Epic Battle: Defend the Fort

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Tikki, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. Tikki

    Tikki Member

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    Dear Arkadia Team,
    I think it would be cool to have a "contest" but one related to life on Arkadia. Since we are on a hostile planet it would be cool if the colonists were called on to defend the fort against swarms of the bad guys. Over a 2 day period wave after wave of enemy troops (lots and lots please) would pour onto the spit of land connecting the fort with the mainland.

    Colonists would have roughly a 5 hour window of when it would happen and then the air raid siren going off and explosions would let everyone know battle was joined. With battle cries, banners, and a good ole bugle charge the enemy would come racing across at the fort supported by a light artillery barrage.

    Meanwhile the army and the colonists would take up arms. Groups would be made based on society or whatever and each group would have to man and defend a post on the wall. (Perhaps breaches caused by enemy artillery fire)

    For 30 mins to an hour of fierce fighting we would have to hold out.

    For rewards there could be a treasure map. But not just a whole one but pieces of one spread through each wave so people would have to gather and work together. Also some cool random stuff like a shirt with "I will survive" or something funny like that.

    Fun additions would be gatlin gun positions and cannons that people could use. (Free ammo with slow reload but you get no loot just the fun of shooting) ;)

    Anyway this would be cool in the first few months of its opening.
  2. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    I admit, this could be fun, but there would be an enormous amount of ammo being used. If you have the money to do it, fine, but not everyone will invest in a battle just to say they were there. It's true that EU and Arcadia will all have ammo centers to buy ammo, its one of their main incomes, including repairs at the repair terminals and all mining supplys. None of these things can be made, just bought, so for the battle your mentioning, it might well cost a hundred dollars US to take part. That's a nice memory, but I won't be there, too expensive for me.
  3. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    I really like this idea. Having missions that are very unique to Planet Arkadia and have to do with the storyline would be really awesome. Defending a fort from invaders would be one example of a great event. Have all the participants gain access to some sort of clue for a treasure, or have some sort of fun piece of clothing (maybe some sort of item "looted" from the attackers).

    I disagree that you would have to take a lot of money to participate. Shoot what you can, then stop and enjoy the rest of the battle. If you had 50 ped ammo and the mobs were on shared loot, you should be able to cycle loot for ammo for awhile at least. Just use a smaller weapon if you had to so you could make the ammo last.

    Bring on the fort invasions!

    That just reminded me of a really fun "flash" game I used to play, called Castle Defense. Some of the ideas from that could be used in a Fort Defense scenario on Planet Arkadia.

    Have waves of enemies attack the fort. On Wave 1, it's very easy. Have easy level mobs that people can easily defend against. As the wave number increases, increase the difficulty of the mobs and the amount of mobs attacking.

    After each wave, have a small period in time for the defenders to regroup. As well, defenders could have a certain amount of "time points" or some sort of amount of credits that can be used for upgrades to the fort.

    Upgrades could include:

    Wall Repair
    Wall Upgrade
    Turret Installation (Then Turret Upgrade)

    The upgrades would be based on a group decision from the defenders (maybe give them ~ 3 minutes to vote for their choice on some sort of voting menu). The upgrades would be installed quickly before the next wave.

    The waves would continue until either the defenders win or get overrun.

    That would be so much fun.
  4. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Haha Larkin - I loved Castle Defense - haven't played it for ages. That's a cool idea. *goes and plays it again*
  5. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    :D Yeah I loved it too! I need to play it again sometime soon :)
  6. Tikki

    Tikki Member

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    Yes I dont think it would be too expensive. After all the waves would be a short period of time and your gun can only fire so fast so there is max amount of ammo you can use. Bring out as much ammo as you can and if you run out you could always play medic.

    Love the Castle references. :) I wasnt thinking necessarily quite like that- more of random wave strength and variations of mature, guardian, alpha etc. But that is the general concept. With the new story that comes out it would work perfect as the first mission group for the launch. I do like the idea of repairing wall sections or buying a turret. For each defending team the leader could represent the group and then as you said they could vote on what to do. Maybe we can call in an airstrike? Or a team could earn the right to call in an airstrike.

    Also to make it easier I think that the loot should be gathered automatically for you. If you have 5 dead mobs and 20 more coming out you who has time to collect?

    Anyway would be cool to see.
  7. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Yeah! Great ideas for the "defense" scenario! Indeed it would be easier if the mobs were auto-looted in a scenario like this. An airstrike would be pretty sick. Or how about an artillery strike? Or the best of them all: An orbital bombardment! Call in coordinates for the big ships in orbit to pound the living hell out of. Awesome :)
  8. Tikki

    Tikki Member

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    Forum what do you think?

    All of those would be so cool!

    I think the main goal would be to build community and a sense of pride in defending this fort. For noobs and experienced players it would have more meaning. It would be a great way to get to know people and maybe would be the great start of new societies just for Arkadia.

    For those crafters and people good at repair maybe what was looted can be used to build or repair some guns (artillery, machine gun or equivalent in plasma) which could be used before the next wave comes.

    Miners could help by getting ores needed to rebuild wall breaches or repair guns. I think there is a way to include everybody.

    Posters way in on this idea please. Would love to see how people feel.
  9. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    That's another great idea! Miners bring the raw resources needed for the repairs, crafters make the repairs, and hunters keep the enemies off their backs while they do so!

    Another idea even, maybe the whole purpose of this scenario could be something like this:

    A new forward base (or outpost etc.) needs to be established in hostile enemy territory. Secure the area, and begin construction.

    With this scenario, there is a "real" goal that the colonists have to accomplish. First, they need to move into the area and secure a perimeter. Second, they need the miners and crafters to work together to construct the actual base, while the hunters hold the attackers at bay. Third, maybe once the base is actually finished, everyone needs to hold the line until "reinforcements" arrive. Maybe it takes a few hours for the teleporter to be constructed inside the base, and it needs to be defended until it finishes and more soldiers arrive through the TP. After everything is completed, there would be a new location/teleporter to go to on the planet :)

    I think something like that would be so much fun to coordinate and participate in.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    This sounds realy incredible and would probably do really well in another game. Sadly the RCE factor shoots this in the foot badly. I would love to expand territories like this but the costs to do something on this scale would be even more then the costs of doing the landgrab.

    For something like this to be even started we would need crafting skills for building design and be able to make simple structures like hts and thn move on to housing long nefore a massive construction undertaking like a base could be possible. This Does however open the door to these engineering skills to be developed by Arkadia's team of developers. Then they have to rely on MA to code these skills and processes...Im not even gonna go past this point.

    But yeah something on this scale would be a blast if it were feasable by the gaming engine we have.
  11. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    sounds like a very nice idea to me... but couldn't do it with more than 12 ppl (aka full team) I guess or the servers would just faint. That would take a lot of realism away but can´t help that if MA doesn´t upgrade servers. So could be "Arkadia´s beacon" when the system has been implemented.
  12. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Well the shared loot would fit nicely in a scenario like this.

    I would agree that MA needs to upgrade the servers though :D
  13. Zeke

    Zeke New Member

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    MA's servers can handle this level happily, robot war at hadesheim springs to mind tons of players and several hundred mobs at one time. :)
  14. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    yeah and pioneer also made a comment on pcf about merry mayhem this year that he thought the servers were gonna fry due to so many mobs and players! at least i remember it something like that...
  15. Tikki

    Tikki Member

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    Well looks like the Akardia team has the "defend the fort" system down pat. Wont be much left for us to defend. "sigh" But maybe that means we can retake some forts or storm some bad guy forts along the way. Plus it seems that with the new "land grabs" and fort defensive strategy the servers will be able to handle this quite well. Look forward to seeing what the world will be like!
  16. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Aww damn, unless the Oratan launches a bigger attack? :D

    I think the fort battles were a cool update :)
  17. Mogon

    Mogon Member

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    First thing I thought when they did the update yesterday was the forts in Arkadia...this system would be perfect. In Arkadia it would be more PvE though.