No more teleporting between planets - space travel only

Discussion in 'Entropia Universe' started by Manny, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    Paying is fine. I don't mind the tp fee as it stands now. Spending a significant amount of time waiting for a ride and risking a PVP zone is not. I will pick a planet and park myself there. I know ppl are not happy with Calypso but that's the biggest economy as of now. Calypso auction has 4x the activity of Ark and Ark bps are essentially useless. What moves on Ark auction is "old school" minerals like lyst, narc, blaus, etc. Check the orders page for kaz, yulerium, etc....there are no orders. Calypso auction order pages leads 18 to 3 over Ark. There are no orders on any of the other auctions.

    I like Ark and hope that space will juice up the economy. As of now, Calypso is where I am headed unless the economy on Ark picks I think it will. RT, NI, AG, FOMA & CP are out simply because there is no economic activity barring the huge occasional hofs on CP & FOMA.
  2. Bluebard

    Bluebard Member

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    Looks like any new PPs that come on line are going to have their work cut out for them. Arkadia tapped a large existing player base that had no problem paying to use a TP to visit.

    With this change, that player base will be considerably smaller. Most just won't want to be bothered with all the hassle of getting there.

    Good luck Cyrene.
  3. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    I was thinking exactly this earlier today.

    New PP's may have it a tad rougher from here on out.
  4. red

    red Member

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    I'm certain there will be a few pilots who will be more interested in transporting people at minimum risk for a fair price.

    as usual, they won't likely be the ones shouting their advertizing and insisting on line-protocol. so, I guess, one will have to find a pilot and work with them to find the most effective transportation methods. flying on demand is usually a budget killer.
  5. Calin

    Calin Member

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    So, have I missed something? Do current hangar owners know what their part will be in all this? It kinda looks to me like they are being cut out of the transport loop.
  6. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    a friend of mine is a pilot...he got a invite to visit the space 2 weeks ago;) but no one from the officials which where there could answer the question HOW this whole space thing will work for hangarowners:shrug:
  7. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    my thoughts

    From the way I read this, Mother ships aren't needed to just get to the asteroid bases or Chrystal palace, but from planet to planet. So, shuttle pilots..those with hangers will have short range business while they can NOT fly to other worlds. So MA split the business into short and long range work. They also wont let you fly a medium fighter between worlds, so you have to dock to a MS hanger owners still have short range work, mother ships have long range work, and fighters are for.....PVP? Still not too clear on that.

    Can they be used for orbital mining, or fighting npc enemys? If their only for PVP fights, then MA has a problem, I'd like to have one if their VTOL..but I dont do PVP..ever...on any unless we can attack NPC's with them, they're just a newer version of the vtol for us miners and hunters.

    MY suggestion to MA..make NPC's able to fire on passing ships, vtols and fighters and us able to return fire, it stimulates the economy and makes flying more fun.:fineprint:
  8. Milesio

    Milesio Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    I think travel space with mothership can be as a bus or plane travel long distance. If ship capacity is 50 with crew+passengers, can pass some time at Twin until crew sell all tickets for do a full travel.

    "Selling tickets for Roctropia, Next Island, and Arkadia, you can pay 50% less but wait if we cannot full all seats".

    Or sell a VIP travel with more 1000 ped?

    And PVP in space, perhaps mothership can launch some medium fighters or VTOL with weapons for fight pirates, and gunners inside do the work too. But if fighters are destroyed, if all gunner weapons are failed, the pirates can board mothership and then all passengers will must combat for save stackable items in carried inventory.

    Really as all Mindark changes we cannot know nothing untill Update arrive.
  9. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    yea looks like the new mothership owners will be the ones transporting people. Space as it's been explained so far scares me and i hope that in 2 weeks i will be surprised that it is done well.

    To me right now it looks like hangar owners will just get a pimped VTOL that can carry more ppl probably still only 4+ Pilot. So you will have to pay a pilot to goto space to get to a mothership and then the pay the mothership to get you to the planet and then pay for ammo while on the mothership to keep your mothership from getting destroyed and if you are destroyed or something then you will have to probably go through the whole thing again.

    I hope i'm TOTALLY wrong.
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  10. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    The present system is go to tp, select destination, go....

    If people want the journey, fine, give them the option. I just want to get there fast without a 1000 ped VIP trip. Short of a simple and quick travel, I think any new system will just kill travel after the shine wears off and people will pick a planet to camp.

    We'll see in a few days what they have in mind.
  11. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    My thoughts on this matter are exactly along the same lines as Yours and after reading this thread, looks like there's few others too.

    I hope space is not gonna be lootable for PvP and there's still some hope for those who want just to travel. There were those Cryopod Rooms on bigger ships?

    Maybe those who stay in stasis-like state on those Cryopods, will be considered just gargo and won't have to take part on anything that happens during that flight through space? Not sure what happens if Mothership with passengers inside those Cryopods, gets blown to smithereens... are they self-sustainable emergency pods, that travel to agreed destination on their own, even if the Mothership gets blown away?

    But if it _is_ lootable... one might spot this line on forum sales-thread:

    "Looted Cryopod for sale. Passanger: Hyssch / Carried inventory totals around 30peds, for more info on items carried by passenger, send me a PM... )


    -- Hyssch --
  12. Bluebard

    Bluebard Member

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    LOL - nice! What is the markup on that?:p
  13. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    There's a steady supply of noobs, so MU won't get that high. If space is lootable, I guess noobs get stackable :p

    New item for auc. 2 noobs refined to 1 Orange Juice. Item description: "Space Pirates use OJ combined with IRL Booze to enjoy the fruits of their hard labour"

    -- Hyssch --
  14. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There are two reasons space will fail in a MAJOR way.

    First the same reason that any pvp in mmorpgs fails. Ping. Players that live in countries that border where theservers are will be the only ones using it because they have the speed advantage over all else. People with a ping over 25ms have no need to be involved in pvp specially in an RCE environment. To do so is financial suicide. now take a person with a 25 ms ping operatin a ship full of players with 134 to 300ms pings...its a freakin night mare..It aint like lagging from a moving VTOl we are talkin about now. one will travel thru a pvp zone even if it is non lootable because of the time inconvienience for their travel. It will be hard enough getting travel arranged in a resonable amount of time let alone dealing with space battle delays, the possibility of a death and loss of a ship not to mention the uncertainty of where you will end up. This all adds to more time taken from what the player realy wants to do.

    Space will be fun for about 7 minutes compared to the fort events that lasted 5 minutes. Leaving only hard core pvp'rs and the bored rich people out there making the rest of the playing community frustrated and bored for keepin us from doing what we like in more then one place. But onme this is for sure...Rich Swedish and people from close to Sweden will proabaly enjoy space along with all the other convieniences they currently enjoy.
  15. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    Ehrm the servers aren´t in sweden. I think it was holland? :confused: Obviously you won´t notice any difference across Europe atleast anyway. So I don´t really get the point with the ping. The only problem I see is that we will be "forced" into PVP which sucks big time. I hope they will change that so we only have some PVP areas. I can see some resellers making A LOT of profit on ressources not available on certain planets.... congratulations in advance... :rolleyes: Well I think I will stay on Arkadia with what I have. I guess my activity level will be much much lower if a planet trip costs more than 40ped or involves risk of loosing more...
  16. Miles

    Miles New Member

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    Um, guys and gals, can we wait a week, please? I see a collective freak out building based primarily on wild speculation, poor reading comprehension, and the theory of general negativity.

    Space is designed to bridge the different planets, permitting trade and travel, but slowing it down so that the whole universe is more than just a bunch of TP's. EU is intended to be a universe, consisting of distinct planets, with interplanetary travel will done by traveling though space in ships.

    Next week we will know so much more about the different types of ships, their initial capabilities and limitations, and how game play will be set up for space. Until then, there is no need to get all worked up into a fearful frenzy - unless you're into that kind of thing.


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  17. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    I don't know about you all but I'm thinking more along the lines of EVE online.. with IFN space.. the bordering regions and the outer regions... with it getting less and less safe as you exit IFN space. ... each PP would then own areas that they build within there regions..expanding and contracting PP areas as more are built and space fills out. Each would have there own set security level and PvPers are hunted like rogues. ...meh just my thought ..but its become apparent within the Calypso forums that most posters freak out first and think of the worst possibilities before bringing optimistic constructive thoughts to the table. Sounds like its all going to be good fun though. :D
  18. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    If you play normal FPS then you experience a lot difference if the servers are in your own country or one or two coutnries away. Anyway ping is only one of the factors. It's anyway currently impossible to have a good PVP experience with 32player+ for a normal DSL user... and here we talk about 50 players on each ship. This sounds great in PR but makes PVP anyway unplayable... so the space ships will have a lot rubberbanding or the hit boxes will be not where you expect them.

    Whoever wants to play real PVP doesn't play a MMO because of these reasons.
  19. Mayana

    Mayana Member

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    Not at all interested in pvp and long journeys through to see the new update where mobs aggro on Arkadia makes me not want to go there anymore because it's nothing different than Calypso anymore....I'm a miner and want a place where i'm not bothered to shoot anything while mining...Arkadia was great for that but now sounds to be a carbon copy of calypso..
  20. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Not that I explored the wild yet today, but I think there is still loads of grounds without mobs as they at least used to stick to their specific spawn areas, and I dont find that on calypso, just some small places on amethera