Nice! Great addition. Lee is so arrogant and blind! What a crazy fool going off alone Again, I can't wait for the next one!
You're certainly not the only one. This just gets better and better... P.S. Any chance of a movie? Cryengine certainly has the capability for it...
This just keeps getting better. This will be a great planet to be on, lots of excitement. Can't wait. I like the movie idea too. A printed book would be nice too, with artwork of course.
yes i was thinking about create a short movie. i've a knowlege to do that, but not enought hands and computers. has less than... Cyrus, can i have some caracter disign ? ! Nice story French translation half down.
Glad you guys like the story. Of course, I love the movie idea as well. We'll just have to see how it goes. For now, we'll be concentrating on producing a really good story and have it compiled to an e-book of sorts so its gonna be easy to share around. And Ifuri, the character designs will come out in good time. Appreciate the patience. Thanks for the translation again =) Cheers, Cyrus