Oweko AI

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Dragon Moon, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    I predict that after this last VU the Oweko will be the least hunted mob on Arkadia, if their AI will stay as it is now.

    It's very bad that they have the same high aggro as Atrox, but do much more damage and hit more often. Because of that, the density of the spawn and the re-spawn is a bit over the top. I had to tag them with a Marber to make sure to get only one of them at my sorrow ass.

    I'm using Gremlin and 5B's with level 31 evader and can rarely kill a lvl 30 provider without fapping at least three times, let alone two of them...or even four.

    And if that wasn't enough, there are frequent Ninja spawns. And not just one Oweko...up to four of them. I knew by now how far away from the Outpost [SE in the desert] the spawn starts and stay far enough away to not trigger aggro from others nearby when I tag one. Tonight it happened three times in 20 minutes of hunting that I tagged one, and when I had it at very low health, with now other Oweko in near sight, 3-4 others suddenly appeared and came running towards me, even from behind where normally never is a mob at that place, and decayed me nicely before killing me.

    When I teleported back to get the low health one at least, I once again needed the Marber to be on the safe side, since the Justifier MKII with a 70 m range didn't cut it.

    And the sour topping of it all.... adjusting the loot for the Owekos seems to have gone the wrong way..their average loot is less than before, and barely pays for ammo, let alone the very high decay on armor and fap. As it is now, this is NOT a mob for mid-level players, as indicated by the mob's level display. And it's for sure not an Uber-Mob either.

    In short...the best looking mob so far on Arkadia...is terrible f'cked up IMO. :(
  2. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Sadly i have to agree :(

    with 155 HP and 32 in evade it is difficult to fap them out...
    ok they reduced the hp from owekos but they hit way to hard.......(it feels like atrox alpha and above ;))
    so two choices.....lower the hitrate or put a bit more loot in to cover the higher ammount on decay :)

    .....and yes i hunt on my LvL, and yes i tried other mobs, and no i wont hunt baby mobs...coz i wouldnt hunt snables on caly why should i hunt something similar on ark ;)
  3. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Hi Dragon!

    First: I like your avatar image! So true! :p

    Second: It seems that mobs on Arkadia were unbalanced regarding other planets. Yes they were cool from player pov, but from MA's pov they were unbalanced. Now that they've been "adjusted" (hmm, reminds me of the time when regen first came on mobs ^_^ ) this is not the same for sure. Regarding loot, I'd say less players spending peds on a mob (or does it work with area?) = less loot on that mob (or area?). Doesn't seem weird, just normal EU crap, bye bye Arkadia launch frenzy! :'(

    Ninja spawn is just f***ing anoying, I agree totally! Now even Oro spawn right on you for extra decay/damage/fapping/ped-sucking shit.
    A-Team plz ask MA to fix this asap. It's been happening for quite some time now, even on that other planet we came from, so I hope it's not on purpose. It just adds too much to the unpredictableness (to the entropy) of the system. How the heck are we supposed to survive like this?
    For the aggro, seems the wildlife on Arkadia has learned that Settlers can be dangerous. At first they were anaware of the danger, thus peaceful. Now they know that man = possible danger, so they defend themselves, and you know the best defense is attack ;).

    Try some other "adjusted" mob, maybe you could find some that fits you better now. We're the first colonists of Arkadia, we have to explore, find things that work etc. This is a new planet after all. In EU nothing is easy, remember? ;)
    You know, playing at your level blahblah....

    Maybe oweko just became a "team" mob? Or high-mid-lvl mob?

    Hope you hang on and find something that suits you.

    I'm not a fanboy of any sort... just trying to stay positive. ;)


    edit: not trying to say you should hunt baby mobs ofc ;)
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  4. Grrrrr

    Grrrrr Member

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    That is the concern I have, high density spawn + extreme agro + ninja spawn just don't mix well for me at all. It's not just with Owecko, with most mobs you'll encounter this.

    I guess a re-balance is in order? :confused:
  5. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    Thanks :) Isn't it?

    I know all that, I'm aware of all that. :) And "general adjustment" is okay with me, but the Oweko seem to have gotten all "adjustments" that were possible..and then some. :) It's overkill IMO.

    LOL ya those meanies. But the aggro was not my point...the RANGE of the aggro is. If I can't tag one with a Justifier MKII without getting 3 others at my ass...well... how are people without Marber supposed to hunt them?

    In EU most things are easy..what did I miss? I'm on Arkadia from the very first day and explored the whole place in the first three days. I even popped out a map with all the bells and whistles after that. (Is in the Geography forum) I've seen and hunted every mob, before and after the VU, and I could and still can hunt the low maturity of most of them. I'm hunting Huons up to Guards still with Gremlin or Jaguar and 5B without alot decay or fapping. So no problem there.

    Would you agree that a lvl 30 Oweko is within my level, with almost lvl 67 laser pistoleer, lvl 31 evade, 164 hp and 83 agility? :D

    No, Oweko became a f'cked up mob. And a team better knows how to handle a "team of Owekos". :(

    I did not whine, so why would I not hang in there? I just posted a "feedback" in the Feedback forum. I love Arkadia, I don't plan to leave anytime soon, most mob are fine for me, even after the "adjustment", loot is ok for me too, people are nice. I'm the opposite of a fan boy, and I don't try to stay positive..I AM positive! :p

    I joined in 2008 and I'm just having fun when I play, which can be 4-8 weeks at a stretch, before I get bored and play real life or something else for a few weeks...rinse ..repeat. It's all good. But MA itself still sucks! What a bunch of unprofessional sleeping pills. ;)

    HAH...don't you dare.... :D
  6. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    ....and even with a marber it is hard work:) coz if you have 3 or more on you they place 2 others on your head :) just for fun :)
  7. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    Mweh I rather like them that way =). Bit of no more mindless hunts. And i am lvl 30 evader and lvl 54 rifle Soooooo. Maybe try bigger gun, dmg enchancers ? bigger armor then gremmy+5b ? Btw i got to fap too but i had to fap on atroxies too (ninja spawns of 10 youngs) but I kinda like them. First they where kinda easy even with the high hp .. now they are tough and cool. That big knife on their foreheads is made to cut and slice hunters .. no wonder
  8. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    ..nothing against a challenge, nothing against tougher mobs....nothing against fapping ;) I m not stingy :)
    but in my eyes owekos are mid LvL mobs (or should be) and i wont wear a high end armor for them ....mid LvL mobs = mid LvL armor.....
    otherwise i can put my sparta on and hunt Yukas.....:)
  9. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thanks for the feedback, we'll take a look at the Oweko aggression, it does seem to have been adjusted too high. The only other thing changed on Oweko was the HP was lowered slightly, making them easier to kill.

    I'll follow up MA on the ninja spawns, see what we can get done.
  10. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Thx David ;) I love the good communication here :)
  11. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    Ninja spawn is the best part of the game. Please keep it. It is one of the few things where skills make a difference. I know most will hate me for that... but you should have some use for skills for a change.
  12. Bogger

    Bogger Member

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    Nonsense it is just extra decay
  13. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    come on Black Hawk.........i know you dont need a fapper, but feel free to fap me if i stumble in such a spawn ;)
  14. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    A good example of why the L ratings are stupid.

    If you're saying that a mob is too hard for you, then clearly it isn't suited to your level. The L numbers are irrelevant. Actual performance is what's important.
  15. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Not that I hunted them after the vu, but had a feeling they got ninja spawns when I tried to scan some to update entro, please get MA to get rid of this STUPID thing the ninja spawns is what is the worst thing ever, both hunter view and PR view...

    Exactly Bogger. If you want a challenge BlackHawk, run in and not tag that way your skills matter just as much as if MA spawns 4 more on your ass if you like that.

    Or shouldn't mid level players be able to hunt 500hp mobs?

    wow finally someone that agrees with me, remove those stupid L numbers :D
  16. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    Thanks for the reply, David.

    Can't we give feed back about things that don't seem to be right after the VU, without everybody saying... this mob is too hard for you, hunt within your level...blabla? Did my post look like whining? Sorry but English isn't my first language, I just tried to state facts. :D

    I'll try again:
    The spawn in question is young-guardians [lvl 23-32] and NOT providers and up. I can hunt them just fine.... if I have just one or maybe two providers on me...or even 4-5 youngs. And I hunted them without plates before...and it was just fine. It still is easy to kill them because the hp is lower.

    I can take down high hp mob like Huon and Teladon with the very same setup (but only two 5B plates!) without big effort or fapping. So what is wrong with the picture?

    It's neither fun nor a challenge to hunt those low level mobs because of the high aggro range and the Ninjas. It's more than ONE ninja mob most of the time that spawns on you, even when you are far away from the main spawn and there was no other mob close by before. I like challenges, that's why I never hop into my VTLO when I'm having a hard time with a mob. But Owekos are not a challenge and turned into a money sink.

    IMO...with this aggro range and the ninjas the spawn should be young - old ONLY and not young - guardians and the rare appearance of a dominant, just like the Atrox. This spawn is NOT too hard for me, Oleg...it's annoying and more expensive now. And as Jenny said...shouldn't a 500 hp mob [irregardless of the lvl tag] be suitable for mid level players like me WITHOUT all the annoyance, wasted time and high decay and the "500 hp shitty loot" on top of it?

    Who of the above commentors did actually hunt them before and after VU?
  17. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    Bigger armor for 500-800 hp mob and a bigger gun? I kill the youngs with 4-6 shots and the providers with 12-14 shots maybe, amped HL8 or HL11. I took enhancers off because of overkill. I'd think those guns are big enough, no?

    It's the amount of mob with a high hit rate at your ass at any given time , if you don't have a high range tagger or if 4-5 ninjas (old or providers) decide to spawn between you and the outpost, where normally never was a mob. :D You can NOT compare them to atrox unfortunately. Atrox don't hit that hard and especially not that often, and the spawns are rarely that dense. 6 or more atrox young-mature chewing at me hasn't been a problem since 2 years. :D

    Anyway, I give up explaining what I think is a problem. And after looking at my tracker, I think I'll go and hunt tougher and more challenging mob again instead. ;)
  18. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    Too expensive = too hard. They are the same thing.
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  19. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    It's "more expensive"...not "too expensive". :D And "more expensive" is not = "harder", at least not for me.
  20. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Thx a lot Mr Dobson! :)

    Ssshhhhhhttttt! Are you mad? they gonna get you! hheemmm what are skills for? (j/k) ;)

    Beware of the L! :D

    @Dragon Moon: I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way, it seems I misread a little your post, and rushed into replying :p
    I haven't hunted Owekos yet so yes, what can I say. It seems from your last posts that they turned into huge uber Calypso Merps :soangry:
    That sucks! Oro's are like those little red bastards now, so I can't imagine how a bigger red bastard is a pita :surrender:

    GL in your fight (with Owekos ;) )
