Sorry to bring this up but it's a little retarded imo to need welding wire for all repairs now. It wouldn't be to bad if resources to make the wire were common to all planets... but no they need a resource from RT... Lysterium, Ospra, Alternative, and sweat. wtg making a fun thing a pain in the ass.. Sorry not A teams fault, but just seems kinda stupid imo. No biggy for me but i will run places now, just extra hassle to get wires so i won't bother as paying mark up for repairs just bites as penny pinching. Discuss
My theory... Most people never bring their vehicle into pvp = no vehicle decay. Most (non-skilling) people avoid damaging their vehicle in non-pvp = no vehicle decay. Now, the occasional bump/scrape/bang on the VTOL, Valk, whatever... will be a HUGE deal because you won't be able to just use a cheap tool to beef up the structural points... You'll need something with an ingredient from fucktardland (ROCKtropia). Which, of course, will promote travel and trade (and hence, decay and ped spent to MA traveling through spaaaaaaaaaaaccceeeeeeeeeee.....) to fucktardland. :soangry:
Maybe better try a herb box. Makes you cool down (But not smoke) Every VU comes with new things. Wondered in the past i need no comps for repair. Is ok for me. This way noobs can make wires for more profit than sweat I always knew Neverdie likes slaves. I noticed first time i killed a skeleton on Rocktopia ;P [removed] P.S plz someone put us a screenshot of a bulk of noobs at the Manufacturing-Terminal @ RT Plz. Plz. Plz!!!!!
Not a bug! ... it's something you now need to add to your vehicle repair kit in order to heal its structural integrity, and welding wire requires 4 ingredients if I'm not mistaken, and the ingredients are not all on one planet - go figure.
oh I see that now, wtf are they thinking? or are they thinking of sweaters now when people will begin to TP more? lol
Well, if Welding Wire bp uses Ospra too... I bet someone is cursing somewhere else (Calypso, RT) for that's an Arkadian ore... and NI players have to curse on everyone, for no new space-bp uses NI resources so far? Well, that might not get that loud anyway... 4 players on a big planet with some apes -- Hyssch --
Guess I'll go back to running and using tp chips then. btw a note to the Arkadia dev team, can you make night a little less dark as I drove off two cliffs last night in my Valkyrie and if I do that now I won't be able to repair it.
Yes but there are larges areas covered in vegetation that throws shadows over the ground which makes everything almost black. And when your motoring along the distance the lights work only give just enough time to stop. It's not bad outside of the vegetation and away from any shadows.
I'm sorry... I still find it funny that you drove off a cliff... twice, even! Valk is THE fastest land vehicle available... Maybe: Trade it in for a hovercraft? A little less pedal to the metal? Don't drive at night? Once again, there was some welding wire on auction. I've already bought a small amount which should be enough to last me several months. Then again, I don't drive off cliffs.
Oh for the love of Lootius I TTed over 500 Alternative Ingot last night because I doubted I would be back to RT anytime soon. Guess I shouldn't use those Ospra I had stocked up anytime soon It's 5, and we over through the apes and replaced them with androids, the androids are easier to do business with, they don't fling poo at us
Funniest part about needing welding wire is that it's stackable, which means if you get PK'd in space they can loot your welding wire and leave you stuck at revival with a ship you can't repair lol
Well this game is designed for the rich and everythjing in it gets steered directly to them.... Gathering looted welding wire could be very profitable for someone who owns a big ship...Think about it... their repairs would be neary free....Nice little payback on investment from MA to them at our expense.