  2. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    It seems the arkadia crew made the same noob mistake the neverdie crew did.

    when you are crafting an item without a tt bar, the tt cost of the materials must be HIGHER than the tt cost of a single item it creates.

    Trying to craft a 2 ped item out of 1.5 ped of materials just doesnt work.
  3. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Svena's reply has nothing to do with the OP's problem.

    Personally i didn't get those message on that blueprint. When i get the message (in general) it is usually because of a bad connection, Things you could try to solve it are:

    -relog and switch servers
    -stop downloading other stuff while playing EU

    I hope one of those three might help you.
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I'd be extremely surprised if that were the case. If it was, I'd have thought that there'd be more than 1 instance considering the number of blueprints available.

    Thanks Harmony, you beat me to it. Certainly sounds like a lag issue from here. I had something similar happening the other day. Reset my router and relog sorted it.
  5. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    It sounds like I could be wrong on this one case, but I know for a fact that bps that cost less than the item have issues. The classic example is the old style time travel crystal on NI. It was an extreme example, 1.23 tt trying to create a 5 ped item, but it is a very good example of what not to do.

    I also know that from crafting items with tt bars, you often times get successes that are just over or equal to the cost to craft. If it cant give you your item, then you are going to get a partial success or error crafting instead of the item you should have made.

    I did some excel math with what info is in entropedia, the following arkadia bps produce an item with a value greater than the cost to click. There were NO calypso bps that where the cost to click was less than the value of the item.

    • Power Regulator Blueprint
    5 TT item 2.6 TT click 52 % ratio
    • Gas Module Blueprint
    2.25 TT item 1.8 TT click 80 % ratio
    • Extended Bolt Carriage Blueprint
    3 TT item 2.43 TT click 81 % ratio
    • Recoil Stabiliser Blueprint
    2.5 TT item 2.04 TT click 81.6 % ratio
    • Extended Breech Blueprint
    2.7 TT item 2.24 TT click 82.96 % ratio
    • Gas Plug Blueprint
    1.5 TT item 1.26 TT click 84 % ratio
    • Energy Chamber Blueprint
    2 TT item 1.68 TT click 84 % ratio
    • Focusing Lens Blueprint
    2 TT item 1.68 TT click 84 % ratio
    • Flash Suppressor Blueprint
    3.2 TT item 2.7 TT click 84.38 % ratio
    • Feedback Coupling Blueprint
    2.5 TT item 2.16 TT click 86.4 % ratio
    • Stimulation Modulator Blueprint
    3 TT item 2.62 TT click 87.33 % ratio
    • Propellant Booster Blueprint
    2 TT item 1.76 TT click 88 % ratio
    • Propellant Supercharger Blueprint
    1.8 TT item 1.62 TT click 90 % ratio
    • Discharge Module Blueprint
    3.5 TT item 3.28 TT click 93.71 % ratio
    • Intensity Amplifier Blueprint
    3.5 TT item 3.3 TT click 94.29 % ratio

    TLDR; Do some clicks on Power regulator and you should see the effect Im talking about.
  6. Hagbard Celine

    Hagbard Celine New Member

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    I know this message can come from lag. But in the case of the gas-plug I do not believe this is the issue, as the errors do not continue when I switch to crafting something else, and reappear if I start crafting gas-plugs again.
  7. invi

    invi Member

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    I'm experiencing the same thing, only on the gas plug bp so far, I've been crafting for 2 hours without any problems, switch to gas plugs and the "Could not execute" problem starts. Same thing happened yesterday.
  8. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    As mentioned in other threads the Blueprints on Arkadia are currently being reviewed. Thanks for the feedback.
    It looks likely the changes will go through with the next major update in early August.
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  9. MG Mighty

    MG Mighty Member

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    Thank you.
    So that's the reason why increasing the bar to quality increases the % of sucess at least on Creative Juice.
    It is so obvious that is buged that it hurts why isn't fixed yet, but that what I consider a development crew not so intune.

    I haven't done such large reasearch on Arkadia Bp yet

    But if you get a lower sucess rate % and lots of could not execute I wouldn't be to quick to blame connection.