Space: One Fish's Persective

Discussion in 'Space' started by Fishface, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. RavenJade

    RavenJade Active Member

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    I think it's a very interesting concept...
    and I for one never like change ...but even I find this a facinating new development.
    It will just draw more people in to come and investigate and play the game...and that's what we all want right?
    New blood...

    As a vampire....I say YES :)
  2. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    which is another problem, those markers need removing as there worse than the radar as people can now target you even easier now. Whats the point of having no radar if they've attached a massive sign on your ship shouting "I'M HERE"

    As much as being able to get out of the safe zone atm we've barely begun give it a few weeks and people realise that theres easy money to be made by camping the stations then it'll become much harder.

    I'm hoping the warp drive they mentioned is a tp for ships and can bypass pvp totally. If its given to the hangar owners and motherships it will give a safe route for people not wanting to enter lootable pvp, but MA will never tell us this beforehand they'd much rather cause mass panic and huge annoyance to the playerbase first.

    In space your unlikely to be found, JD did a run from Ark to Caly last night and from what I heard he ran into one other person but with no incident as neither had weapons :)
  3. Fishface

    Fishface Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I hear people talking about blockades, about people giving coords in chat, etc, and I just want to elaborate a little bit.

    The blockade:
    Yes, it sounds like a difficult prospect to deal with... Here you are, loaded up with all your ped card sitting in your cargo bay in the form of thin wool. CK is out blockading the safe zone. You finally manage to sneak through to the safe zone, but then you find out that Rockstars is blockading the safe zone at the destination. What will you do? How can you cope? So you work your way around to the other side of the safe zone only to find out that your passenger has tipped them off, and they swarm you and kill you.

    This is the mental image, but in reality, it's just impossible.
    Many people have had experience with a pvp TP on land. The PK'ers camp the TP, and as you walk by, they shoot you in the back. That's the mental image that most people seem to have of PK in EU.

    Space is a brand new game. Imagine that you are trying to get out of the safe zone. It's not like trying to get out of a TP. It's more like trying to get out of the fort troy peninsula. How many Tax Collectors would it take to blockade the entire peninsula? How many CK would it take to blockade the Ithaca Island? How many RockStars would it take to change a lightbulb?

    It would take a lot. And that's just on dry land. Now imagine a sphere, the same size as the peninsula, island, or lightbulb. They would literally have to have thousands of people in order to blockade. Many thousands. And even if they have your coords, by the time they reach you, you are gone. The shortest distance is a straight line, and you, as the pilot, will always have the straight line. There's no TP chip. They can't get to you. Even if they have a spy in your craft with you, it's just not possible. It's too big. It's too 3d. And by the time you are close to your destination, it's not PVP anymore.

    As a reference point, consider Amethera Continent. Now consider all of the Airspace 1km above it that you can fly. Now stack 8-10 of those on top of each other, including the airspace. You would have a large stack of amethera atmospheres, 8-10 km high. Space is bigger than that.

    I flew from Arkadia Space Station over to Calypso Space Station last night, weaving my way from safe zone to safe zone. It took 14 minutes, of which i was never in PVP for more than about 2 minutes at a time (in a quad)

    Hope any of this helps to clarify.

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  4. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm pretty sure ive seen a movie before about vampires in space.
  5. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    First: BIG Thanks for Anhithe and Pusherman (Planet Express) to give me my first ride on space... and what a space-noob I was! Not going into details, but I think I managed to make all the mistakes one could, while in space :p

    Thanks for the patience with me, Anhithe and Pusherman! :)

    I got the chance to fly Pushermans Quad-Wing back from Calypso to Arkadia and one thing is for sure... it's not easy with a laptop and a mousepad, when some of the controls mentioned on spaceguide, needs a regular mouse-wheel... but if there's other laptop owners out there with their VTOL's or Quad-Wings ready, try flying it in 3rd person mode. I found that much more easier that way.

    Oh, and don't wave that cursor too carelessly... I got all dizzy during the first minutes when trying to figure out how to maneuver that ship with poor controls (laptops mousepad) and 3D enviroment (which was also new for me) and no, didn't see another ship on Our way to Calypso or back to Arkadia. In space-stations and near them, yes....but outside safe-zones, no other ships around. Not that I noticed any.

    Granted, not that many out there yet + like said on this thread already... it's gonna be really, really hard to find anyone out there even if You would suddenly spot that marker on the edge of Your screen pointing towards a ship somewhere nearby. Especially if that someone is fleeing away and not just sitting still and waiting You to take careful aim etc.... At least it would take far more than just a "few" hours of flying around there to get some "feel" how to find Your way, find others or maneuver Your own ship in that 3D enviroment.

    Odd place, that Space, but I think I will try my luck there in future, once I manage to get one of those Space Thrusters with 5ped tt-value and/or one of those Quad-Wings...

    I think I got hooked on that 2x faster speed than my VTOL :)

    I agree with Fish on this. One has to get chance to fly there on their own to know what its like. Not that bad place after all, once You've got the chance to get there... at least once.

    -- Hyssch --

    btw. Fish.. I saw You on spacestation out there, with Your ship ;)
  6. Danton

    Danton Active Member Pro Users

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    Look at the prices of thruster and how many of that are available atm. Then you will know why you don't see much ppl flying around in space.....

    If hundreds ot thrusters to a "normal" price will be available, it will change numbers of ppl in space in a massive way.
  7. lokiscamaro

    lokiscamaro Member

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    thrusters, welding wire, and enhancers should be cheap and easy to acquire lets hope the balancing manager is on his toes......
  8. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    He seems to be, but no in PP's favor. :D